Source code for statsmodels.emplike.elanova

This script contains empirical likelihood ANOVA.

Currently the script only contains one feature that allows the user to compare
means of multiple groups

General References

Owen, A. B. (2001). Empirical Likelihood. Chapman and Hall.

from statsmodels.compat.python import range
import numpy as np
from .descriptive import _OptFuncts
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.stats import chi2

class _ANOVAOpt(_OptFuncts):

    Class containing functions that are optimized over when
    conducting ANOVA

    def _opt_common_mu(self, mu):
        Optimizes the likelihood under the null hypothesis that all groups have
        mean mu

        mu : float
            The common mean

        llr : float
            -2 times the llr ratio, which is the test statistic
        nobs = self.nobs
        endog = self.endog
        num_groups = self.num_groups
        endog_asarray = np.zeros((nobs, num_groups))
        obs_num = 0
        for arr_num in range(len(endog)):
            new_obs_num = obs_num + len(endog[arr_num])
            endog_asarray[obs_num: new_obs_num, arr_num] = endog[arr_num] - \
            obs_num = new_obs_num
        est_vect = endog_asarray
        wts = np.ones(est_vect.shape[0]) * (1. / (est_vect.shape[0]))
        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.zeros(num_groups), est_vect, wts)
        denom = 1. +, est_vect.T)
        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
        return -2 * llr

[docs]class ANOVA(_ANOVAOpt): """ A class for ANOVA and comparing means. Parameters ---------- endog : list of arrays endog should be a list containing 1 dimensional arrays. Each array is the data collected from a certain group. """
[docs] def __init__(self, endog): self.endog = endog self.num_groups = len(self.endog) self.nobs = 0 for i in self.endog: self.nobs = self.nobs + len(i)
[docs] def compute_ANOVA(self, mu=None, mu_start=0, return_weights=0): """ Returns -2 log likelihood, the pvalue and the maximum likelihood estimate for a common mean. Parameters ---------- mu : float If a mu is specified, ANOVA is conducted with mu as the common mean. Otherwise, the common mean is the maximum empirical likelihood estimate of the common mean. Default is None. mu_start : float Starting value for commean mean if specific mu is not specified. Default = 0 return_weights : bool if TRUE, returns the weights on observations that maximize the likelihood. Default is FALSE Returns ------- res: tuple The log-likelihood, p-value and estimate for the common mean. """ if mu is not None: llr = self._opt_common_mu(mu) pval = 1 - chi2.cdf(llr, self.num_groups - 1) if return_weights: return llr, pval, mu, self.new_weights else: return llr, pval, mu else: res = optimize.fmin_powell(self._opt_common_mu, mu_start, full_output=1, disp=False) llr = res[1] mu_common = float(res[0]) pval = 1 - chi2.cdf(llr, self.num_groups - 1) if return_weights: return llr, pval, mu_common, self.new_weights else: return llr, pval, mu_common