Source code for numpy.testing.nosetester

Nose test running.

This module implements ``test()`` and ``bench()`` functions for NumPy modules.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import os
import sys
import warnings
from numpy.compat import basestring
import numpy as np

def get_package_name(filepath):
    Given a path where a package is installed, determine its name.

    filepath : str
        Path to a file. If the determination fails, "numpy" is returned.

    >>> np.testing.nosetester.get_package_name('nonsense')


    fullpath = filepath[:]
    pkg_name = []
    while 'site-packages' in filepath or 'dist-packages' in filepath:
        filepath, p2 = os.path.split(filepath)
        if p2 in ('site-packages', 'dist-packages'):

    # if package name determination failed, just default to numpy/scipy
    if not pkg_name:
        if 'scipy' in fullpath:
            return 'scipy'
            return 'numpy'

    # otherwise, reverse to get correct order and return

    # don't include the outer egg directory
    if pkg_name[0].endswith('.egg'):

    return '.'.join(pkg_name)

def import_nose():
    """ Import nose only when needed.
    fine_nose = True
    minimum_nose_version = (0, 10, 0)
        import nose
    except ImportError:
        fine_nose = False
        if nose.__versioninfo__ < minimum_nose_version:
            fine_nose = False

    if not fine_nose:
        msg = ('Need nose >= %d.%d.%d for tests - see '
               '' %
        raise ImportError(msg)

    return nose

def run_module_suite(file_to_run=None, argv=None):
    Run a test module.

    Equivalent to calling ``$ nosetests <argv> <file_to_run>`` from
    the command line

    file_to_run : str, optional
        Path to test module, or None.
        By default, run the module from which this function is called.
    argv : list of strings
        Arguments to be passed to the nose test runner. ``argv[0]`` is
        ignored. All command line arguments accepted by ``nosetests``
        will work. If it is the default value None, sys.argv is used.

        .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    Adding the following::

        if __name__ == "__main__" :

    at the end of a test module will run the tests when that module is
    called in the python interpreter.

    Alternatively, calling::

    >>> run_module_suite(file_to_run="numpy/tests/")

    from an interpreter will run all the test routine in ''.
    if file_to_run is None:
        f = sys._getframe(1)
        file_to_run = f.f_locals.get('__file__', None)
        if file_to_run is None:
            raise AssertionError

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv + [file_to_run]
        argv = argv + [file_to_run]

    nose = import_nose()
    from .noseclasses import KnownFailure, addplugins=[KnownFailure()])

class NoseTester(object):
    Nose test runner.

    This class is made available as numpy.testing.Tester, and a test function
    is typically added to a package's like so::

      from numpy.testing import Tester
      test = Tester().test

    Calling this test function finds and runs all tests associated with the
    package and all its sub-packages.

    package_path : str
        Full path to the package to test.
    package_name : str
        Name of the package to test.

    package : module, str or None, optional
        The package to test. If a string, this should be the full path to
        the package. If None (default), `package` is set to the module from
        which `NoseTester` is initialized.
    raise_warnings : None, str or sequence of warnings, optional
        This specifies which warnings to configure as 'raise' instead
        of 'warn' during the test execution.  Valid strings are:

          - "develop" : equals ``(DeprecationWarning, RuntimeWarning)``
          - "release" : equals ``()``, don't raise on any warnings.

        See Notes for more details.

    The default for `raise_warnings` is
    ``(DeprecationWarning, RuntimeWarning)`` for development versions of NumPy,
    and ``()`` for released versions.  The purpose of this switching behavior
    is to catch as many warnings as possible during development, but not give
    problems for packaging of released versions.

