
Conversion between binary data and ASCII


a2b_base64 (ascii) -> bin. Decode a line of base64 data
a2b_hex(...) hexstr must contain an even number of hex digits (upper or lower case).
a2b_hqx ascii -> bin, done. Decode .hqx coding
a2b_qp Decode a string of qp-encoded data
a2b_uu (ascii) -> bin. Decode a line of uuencoded data
b2a_base64 (bin) -> ascii. Base64-code line of data
b2a_hex(...) This function is also available as “hexlify()”.
b2a_hqx Encode .hqx data
b2a_qp((data[, quotetabs, istext, header]) Encode a string using quoted-printable encoding.
b2a_uu (bin) -> ascii. Uuencode line of data
crc32 (data, oldcrc = 0) -> newcrc. Compute CRC-32 incrementally
crc_hqx (data, oldcrc) -> newcrc. Compute hqx CRC incrementally
hexlify b2a_hex(data) -> s; Hexadecimal representation of binary data.
rlecode_hqx Binhex RLE-code binary data
rledecode_hqx Decode hexbin RLE-coded string
unhexlify a2b_hex(hexstr) -> s; Binary data of hexadecimal representation.

