.. module:: flask Session Interface ----------------- .. versionadded:: 0.8 The session interface provides a simple way to replace the session implementation that Flask is using. .. currentmodule:: flask.sessions .. autoclass:: SessionInterface :members: .. autoclass:: SecureCookieSessionInterface :members: .. autoclass:: SecureCookieSession :members: .. autoclass:: NullSession :members: .. autoclass:: SessionMixin :members: .. autodata:: session_json_serializer This object provides dumping and loading methods similar to simplejson but it also tags certain builtin Python objects that commonly appear in sessions. Currently the following extended values are supported in the JSON it dumps: - :class:`~markupsafe.Markup` objects - :class:`~uuid.UUID` objects - :class:`~datetime.datetime` objects - :class:`tuple`\s .. admonition:: Notice The ``PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME`` config key can also be an integer starting with Flask 0.8. Either catch this down yourself or use the :attr:`~flask.Flask.permanent_session_lifetime` attribute on the app which converts the result to an integer automatically.