    # Stuff to exclude from tests. These are from numpy.distutils
    excludes = ['f2py_ext',

    def __init__(self, package=None, raise_warnings=None):
        if raise_warnings is None and (
                not hasattr(np, '__version__') or '.dev0' in np.__version__):
            raise_warnings = "develop"
        elif raise_warnings is None:
            raise_warnings = "release"

        package_name = None
        if package is None:
            f = sys._getframe(1)
            package_path = f.f_locals.get('__file__', None)
            if package_path is None:
                raise AssertionError
            package_path = os.path.dirname(package_path)
            package_name = f.f_locals.get('__name__', None)
        elif isinstance(package, type(os)):
            package_path = os.path.dirname(package.__file__)
            package_name = getattr(package, '__name__', None)
            package_path = str(package)

        self.package_path = package_path

        # Find the package name under test; this name is used to limit coverage
        # reporting (if enabled).
        if package_name is None:
            package_name = get_package_name(package_path)
        self.package_name = package_name

        # Set to "release" in constructor in maintenance branches.
        self.raise_warnings = raise_warnings

    def _test_argv(self, label, verbose, extra_argv):
        ''' Generate argv for nosetest command

        label : {'fast', 'full', '', attribute identifier}, optional
            see ``test`` docstring
        verbose : int, optional
            Verbosity value for test outputs, in the range 1-10. Default is 1.
        extra_argv : list, optional
            List with any extra arguments to pass to nosetests.

        argv : list
            command line arguments that will be passed to nose
        argv = [__file__, self.package_path, '-s']
        if label and label != 'full':
            if not isinstance(label, basestring):
                raise TypeError('Selection label should be a string')
            if label == 'fast':
                label = 'not slow'
            argv += ['-A', label]
        argv += ['--verbosity', str(verbose)]

        # When installing with setuptools, and also in some other cases, the
        # test_*.py files end up marked +x executable. Nose, by default, does
        # not run files marked with +x as they might be scripts. However, in
        # our case nose only looks for test_*.py files under the package
        # directory, which should be safe.
        argv += ['--exe']

        if extra_argv:
            argv += extra_argv
        return argv

    def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__)

    def _get_custom_doctester(self):
        """ Return instantiated plugin for doctests

        Allows subclassing of this class to override doctester

        A return value of None means use the nose builtin doctest plugin
        from .noseclasses import NumpyDoctest
        return NumpyDoctest()

    def prepare_test_args(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
                          doctests=False, coverage=False):
        Run tests for module using nose.

        This method does the heavy lifting for the `test` method. It takes all
        the same arguments, for details see `test`.

        See Also

        # fail with nice error message if nose is not present
        # compile argv
        argv = self._test_argv(label, verbose, extra_argv)
        # bypass tests noted for exclude
        for ename in self.excludes:
            argv += ['--exclude', ename]
        # our way of doing coverage
        if coverage:
            argv += ['--cover-package=%s' % self.package_name, '--with-coverage',
                   '--cover-tests', '--cover-erase']
        # construct list of plugins
        import nose.plugins.builtin
        from .noseclasses import KnownFailure, Unplugger
        plugins = [KnownFailure()]
        plugins += [p() for p in nose.plugins.builtin.plugins]
        # add doctesting if required
        doctest_argv = '--with-doctest' in argv
        if doctests == False and doctest_argv:
            doctests = True
        plug = self._get_custom_doctester()
        if plug is None:
            # use standard doctesting
            if doctests and not doctest_argv:
                argv += ['--with-doctest']
        else:  # custom doctesting
            if doctest_argv:  # in fact the unplugger would take care of this
            plugins += [Unplugger('doctest'), plug]
            if doctests:
                argv += ['--with-' +]
        return argv, plugins

    def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
            doctests=False, coverage=False,
        Run tests for module using nose.

        label : {'fast', 'full', '', attribute identifier}, optional
            Identifies the tests to run. This can be a string to pass to
            the nosetests executable with the '-A' option, or one of several
            special values.  Special values are:
            * 'fast' - the default - which corresponds to the ``nosetests -A``
              option of 'not slow'.
            * 'full' - fast (as above) and slow tests as in the
              'no -A' option to nosetests - this is the same as ''.
            * None or '' - run all tests.
            attribute_identifier - string passed directly to nosetests as '-A'.
        verbose : int, optional
            Verbosity value for test outputs, in the range 1-10. Default is 1.
        extra_argv : list, optional
            List with any extra arguments to pass to nosetests.
        doctests : bool, optional
            If True, run doctests in module. Default is False.
        coverage : bool, optional
            If True, report coverage of NumPy code. Default is False.
            (This requires the `coverage module:
        raise_warnings : str or sequence of warnings, optional
            This specifies which warnings to configure as 'raise' instead
            of 'warn' during the test execution.  Valid strings are:

              - "develop" : equals ``(DeprecationWarning, RuntimeWarning)``
              - "release" : equals ``()``, don't raise on any warnings.

        result : object
            Returns the result of running the tests as a
            ``nose.result.TextTestResult`` object.

