1.1.6. patsy.cr

patsy.cr(x, df=None, knots=None, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, constraints=None)

Generates a natural cubic spline basis for x (with the option of absorbing centering or more general parameters constraints), allowing non-linear fits. The usual usage is something like:

y ~ 1 + cr(x, df=5, constraints='center')

to fit y as a smooth function of x, with 5 degrees of freedom given to the smooth, and centering constraint absorbed in the resulting design matrix. Note that in this example, due to the centering constraint, 6 knots will get computed from the input data x to achieve 5 degrees of freedom.


This function reproduce the cubic regression splines ‘cr’ and ‘cs’ as implemented in the R package ‘mgcv’ (GAM modelling).

  • df – The number of degrees of freedom to use for this spline. The return value will have this many columns. You must specify at least one of df and knots.
  • knots – The interior knots to use for the spline. If unspecified, then equally spaced quantiles of the input data are used. You must specify at least one of df and knots.
  • lower_bound – The lower exterior knot location.
  • upper_bound – The upper exterior knot location.
  • constraints – Either a 2-d array defining general linear constraints (that is np.dot(constraints, betas) is zero, where betas denotes the array of initial parameters, corresponding to the initial unconstrained design matrix), or the string 'center' indicating that we should apply a centering constraint (this constraint will be computed from the input data, remembered and re-used for prediction from the fitted model). The constraints are absorbed in the resulting design matrix which means that the model is actually rewritten in terms of unconstrained parameters. For more details see spline-regression.

This is a stateful transforms (for details see stateful-transforms). If knots, lower_bound, or upper_bound are not specified, they will be calculated from the data and then the chosen values will be remembered and re-used for prediction from the fitted model.

Using this function requires scipy be installed.

New in version 0.3.0.