
RegexpChunkParser.__init__(rules, chunk_label=u'NP', root_label=u'S', trace=0)[source]

Construct a new RegexpChunkParser.

  • rules (list(RegexpChunkRule)) – The sequence of rules that should be used to generate the chunking for a tagged text.
  • chunk_label (str) – The node value that should be used for chunk subtrees. This is typically a short string describing the type of information contained by the chunk, such as "NP" for base noun phrases.
  • root_label (str) – The node value that should be used for the top node of the chunk structure.
  • trace (int) – The level of tracing that should be used when parsing a text. 0 will generate no tracing output; 1 will generate normal tracing output; and 2 or higher will generate verbose tracing output.