Base tools for handling various kinds of data structures, attaching metadata to
results, and doing data cleaning
from statsmodels.compat.python import reduce, iteritems, lmap, zip, range
from statsmodels.compat.numpy import np_matrix_rank
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, TimeSeries, isnull
from statsmodels.tools.decorators import (resettable_cache, cache_readonly,
import statsmodels.tools.data as data_util
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import MissingDataError
def _asarray_2dcolumns(x):
if np.asarray(x).ndim > 1 and np.asarray(x).squeeze().ndim == 1:
def _asarray_2d_null_rows(x):
Makes sure input is an array and is 2d. Makes sure output is 2d. True
indicates a null in the rows of 2d x.
#Have to have the asarrays because isnull doesn't account for array-like
x = np.asarray(x)
if x.ndim == 1:
x = x[:, None]
return np.any(isnull(x), axis=1)[:, None]
def _nan_rows(*arrs):
Returns a boolean array which is True where any of the rows in any
of the _2d_ arrays in arrs are NaNs. Inputs can be any mixture of Series,
DataFrames or array-like.
if len(arrs) == 1:
arrs += ([[False]],)
def _nan_row_maybe_two_inputs(x, y):
# check for dtype bc dataframe has dtypes
x_is_boolean_array = hasattr(x, 'dtype') and x.dtype == bool and x
return np.logical_or(_asarray_2d_null_rows(x),
(x_is_boolean_array | _asarray_2d_null_rows(y)))
return reduce(_nan_row_maybe_two_inputs, arrs).squeeze()
[docs]class ModelData(object):
Class responsible for handling input data and extracting metadata into the
appropriate form
_param_names = None
[docs] def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, missing='none', hasconst=None,
if missing != 'none':
arrays, nan_idx = self.handle_missing(endog, exog, missing,
self.missing_row_idx = nan_idx
self.__dict__.update(arrays) # attach all the data arrays
self.orig_endog = self.endog
self.orig_exog = self.exog
self.endog, self.exog = self._convert_endog_exog(self.endog,
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # attach the extra arrays anyway
self.orig_endog = endog
self.orig_exog = exog
self.endog, self.exog = self._convert_endog_exog(endog, exog)
# this has side-effects, attaches k_constant and const_idx
self._cache = resettable_cache()
def _handle_constant(self, hasconst):
if hasconst is not None:
if hasconst:
self.k_constant = 1
self.const_idx = None
self.k_constant = 0
self.const_idx = None
elif self.exog is None:
self.const_idx = None
self.k_constant = 0
# detect where the constant is
check_implicit = False
const_idx = np.where(self.exog.ptp(axis=0) == 0)[0].squeeze()
self.k_constant = const_idx.size
if self.k_constant == 1:
if self.exog[:, const_idx].mean() != 0:
self.const_idx = const_idx
# we only have a zero column and no other constant
check_implicit = True
elif self.k_constant > 1:
# we have more than one constant column
# look for ones
values = [] # keep values if we need != 0
for idx in const_idx:
value = self.exog[:, idx].mean()
if value == 1:
self.k_constant = 1
self.const_idx = idx
# we didn't break, no column of ones
pos = (np.array(values) != 0)
if pos.any():
# take the first nonzero column
self.k_constant = 1
self.const_idx = const_idx[pos.argmax()]
# only zero columns
check_implicit = True
elif self.k_constant == 0:
check_implicit = True
# shouldn't be here
if check_implicit:
# look for implicit constant
# Compute rank of augmented matrix
augmented_exog = np.column_stack(
(np.ones(self.exog.shape[0]), self.exog))
rank_augm = np_matrix_rank(augmented_exog)
rank_orig = np_matrix_rank(self.exog)
self.k_constant = int(rank_orig == rank_augm)
self.const_idx = None
def _drop_nans(cls, x, nan_mask):
return x[nan_mask]
def _drop_nans_2d(cls, x, nan_mask):
return x[nan_mask][:, nan_mask]
[docs] def handle_missing(cls, endog, exog, missing, **kwargs):
This returns a dictionary with keys endog, exog and the keys of
kwargs. It preserves Nones.
