

Return or set the fillcolor.

Arguments: Four input formats are allowed:

  • fillcolor() Return the current fillcolor as color specification string, possibly in hex-number format (see example). May be used as input to another color/pencolor/fillcolor call.
  • fillcolor(colorstring) s is a Tk color specification string, such as “red” or “yellow”
  • fillcolor((r, g, b)) a tuple of r, g, and b, which represent, an RGB color, and each of r, g, and b are in the range 0..colormode, where colormode is either 1.0 or 255
  • fillcolor(r, g, b) r, g, and b represent an RGB color, and each of r, g, and b are in the range 0..colormode

If turtleshape is a polygon, the interior of that polygon is drawn with the newly set fillcolor.

Example (for a Turtle instance named turtle): >>> turtle.fillcolor(‘violet’) >>> col = turtle.pencolor() >>> turtle.fillcolor(col) >>> turtle.fillcolor(0, .5, 0)