3. Main modules of interest

3.4. statsmodel.emplike

statsmodels.emplike.api api for empirical likelihood
statsmodels.emplike.aft_el Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Model with empirical likelihood inference.
statsmodels.emplike.descriptive Empirical likelihood inference on descriptive statistics
statsmodels.emplike.elanova This script contains empirical likelihood ANOVA.
statsmodels.emplike.elregress Empirical Likelihood Linear Regression Inference
statsmodels.emplike.originregress This module implements empirical likelihood regression that is forced through the origin.

3.5. statsmodel.genmod

statsmodels.genmod.generalized_estimating_equations Procedures for fitting marginal regression models to dependent data using Generalized Estimating Equations.
statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model Generalized linear models currently supports estimation using the one-parameter

3.5.5. statsmodel.genmod.families

statsmodels.genmod.families This module contains the one-parameter exponential families used for fitting GLMs and GAMs.
statsmodels.genmod.families.family The one parameter exponential family distributions used by GLM.
statsmodels.genmod.families.links Defines the link functions to be used with GLM and GEE families.
statsmodels.genmod.families.varfuncs Variance functions for use with the link functions in statsmodels.family.links

3.10. statsmodel.robust

statsmodels.robust.robust_linear_model Robust linear models with support for the M-estimators listed under norms.
statsmodels.robust.scale Support and standalone functions for Robust Linear Models

3.11. statsmodel.stats

statsmodels.stats.adnorm Created on Sun Sep 25 21:23:38 2011
statsmodels.stats.base Base classes for statistical test results
statsmodels.stats.correlation_tools Created on Fri Aug 17 13:10:52 2012
statsmodels.stats.gof extra statistical function and helper functions
statsmodels.stats.inter_rater Inter Rater Agreement
statsmodels.stats.lilliefors Created on Sat Oct 01 13:16:49 2011
statsmodels.stats.moment_helpers helper functions conversion between moments
statsmodels.stats.multicomp Created on Fri Mar 30 18:27:25 2012
statsmodels.stats.multitest Multiple Testing and P-Value Correction
statsmodels.stats.multivariate_tools Tools for multivariate analysis
statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence Influence and Outlier Measures
statsmodels.stats.power Statistical power, solving for nobs, ...
statsmodels.stats.proportion Tests and Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions
statsmodels.stats.sandwich_covariance Sandwich covariance estimators
statsmodels.stats.stattools Statistical tests to be used in conjunction with the models
statsmodels.stats.tabledist Created on Sat Oct 01 20:20:16 2011
statsmodels.stats.weightstats Ttests and descriptive statistics with weights