
class Tix.tixCommand[source]

The tix commands provide access to miscellaneous elements of Tix’s internal state and the Tix application context. Most of the information manipulated by these commands pertains to the application as a whole, or to a screen or display, rather than to a particular window.

This is a mixin class, assumed to be mixed to Tkinter.Tk that supports the self.tk.call method.


tix_addbitmapdir(directory) Tix maintains a list of directories under which the tix_getimage and tix_getbitmap commands will search for image files.
tix_cget(option) Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.
tix_configure([cnf]) Query or modify the configuration options of the Tix application context.
tix_filedialog([dlgclass]) Returns the file selection dialog that may be shared among different calls from this application.
tix_getbitmap(name) Locates a bitmap file of the name name.xpm or name in one of the bitmap directories (see the tix_addbitmapdir command above).
tix_getimage(name) Locates an image file of the name name.xpm, name.xbm or name.ppm in one of the bitmap directories (see the addbitmapdir command above).
tix_option_get(name) Gets the options maintained by the Tix scheme mechanism.
tix_resetoptions(newScheme, newFontSet[, ...]) Resets the scheme and fontset of the Tix application to newScheme and newFontSet, respectively.