codecs – Python Codec Registry, API and helpers.
Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (
- Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY.
EncodedFile (file, data_encoding[, ...]) |
Return a wrapped version of file which provides transparent encoding translation. |
ascii_decode |
ascii_encode |
backslashreplace_errors |
Implements the ‘backslashreplace’ error handling, which replaces an unencodable character with a backslashed escape sequence. |
charbuffer_encode |
charmap_build |
charmap_decode |
charmap_encode |
decode ((obj, [encoding[,errors]]) -> object) |
Decodes obj using the codec registered for encoding. |
encode ((obj, [encoding[,errors]]) -> object) |
Encodes obj using the codec registered for encoding. |
escape_decode |
escape_encode |
getdecoder (encoding) |
Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its decoder function. |
getencoder (encoding) |
Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its encoder function. |
getincrementaldecoder (encoding) |
Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its IncrementalDecoder class or factory function. |
getincrementalencoder (encoding) |
Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its IncrementalEncoder class or factory function. |
getreader (encoding) |
Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its StreamReader class or factory function. |
getwriter (encoding) |
Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its StreamWriter class or factory function. |
ignore_errors |
Implements the ‘ignore’ error handling, which ignores malformed data and continues. |
iterdecode (iterator, encoding[, errors]) |
Decoding iterator. |
iterencode (iterator, encoding[, errors]) |
Encoding iterator. |
latin_1_decode |
latin_1_encode |
lookup ((encoding) -> CodecInfo) |
Looks up a codec tuple in the Python codec registry and returns a CodecInfo object. |
lookup_error ((errors) -> handler) |
Return the error handler for the specified error handling name or raise a LookupError, if no handler exists under this name. |
make_encoding_map (decoding_map) |
Creates an encoding map from a decoding map. |
make_identity_dict ((rng) -> dict) |
Return a dictionary where elements of the rng sequence are mapped to themselves. |
open (filename[, mode, encoding, errors, ...]) |
Open an encoded file using the given mode and return a wrapped version providing transparent encoding/decoding. |
raw_unicode_escape_decode |
raw_unicode_escape_encode |
readbuffer_encode |
register (search_function) |
Register a codec search function. |
register_error (errors, handler) |
Register the specified error handler under the name errors. |
replace_errors |
Implements the ‘replace’ error handling, which replaces malformed data with a replacement marker. |
strict_errors |
Implements the ‘strict’ error handling, which raises a UnicodeError on coding errors. |
unicode_escape_decode |
unicode_escape_encode |
unicode_internal_decode |
unicode_internal_encode |
utf_16_be_decode |
utf_16_be_encode |
utf_16_decode |
utf_16_encode |
utf_16_ex_decode |
utf_16_le_decode |
utf_16_le_encode |
utf_32_be_decode |
utf_32_be_encode |
utf_32_decode |
utf_32_encode |
utf_32_ex_decode |
utf_32_le_decode |
utf_32_le_encode |
utf_7_decode |
utf_7_encode |
utf_8_decode |
utf_8_encode |
xmlcharrefreplace_errors |
Implements the ‘xmlcharrefreplace’ error handling, which replaces an unencodable character with the appropriate XML character reference. |
BufferedIncrementalDecoder ([errors]) |
This subclass of IncrementalDecoder can be used as the baseclass for an incremental decoder if the decoder must be able to handle incomplete byte sequences. |
BufferedIncrementalEncoder ([errors]) |
This subclass of IncrementalEncoder can be used as the baseclass for an incremental encoder if the encoder must keep some of the output in a buffer between calls to encode(). |
Codec |
Defines the interface for stateless encoders/decoders. |
CodecInfo |
Codec details when looking up the codec registry |
IncrementalDecoder ([errors]) |
An IncrementalDecoder decodes an input in multiple steps. |
IncrementalEncoder ([errors]) |
An IncrementalEncoder encodes an input in multiple steps. |
StreamReader (stream[, errors]) |
StreamReaderWriter (stream, Reader, Writer[, ...]) |
StreamReaderWriter instances allow wrapping streams which work in both read and write modes. |
StreamRecoder (stream, encode, decode, ...[, ...]) |
StreamRecoder instances provide a frontend - backend view of encoding data. |
StreamWriter (stream[, errors]) |