
Simple XML-RPC Server.

This module can be used to create simple XML-RPC servers by creating a server and either installing functions, a class instance, or by extending the SimpleXMLRPCServer class.

It can also be used to handle XML-RPC requests in a CGI environment using CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.

A list of possible usage patterns follows:

  1. Install functions:

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((“localhost”, 8000)) server.register_function(pow) server.register_function(lambda x,y: x+y, ‘add’) server.serve_forever()

  1. Install an instance:
class MyFuncs:
def __init__(self):
# make all of the string functions available through # string.func_name import string self.string = string
def _listMethods(self):

# implement this method so that system.listMethods # knows to advertise the strings methods return list_public_methods(self) +

[‘string.’ + method for method in list_public_methods(self.string)]

def pow(self, x, y): return pow(x, y) def add(self, x, y) : return x + y

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((“localhost”, 8000)) server.register_introspection_functions() server.register_instance(MyFuncs()) server.serve_forever()

  1. Install an instance with custom dispatch method:
class Math:
def _listMethods(self):
# this method must be present for system.listMethods # to work return [‘add’, ‘pow’]
def _methodHelp(self, method):

# this method must be present for system.methodHelp # to work if method == ‘add’:

return “add(2,3) => 5”
elif method == ‘pow’:
return “pow(x, y[, z]) => number”
# By convention, return empty # string if no help is available return “”
def _dispatch(self, method, params):
if method == ‘pow’:
return pow(*params)
elif method == ‘add’:
return params[0] + params[1]
raise ‘bad method’

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((“localhost”, 8000)) server.register_introspection_functions() server.register_instance(Math()) server.serve_forever()

  1. Subclass SimpleXMLRPCServer:
class MathServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer):
def _dispatch(self, method, params):
# We are forcing the ‘export_‘ prefix on methods that are # callable through XML-RPC to prevent potential security # problems func = getattr(self, ‘export_‘ + method)
except AttributeError:
raise Exception(‘method “%s” is not supported’ % method)
return func(*params)
def export_add(self, x, y):
return x + y

server = MathServer((“localhost”, 8000)) server.serve_forever()

  1. CGI script:

server = CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler() server.register_function(pow) server.handle_request()


list_public_methods(obj) Returns a list of attribute strings, found in the specified
remove_duplicates(lst) remove_duplicates([2,2,2,1,3,3]) => [3,1,2]
resolve_dotted_attribute(obj, attr[, ...]) resolve_dotted_attribute(a, ‘b.c.d’) => a.b.c.d


CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler([allow_none, encoding]) Simple handler for XML-RPC data passed through CGI.
MultiPathXMLRPCServer(addr[, ...]) Multipath XML-RPC Server This specialization of SimpleXMLRPCServer allows the user to create multiple Dispatcher instances and assign them to different HTTP request paths.
SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher([allow_none, encoding]) Mix-in class that dispatches XML-RPC requests.
SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(request, ...) Simple XML-RPC request handler class.
SimpleXMLRPCServer(addr[, requestHandler, ...]) Simple XML-RPC server.


Fault(faultCode, faultString, **extra) Indicates an XML-RPC fault package.