.. module:: flask Useful Functions and Classes ---------------------------- .. data:: current_app Points to the application handling the request. This is useful for extensions that want to support multiple applications running side by side. This is powered by the application context and not by the request context, so you can change the value of this proxy by using the :meth:`~flask.Flask.app_context` method. This is a proxy. See :ref:`notes-on-proxies` for more information. .. autofunction:: has_request_context .. autofunction:: copy_current_request_context .. autofunction:: has_app_context .. autofunction:: url_for .. function:: abort(code) Raises an :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException` for the given status code. For example to abort request handling with a page not found exception, you would call ``abort(404)``. :param code: the HTTP error code. .. autofunction:: redirect .. autofunction:: make_response .. autofunction:: after_this_request .. autofunction:: send_file .. autofunction:: send_from_directory .. autofunction:: safe_join .. autofunction:: escape .. autoclass:: Markup :members: escape, unescape, striptags