3.11.20. statsmodels.stats.stattools

Statistical tests to be used in conjunction with the models Notes

These functions haven’t been formally tested. Functions

durbin_watson(resids[, axis]) Calculates the Durbin-Watson statistic
expected_robust_kurtosis([ab, dg]) Calculates the expected value of the robust kurtosis measures in Kim and White assuming the data are normally distributed.
jarque_bera(resids[, axis]) Calculate residual skewness, kurtosis, and do the JB test for normality
medcouple(y[, axis]) Calculates the medcouple robust measure of skew.
omni_normtest(resids[, axis]) Omnibus test for normality
robust_kurtosis(y[, axis, ab, dg, excess]) Calculates the four kurtosis measures in Kim & White
robust_skewness(y[, axis]) Calculates the four skewness measures in Kim & White