        Each NumPy module exposes `test` in its namespace to run all tests for it.
        For example, to run all tests for numpy.lib:

        >>> np.lib.test() #doctest: +SKIP

        >>> result = np.lib.test() #doctest: +SKIP
        Running unit tests for numpy.lib
        Ran 976 tests in 3.933s


        >>> result.errors #doctest: +SKIP
        >>> result.knownfail #doctest: +SKIP

        # cap verbosity at 3 because nose becomes *very* verbose beyond that
        verbose = min(verbose, 3)

        from . import utils
        utils.verbose = verbose

        if doctests:
            print("Running unit tests and doctests for %s" % self.package_name)
            print("Running unit tests for %s" % self.package_name)


        # reset doctest state on every run
        import doctest
        doctest.master = None

        if raise_warnings is None:
            raise_warnings = self.raise_warnings

        _warn_opts = dict(develop=(DeprecationWarning, RuntimeWarning),
        if isinstance(raise_warnings, basestring):
            raise_warnings = _warn_opts[raise_warnings]

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Reset the warning filters to the default state,
            # so that running the tests is more repeatable.
            # Set all warnings to 'warn', this is because the default 'once'
            # has the bad property of possibly shadowing later warnings.
            # Force the requested warnings to raise
            for warningtype in raise_warnings:
                warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=warningtype)
            # Filter out annoying import messages.
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Not importing directory')
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=np.ModuleDeprecationWarning)
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
            # Filter out boolean '-' deprecation messages. This allows
            # older versions of scipy to test without a flood of messages.
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*boolean negative.*")
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*boolean subtract.*")
            # Filter out some deprecation warnings inside nose 1.3.7 when run
            # on python 3.5b2. See
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*getargspec.*",

            from .noseclasses import NumpyTestProgram

            argv, plugins = self.prepare_test_args(
                    label, verbose, extra_argv, doctests, coverage)
            t = NumpyTestProgram(argv=argv, exit=False, plugins=plugins)

        return t.result

    def bench(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None):
        Run benchmarks for module using nose.

        label : {'fast', 'full', '', attribute identifier}, optional
            Identifies the benchmarks to run. This can be a string to pass to
            the nosetests executable with the '-A' option, or one of several
            special values.  Special values are:
            * 'fast' - the default - which corresponds to the ``nosetests -A``
              option of 'not slow'.
            * 'full' - fast (as above) and slow benchmarks as in the
              'no -A' option to nosetests - this is the same as ''.
            * None or '' - run all tests.
            attribute_identifier - string passed directly to nosetests as '-A'.
        verbose : int, optional
            Verbosity value for benchmark outputs, in the range 1-10. Default is 1.
        extra_argv : list, optional
            List with any extra arguments to pass to nosetests.

        success : bool
            Returns True if running the benchmarks works, False if an error

        Benchmarks are like tests, but have names starting with "bench" instead
        of "test", and can be found under the "benchmarks" sub-directory of the

        Each NumPy module exposes `bench` in its namespace to run all benchmarks
        for it.

        >>> success = np.lib.bench() #doctest: +SKIP
        Running benchmarks for numpy.lib
        using 562341 items:
        ratio: 1.0
        nUnique: 56230 == 56230

        >>> success #doctest: +SKIP


        print("Running benchmarks for %s" % self.package_name)

        argv = self._test_argv(label, verbose, extra_argv)
        argv += ['--match', r'(?:^|[\\b_\\.%s-])[Bb]ench' % os.sep]

        # import nose or make informative error
        nose = import_nose()

        # get plugin to disable doctests
        from .noseclasses import Unplugger
        add_plugins = [Unplugger('doctest')]

        return, addplugins=add_plugins)