none_array_names = []
# patsy's already dropped NaNs in y/X
missing_idx = kwargs.pop('missing_idx', None)
if missing_idx is not None:
# y, X already handled by patsy. add back in later.
combined = ()
combined_names = []
if exog is None:
none_array_names += ['exog']
elif exog is not None:
combined = (endog, exog)
combined_names = ['endog', 'exog']
combined = (endog,)
combined_names = ['endog']
none_array_names += ['exog']
# deal with other arrays
combined_2d = ()
combined_2d_names = []
if len(kwargs):
for key, value_array in iteritems(kwargs):
if value_array is None or value_array.ndim == 0:
none_array_names += [key]
# grab 1d arrays
if value_array.ndim == 1:
combined += (np.asarray(value_array),)
combined_names += [key]
elif value_array.squeeze().ndim == 1:
combined += (np.asarray(value_array),)
combined_names += [key]
# grab 2d arrays that are _assumed_ to be symmetric
elif value_array.ndim == 2:
combined_2d += (np.asarray(value_array),)
combined_2d_names += [key]
raise ValueError("Arrays with more than 2 dimensions "
"aren't yet handled")
if missing_idx is not None:
nan_mask = missing_idx
updated_row_mask = None
if combined: # there were extra arrays not handled by patsy
combined_nans = _nan_rows(*combined)
if combined_nans.shape[0] != nan_mask.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch between endog/exog "
"and extra arrays given to model.")
# for going back and updated endog/exog
updated_row_mask = combined_nans[~nan_mask]
nan_mask |= combined_nans # for updating extra arrays only
if combined_2d:
combined_2d_nans = _nan_rows(combined_2d)
if combined_2d_nans.shape[0] != nan_mask.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch between endog/exog "
"and extra 2d arrays given to model.")
if updated_row_mask is not None:
updated_row_mask |= combined_2d_nans[~nan_mask]
updated_row_mask = combined_2d_nans[~nan_mask]
nan_mask |= combined_2d_nans
nan_mask = _nan_rows(*combined)
if combined_2d:
nan_mask = _nan_rows(*(nan_mask[:, None],) + combined_2d)
if not np.any(nan_mask): # no missing don't do anything
combined = dict(zip(combined_names, combined))
if combined_2d:
combined.update(dict(zip(combined_2d_names, combined_2d)))
if none_array_names:
[None] * len(none_array_names))))
if missing_idx is not None:
combined.update({'endog': endog})
if exog is not None:
combined.update({'exog': exog})
return combined, []
elif missing == 'raise':
raise MissingDataError("NaNs were encountered in the data")
elif missing == 'drop':
nan_mask = ~nan_mask
drop_nans = lambda x: cls._drop_nans(x, nan_mask)
drop_nans_2d = lambda x: cls._drop_nans_2d(x, nan_mask)
combined = dict(zip(combined_names, lmap(drop_nans, combined)))
if missing_idx is not None:
if updated_row_mask is not None:
updated_row_mask = ~updated_row_mask
# update endog/exog with this new information
endog = cls._drop_nans(endog, updated_row_mask)
if exog is not None:
exog = cls._drop_nans(exog, updated_row_mask)
combined.update({'endog': endog})
if exog is not None:
combined.update({'exog': exog})
if combined_2d:
lmap(drop_nans_2d, combined_2d))))
if none_array_names:
[None] * len(none_array_names))))
return combined, np.where(~nan_mask)[0].tolist()
raise ValueError("missing option %s not understood" % missing)
def _convert_endog_exog(self, endog, exog):
# for consistent outputs if endog is (n,1)
yarr = self._get_yarr(endog)
xarr = None
if exog is not None:
xarr = self._get_xarr(exog)
if xarr.ndim == 1:
xarr = xarr[:, None]
if xarr.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("exog is not 1d or 2d")
return yarr, xarr
[docs] def ynames(self):
endog = self.orig_endog
ynames = self._get_names(endog)
if not ynames:
ynames = _make_endog_names(self.endog)
if len(ynames) == 1:
return ynames[0]
return list(ynames)
[docs] def xnames(self):
exog = self.orig_exog
if exog is not None:
xnames = self._get_names(exog)
if not xnames:
xnames = _make_exog_names(self.exog)
return list(xnames)
return None
def param_names(self):
