"""Yearly sunspots data 1700-2008"""
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
COPYRIGHT = """This data is public domain."""
TITLE = __doc__
SOURCE = """
The original dataset contains monthly data on sunspot activity in the file
./src/sunspots_yearly.dat. There is also sunspots_monthly.dat.
DESCRSHORT = """Yearly (1700-2008) data on sunspots from the National
Geophysical Data Center."""
NOTE = """::
Number of Observations - 309 (Annual 1700 - 2008)
Number of Variables - 1
Variable name definitions::
SUNACTIVITY - Number of sunspots for each year
The data file contains a 'YEAR' variable that is not returned by load.
from numpy import recfromtxt, column_stack, array
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from statsmodels.datasets.utils import Dataset
from os.path import dirname, abspath
[docs]def load():
Load the yearly sunspot data and returns a data class.
Dataset instance:
See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.
This dataset only contains data for one variable, so the attributes
data, raw_data, and endog are all the same variable. There is no exog
attribute defined.
data = _get_data()
endog_name = 'SUNACTIVITY'
endog = array(data[endog_name], dtype=float)
dataset = Dataset(data=data, names=[endog_name], endog=endog,
return dataset
[docs]def load_pandas():
data = DataFrame(_get_data())
# TODO: time series
endog = Series(data['SUNACTIVITY'], index=data['YEAR'].astype(int))
dataset = Dataset(data=data, names=list(data.columns),
endog=endog, endog_name='volume')
return dataset
def _get_data():
filepath = dirname(abspath(__file__))
data = recfromtxt(open(filepath + '/sunspots.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=",",
names=True, dtype=float)
return data