

At(x[, y])
NoDefaultRoot() Inhibit setting of default root window.
OptionName(widget) Returns the qualified path name for the widget.
Tcl([screenName, baseName, className, useTk])
getboolean(s) Convert true and false to integer values 1 and 0.
mainloop([n]) Run the main loop of Tcl.


Balloon([master, cnf]) Balloon help widget.
BaseWidget(master, widgetName[, cnf, kw, extra]) Internal class.
BitmapImage([name, cnf, master]) Widget which can display a bitmap.
BooleanType alias of bool
BooleanVar([master, value, name]) Value holder for boolean variables.
BufferType alias of buffer
BuiltinFunctionType alias of builtin_function_or_method
BuiltinMethodType alias of builtin_function_or_method
Button([master, cnf]) Button widget.
ButtonBox([master, cnf]) ButtonBox - A container for pushbuttons.
CObjView([master, widgetName, ...]) This file implements the Canvas Object View widget.
CallWrapper(func, subst, widget) Internal class.
Canvas([master, cnf]) Canvas widget to display graphical elements like lines or text.
CheckList([master, cnf]) The CheckList widget displays a list of items to be selected by the user.
Checkbutton([master, cnf]) Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state.
ClassType alias of classobj
CodeType alias of code
ComboBox([master, cnf]) ComboBox - an Entry field with a dropdown menu.
ComplexType alias of complex
Control([master, cnf]) Control - An entry field with value change arrows.
DialogShell([master, cnf]) Toplevel window, with popup popdown and center methods.
DictProxyType alias of dictproxy
DictType alias of dict
DictionaryType alias of dict
DirList(master[, cnf]) DirList - displays a list view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories.
DirSelectBox(master[, cnf]) DirSelectBox - Motif style file select box.
DirSelectDialog(master[, cnf]) The DirSelectDialog widget presents the directories in the file system in a dialog window.
DirTree(master[, cnf]) DirTree - Directory Listing in a hierarchical view.
DisplayStyle(itemtype[, cnf]) DisplayStyle - handle configuration options shared by
DoubleVar([master, value, name]) Value holder for float variables.
EllipsisType alias of ellipsis
Entry([master, cnf]) Entry widget which allows displaying simple text.
Event Container for the properties of an event.
ExFileSelectBox(master[, cnf]) ExFileSelectBox - MS Windows style file select box.
ExFileSelectDialog(master[, cnf]) ExFileSelectDialog - MS Windows style file select dialog.
FileEntry(master[, cnf]) FileEntry - Entry field with button that invokes a FileSelectDialog.
FileSelectBox(master[, cnf]) ExFileSelectBox - Motif style file select box.
FileSelectDialog(master[, cnf]) FileSelectDialog - Motif style file select dialog.
FileType alias of file
FloatType alias of float
Form The Tix Form geometry manager
Frame([master, cnf]) Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border.
FrameType alias of frame
FunctionType alias of function
GeneratorType alias of generator
GetSetDescriptorType alias of getset_descriptor
Grid([master, cnf]) The Tix Grid command creates a new window and makes it into a tixGrid widget.
HList([master, cnf]) HList - Hierarchy display widget can be used to display any data that have a hierarchical structure, for example, file system directory trees.
Image(imgtype[, name, cnf, master]) Base class for images.
InputOnly([master, cnf]) InputOnly - Invisible widget.
InstanceType alias of instance
IntType alias of int
IntVar([master, value, name]) Value holder for integer variables.
Label([master, cnf]) Label widget which can display text and bitmaps.
LabelEntry([master, cnf]) LabelEntry - Entry field with label.
LabelFrame([master, cnf]) LabelFrame - Labelled Frame container.
LambdaType alias of function
ListNoteBook(master[, cnf]) A ListNoteBook widget is very similar to the TixNoteBook widget: it can be used to display many windows in a limited space using a notebook metaphor.
ListType alias of list
Listbox([master, cnf]) Listbox widget which can display a list of strings.
LongType alias of long
MemberDescriptorType alias of member_descriptor
Menu([master, cnf]) Menu widget which allows displaying menu bars, pull-down menus and pop-up menus.
Menubutton([master, cnf]) Menubutton widget, obsolete since Tk8.0.
Message([master, cnf]) Message widget to display multiline text.
Meter([master, cnf]) The Meter widget can be used to show the progress of a background job which may take a long time to execute.
MethodType alias of instancemethod
Misc Internal class.
ModuleType alias of module
NoteBook([master, cnf]) NoteBook - Multi-page container widget (tabbed notebook metaphor).
NoteBookFrame([master, widgetName, ...])
ObjectType alias of object
OptionMenu(master[, cnf]) OptionMenu - creates a menu button of options.
Pack Geometry manager Pack.
PanedWindow(master[, cnf]) PanedWindow - Multi-pane container widget allows the user to interactively manipulate the sizes of several panes.
PhotoImage([name, cnf, master]) Widget which can display colored images in GIF, PPM/PGM format.
Place Geometry manager Place.
PopupMenu(master[, cnf]) PopupMenu widget can be used as a replacement of the tk_popup command.
Radiobutton([master, cnf]) Radiobutton widget which shows only one of several buttons in on-state.
ResizeHandle(master[, cnf]) Internal widget to draw resize handles on Scrolled widgets.
Scale([master, cnf]) Scale widget which can display a numerical scale.
Scrollbar([master, cnf]) Scrollbar widget which displays a slider at a certain position.
ScrolledGrid([master, cnf]) Scrolled Grid widgets
ScrolledHList(master[, cnf]) ScrolledHList - HList with automatic scrollbars.
ScrolledListBox(master[, cnf]) ScrolledListBox - Listbox with automatic scrollbars.
ScrolledTList(master[, cnf]) ScrolledTList - TList with automatic scrollbars.
ScrolledText(master[, cnf]) ScrolledText - Text with automatic scrollbars.
ScrolledWindow(master[, cnf]) ScrolledWindow - Window with automatic scrollbars.
Select(master[, cnf]) Select - Container of button subwidgets.
Shell([master, cnf]) Toplevel window.
SliceType alias of slice
Spinbox([master, cnf]) spinbox widget.
StdButtonBox([master, cnf]) StdButtonBox - Standard Button Box (OK, Apply, Cancel and Help)
StringType alias of str
StringVar([master, value, name]) Value holder for strings variables.
Studbutton([master, cnf])
TList([master, cnf]) TList - Hierarchy display widget which can be used to display data in a tabular format.
Text([master, cnf]) Text widget which can display text in various forms.
TixSubWidget(master, name[, ...]) Subwidget class.
TixWidget([master, widgetName, ...]) A TixWidget class is used to package all (or most) Tix widgets.
Tk([screenName, baseName, className]) Toplevel widget of Tix which represents mostly the main window of an application.
Toplevel([master, cnf]) Toplevel widget, e.g.
TracebackType alias of traceback
Tree([master, cnf]) Tree - The tixTree widget can be used to display hierarchical data in a tree form.
Tributton([master, cnf])
TupleType alias of tuple
TypeType alias of type
UnboundMethodType alias of instancemethod
UnicodeType alias of unicode
Variable([master, value, name]) Class to define value holders for e.g.
Widget(master, widgetName[, cnf, kw, extra]) Internal class.
Wm Provides functions for the communication with the window manager.
XRangeType alias of xrange
XView Mix-in class for querying and changing the horizontal position of a widget’s window.
YView Mix-in class for querying and changing the vertical position of a widget’s window.
getdouble alias of float
getint alias of int
tixCommand The tix commands provide access to miscellaneous elements of Tix’s internal state and the Tix application context.