# for handling names of 'extra' parameters in summary, etc.
return self._param_names or self.xnames
def param_names(self, values):
self._param_names = values
[docs] def row_labels(self):
exog = self.orig_exog
if exog is not None:
row_labels = self._get_row_labels(exog)
endog = self.orig_endog
row_labels = self._get_row_labels(endog)
return row_labels
def _get_row_labels(self, arr):
return None
def _get_names(self, arr):
if isinstance(arr, DataFrame):
return list(arr.columns)
elif isinstance(arr, Series):
if arr.name:
return [arr.name]
return arr.dtype.names
except AttributeError:
return None
def _get_yarr(self, endog):
if data_util._is_structured_ndarray(endog):
endog = data_util.struct_to_ndarray(endog)
endog = np.asarray(endog)
if len(endog) == 1: # never squeeze to a scalar
if endog.ndim == 1:
return endog
elif endog.ndim > 1:
return np.asarray([endog.squeeze()])
return endog.squeeze()
def _get_xarr(self, exog):
if data_util._is_structured_ndarray(exog):
exog = data_util.struct_to_ndarray(exog)
return np.asarray(exog)
def _check_integrity(self):
if self.exog is not None:
if len(self.exog) != len(self.endog):
raise ValueError("endog and exog matrices are different sizes")
[docs] def wrap_output(self, obj, how='columns', names=None):
if how == 'columns':
return self.attach_columns(obj)
elif how == 'rows':
return self.attach_rows(obj)
elif how == 'cov':
return self.attach_cov(obj)
elif how == 'dates':
return self.attach_dates(obj)
elif how == 'columns_eq':
return self.attach_columns_eq(obj)
elif how == 'cov_eq':
return self.attach_cov_eq(obj)
elif how == 'generic_columns':
return self.attach_generic_columns(obj, names)
elif how == 'generic_columns_2d':
return self.attach_generic_columns_2d(obj, names)
return obj
[docs] def attach_columns(self, result):
return result
[docs] def attach_columns_eq(self, result):
return result
[docs] def attach_cov(self, result):
return result
[docs] def attach_cov_eq(self, result):
return result
[docs] def attach_rows(self, result):
return result
[docs] def attach_dates(self, result):
return result
[docs] def attach_generic_columns(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
return result
[docs] def attach_generic_columns_2d(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
return result
[docs]class PatsyData(ModelData):
def _get_names(self, arr):
return arr.design_info.column_names
[docs]class PandasData(ModelData):
Data handling class which knows how to reattach pandas metadata to model
def _convert_endog_exog(self, endog, exog=None):
#TODO: remove this when we handle dtype systematically
endog = np.asarray(endog)
exog = exog if exog is None else np.asarray(exog)
if endog.dtype == object or exog is not None and exog.dtype == object:
raise ValueError("Pandas data cast to numpy dtype of object. "
"Check input data with np.asarray(data).")
