
Ttk wrapper.

This module provides classes to allow using Tk themed widget set.

Ttk is based on a revised and enhanced version of TIP #48 ( specified style engine.

Its basic idea is to separate, to the extent possible, the code implementing a widget’s behavior from the code implementing its appearance. Widget class bindings are primarily responsible for maintaining the widget state and invoking callbacks, all aspects of the widgets appearance lies at Themes.


setup_master([master]) If master is not None, itself is returned.
tclobjs_to_py(adict) Returns adict with its values converted from Tcl objects to Python objects.


Button([master]) Ttk Button widget, displays a textual label and/or image, and evaluates a command when pressed.
Checkbutton([master]) Ttk Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state.
Combobox([master]) Ttk Combobox widget combines a text field with a pop-down list of values.
Entry([master, widget]) Ttk Entry widget displays a one-line text string and allows that string to be edited by the user.
Frame([master]) Ttk Frame widget is a container, used to group other widgets together.
Label([master]) Ttk Label widget displays a textual label and/or image.
LabelFrame alias of Labelframe
LabeledScale([master, variable, from_, to]) A Ttk Scale widget with a Ttk Label widget indicating its current value.
Labelframe([master]) Ttk Labelframe widget is a container used to group other widgets together.
Menubutton([master]) Ttk Menubutton widget displays a textual label and/or image, and displays a menu when pressed.
Notebook([master]) Ttk Notebook widget manages a collection of windows and displays a single one at a time.
OptionMenu(master, variable[, default]) Themed OptionMenu, based after Tkinter’s OptionMenu, which allows the user to select a value from a menu.
PanedWindow alias of Panedwindow
Panedwindow([master]) Ttk Panedwindow widget displays a number of subwindows, stacked either vertically or horizontally.
Progressbar([master]) Ttk Progressbar widget shows the status of a long-running operation.
Radiobutton([master]) Ttk Radiobutton widgets are used in groups to show or change a set of mutually-exclusive options.
Scale([master]) Ttk Scale widget is typically used to control the numeric value of a linked variable that varies uniformly over some range.
Scrollbar([master]) Ttk Scrollbar controls the viewport of a scrollable widget.
Separator([master]) Ttk Separator widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator bar.
Sizegrip([master]) Ttk Sizegrip allows the user to resize the containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.
Style([master]) Manipulate style database.
Treeview([master]) Ttk Treeview widget displays a hierarchical collection of items.
Widget(master, widgetname[, kw]) Base class for Tk themed widgets.