Source code for

"""United States Macroeconomic data"""

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

COPYRIGHT   = """This is public domain."""
TITLE       = __doc__
SOURCE      = """
Compiled by Skipper Seabold. All data are from the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis [1] except the unemployment rate which was taken from the National
Bureau of Labor Statistics [2]. ::

    [1] Data Source: FRED, Federal Reserve Economic Data, Federal Reserve Bank of
        St. Louis;; accessed December 15,

    [2] Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor;; accessed December 15, 2009.

DESCRSHORT  = """US Macroeconomic Data for 1959Q1 - 2009Q3"""


NOTE        = """::
    Number of Observations - 203

    Number of Variables - 14

    Variable name definitions::

        year      - 1959q1 - 2009q3
        quarter   - 1-4
        realgdp   - Real gross domestic product (Bil. of chained 2005 US$,
                    seasonally adjusted annual rate)
        realcons  - Real personal consumption expenditures (Bil. of chained
                    2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate)
        realinv   - Real gross private domestic investment (Bil. of chained
                    2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate)
        realgovt  - Real federal consumption expenditures & gross investment
                    (Bil. of chained 2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate)
        realdpi   - Real private disposable income (Bil. of chained 2005
                    US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate)
        cpi       - End of the quarter consumer price index for all urban
                    consumers: all items (1982-84 = 100, seasonally adjusted).
        m1        - End of the quarter M1 nominal money stock (Seasonally
        tbilrate  - Quarterly monthly average of the monthly 3-month
                    treasury bill: secondary market rate
        unemp     - Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (%)
        pop       - End of the quarter total population: all ages incl. armed
                    forces over seas
        infl      - Inflation rate (ln(cpi_{t}/cpi_{t-1}) * 400)
        realint   - Real interest rate (tbilrate - infl)

from numpy import recfromtxt, column_stack, array
from pandas import DataFrame

from statsmodels.datasets.utils import Dataset
from os.path import dirname, abspath

[docs]def load(): """ Load the US macro data and return a Dataset class. Returns ------- Dataset instance: See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information. Notes ----- The macrodata Dataset instance does not contain endog and exog attributes. """ data = _get_data() names = data.dtype.names dataset = Dataset(data=data, names=names) return dataset
[docs]def load_pandas(): dataset = load() = DataFrame( return dataset
def _get_data(): filepath = dirname(abspath(__file__)) data = recfromtxt(open(filepath + '/macrodata.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=",", names=True, dtype=float) return data