return super(PandasData, self)._convert_endog_exog(endog, exog)
def _drop_nans(cls, x, nan_mask):
if hasattr(x, 'ix'):
return x.ix[nan_mask]
else: # extra arguments could be plain ndarrays
return super(PandasData, cls)._drop_nans(x, nan_mask)
def _drop_nans_2d(cls, x, nan_mask):
if hasattr(x, 'ix'):
return x.ix[nan_mask].ix[:, nan_mask]
else: # extra arguments could be plain ndarrays
return super(PandasData, cls)._drop_nans_2d(x, nan_mask)
def _check_integrity(self):
endog, exog = self.orig_endog, self.orig_exog
# exog can be None and we could be upcasting one or the other
if (exog is not None and
(hasattr(endog, 'index') and hasattr(exog, 'index')) and
not self.orig_endog.index.equals(self.orig_exog.index)):
raise ValueError("The indices for endog and exog are not aligned")
super(PandasData, self)._check_integrity()
def _get_row_labels(self, arr):
return arr.index
except AttributeError:
# if we've gotten here it's because endog is pandas and
# exog is not, so just return the row labels from endog
return self.orig_endog.index
[docs] def attach_generic_columns(self, result, names):
# get the attribute to use
column_names = getattr(self, names, None)
return Series(result, index=column_names)
[docs] def attach_generic_columns_2d(self, result, rownames, colnames=None):
colnames = colnames or rownames
rownames = getattr(self, rownames, None)
colnames = getattr(self, colnames, None)
return DataFrame(result, index=rownames, columns=colnames)
[docs] def attach_columns(self, result):
# this can either be a 1d array or a scalar
# don't squeeze because it might be a 2d row array
# if it needs a squeeze, the bug is elsewhere
if result.ndim <= 1:
return Series(result, index=self.param_names)
else: # for e.g., confidence intervals
return DataFrame(result, index=self.param_names)
[docs] def attach_columns_eq(self, result):
return DataFrame(result, index=self.xnames, columns=self.ynames)
[docs] def attach_cov(self, result):
return DataFrame(result, index=self.param_names,
[docs] def attach_cov_eq(self, result):
return DataFrame(result, index=self.ynames, columns=self.ynames)
[docs] def attach_rows(self, result):
# assumes if len(row_labels) > len(result) it's bc it was truncated
# at the front, for AR lags, for example
if result.squeeze().ndim == 1:
return Series(result, index=self.row_labels[-len(result):])
else: # this is for VAR results, may not be general enough
return DataFrame(result, index=self.row_labels[-len(result):],
[docs] def attach_dates(self, result):
return TimeSeries(result, index=self.predict_dates)
def _make_endog_names(endog):
if endog.ndim == 1 or endog.shape[1] == 1:
ynames = ['y']
else: # for VAR
ynames = ['y%d' % (i+1) for i in range(endog.shape[1])]
return ynames
def _make_exog_names(exog):
exog_var = exog.var(0)
if (exog_var == 0).any():
# assumes one constant in first or last position
# avoid exception if more than one constant
const_idx = exog_var.argmin()
exog_names = ['x%d' % i for i in range(1, exog.shape[1])]
exog_names.insert(const_idx, 'const')
exog_names = ['x%d' % i for i in range(1, exog.shape[1]+1)]
return exog_names
[docs]def handle_missing(endog, exog=None, missing='none', **kwargs):
klass = handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog)
if missing == 'none':
ret_dict = dict(endog=endog, exog=exog)
return ret_dict, None
return klass.handle_missing(endog, exog, missing=missing, **kwargs)
[docs]def handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog):
Given inputs
if data_util._is_using_ndarray_type(endog, exog):
klass = ModelData
elif data_util._is_using_pandas(endog, exog):
klass = PandasData
elif data_util._is_using_patsy(endog, exog):
klass = PatsyData
# keep this check last
elif data_util._is_using_ndarray(endog, exog):
klass = ModelData
raise ValueError('unrecognized data structures: %s / %s' %
(type(endog), type(exog)))
return klass
[docs]def handle_data(endog, exog, missing='none', hasconst=None, **kwargs):
# deal with lists and tuples up-front
if isinstance(endog, (list, tuple)):
endog = np.asarray(endog)
if isinstance(exog, (list, tuple)):
exog = np.asarray(exog)
klass = handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog)
return klass(endog, exog=exog, missing=missing, hasconst=hasconst,