
This module provides socket operations and some related functions. On Unix, it supports IP (Internet Protocol) and Unix domain sockets. On other systems, it only supports IP. Functions specific for a socket are available as methods of the socket object.


socket() – create a new socket object socketpair() – create a pair of new socket objects [*] fromfd() – create a socket object from an open file descriptor [*] gethostname() – return the current hostname gethostbyname() – map a hostname to its IP number gethostbyaddr() – map an IP number or hostname to DNS info getservbyname() – map a service name and a protocol name to a port number getprotobyname() – map a protocol name (e.g. ‘tcp’) to a number ntohs(), ntohl() – convert 16, 32 bit int from network to host byte order htons(), htonl() – convert 16, 32 bit int from host to network byte order inet_aton() – convert IP addr string ( to 32-bit packed format inet_ntoa() – convert 32-bit packed format IP to string ( ssl() – secure socket layer support (only available if configured) socket.getdefaulttimeout() – get the default timeout value socket.setdefaulttimeout() – set the default timeout value create_connection() – connects to an address, with an optional timeout and

optional source address.

[*] not available on all platforms!

Special objects:

SocketType – type object for socket objects error – exception raised for I/O errors has_ipv6 – boolean value indicating if IPv6 is supported

Integer constants:

AF_INET, AF_UNIX – socket domains (first argument to socket() call) SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW – socket types (second argument)

Many other constants may be defined; these may be used in calls to the setsockopt() and getsockopt() methods.


RAND_add(string, entropy) Mix string into the OpenSSL PRNG state.
RAND_egd((path) -> bytes) Queries the entropy gather daemon (EGD) on the socket named by ‘path’.
RAND_status(() -> 0 or 1) Returns 1 if the OpenSSL PRNG has been seeded with enough data and 0 if not.
StringIO StringIO([s]) – Return a StringIO-like stream for reading or writing
create_connection(address[, timeout, ...]) Connect to address and return the socket object.
fromfd((fd, family, type[, ...) Create a socket object from a duplicate of the given file descriptor.
getaddrinfo(host, port [, family, socktype, ...) -> list of (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr)
getdefaulttimeout(() -> timeout) Returns the default timeout in seconds (float) for new socket objects.
getfqdn([name]) Get fully qualified domain name from name.
gethostbyaddr(host) -> (name, aliaslist, ...) Return the true host name, a list of aliases, and a list of IP addresses, for a host.
gethostbyname((host) -> address) Return the IP address (a string of the form ‘’) for a host.
gethostbyname_ex(host) -> (name, aliaslist, ...) Return the true host name, a list of aliases, and a list of IP addresses, for a host.
gethostname(() -> string) Return the current host name.
getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags) –> (host, port) Get host and port for a sockaddr.
getprotobyname((name) -> integer) Return the protocol number for the named protocol.
getservbyname((servicename[, ...) Return a port number from a service name and protocol name.
getservbyport((port[, protocolname]) -> string) Return the service name from a port number and protocol name.
htonl((integer) -> integer) Convert a 32-bit integer from host to network byte order.
htons((integer) -> integer) Convert a 16-bit integer from host to network byte order.
inet_aton(...) Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed binary format used in low-level network functions.
inet_ntoa((packed_ip) -> ip_address_string) Convert an IP address from 32-bit packed binary format to string format
inet_ntop((af, ...) Convert a packed IP address of the given family to string format.
inet_pton((af, ip) -> packed IP address string) Convert an IP address from string format to a packed string suitable for use with low-level network functions.
meth(name, self, *args)
ntohl((integer) -> integer) Convert a 32-bit integer from network to host byte order.
ntohs((integer) -> integer) Convert a 16-bit integer from network to host byte order.
setdefaulttimeout(timeout) Set the default timeout in seconds (float) for new socket objects.
socketpair([family[, type[, ...) Create a pair of socket objects from the sockets returned by the platform socketpair() function.
ssl(sock[, keyfile, certfile])


MethodType alias of instancemethod
SocketType alias of _socketobject
partial partial(func, *args, **keywords) - new function with partial application
socket alias of _socketobject


sslerror alias of SSLError