
This is an interface to Python’s internal parser.


ast2list Creates a list-tree representation of an ST.
ast2tuple Creates a tuple-tree representation of an ST.
compileast Compiles an ST object into a code object.
compilest Compiles an ST object into a code object.
expr Creates an ST object from an expression.
isexpr Determines if an ST object was created from an expression.
issuite Determines if an ST object was created from a suite.
sequence2ast Creates an ST object from a tree representation.
sequence2st Creates an ST object from a tree representation.
st2list Creates a list-tree representation of an ST.
st2tuple Creates a tuple-tree representation of an ST.
suite Creates an ST object from a suite.
tuple2ast Creates an ST object from a tree representation.
tuple2st Creates an ST object from a tree representation.


ASTType alias of st
STType alias of st

