'''Recipes for more efficient work with linalg using classes
intended for use for multivariate normal and linear regression
x is the data (nobs, nvars)
m is the moment matrix (x'x) or a covariance matrix Sigma
z = Px where P=Sigma^{-1/2} or P=Sigma^{1/2}
Initially assume positive definite, then add spectral cutoff and
regularization of moment matrix, and extend to PCA
maybe extend to sparse if some examples work out
(transformation matrix P for random effect and for toeplitz)
Author: josef-pktd
Created on 2010-10-20
from __future__ import print_function
from statsmodels.compat.python import get_function_name
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
#this has been copied from nitime a long time ago
#TODO: ceck whether class has changed in nitime
[docs]class OneTimeProperty(object):
"""A descriptor to make special properties that become normal attributes.
This is meant to be used mostly by the auto_attr decorator in this module.
Author: Fernando Perez, copied from nitime
[docs] def __init__(self,func):
"""Create a OneTimeProperty instance.
func : method
The method that will be called the first time to compute a value.
Afterwards, the method's name will be a standard attribute holding
the value of this computation.
self.getter = func
self.name = get_function_name(func)
def __get__(self,obj,type=None):
"""This will be called on attribute access on the class or instance. """
if obj is None:
# Being called on the class, return the original function. This way,
# introspection works on the class.
#return func
print('class access')
return self.getter
val = self.getter(obj)
#print("** auto_attr - loading '%s'" % self.name # dbg)
setattr(obj, self.name, val)
return val
[docs]class PlainMatrixArray(object):
'''Class that defines linalg operation on an array
simplest version as benchmark
linear algebra recipes for multivariate normal and linear
regression calculations
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, sym=None):
if not data is None:
if sym is None:
self.x = np.asarray(data)
self.m = np.dot(self.x.T, self.x)
raise ValueError('data and sym cannot be both given')
elif not sym is None:
self.m = np.asarray(sym)
self.x = np.eye(*self.m.shape) #default
raise ValueError('either data or sym need to be given')
[docs] def minv(self):
return np.linalg.inv(self.m)
[docs] def m_y(self, y):
return np.dot(self.m, y)
[docs] def minv_y(self, y):
return np.dot(self.minv, y)
[docs] def mpinv(self):
return linalg.pinv(self.m)
[docs] def xpinv(self):
return linalg.pinv(self.x)
[docs] def yt_m_y(self, y):
return np.dot(y.T, np.dot(self.m, y))
[docs] def yt_minv_y(self, y):
return np.dot(y.T, np.dot(self.minv, y))
#next two are redundant
[docs] def y_m_yt(self, y):
return np.dot(y, np.dot(self.m, y.T))
[docs] def y_minv_yt(self, y):
return np.dot(y, np.dot(self.minv, y.T))
[docs] def mdet(self):
return linalg.det(self.m)
[docs] def mlogdet(self):
return np.log(linalg.det(self.m))
[docs] def meigh(self):
evals, evecs = linalg.eigh(self.m)
sortind = np.argsort(evals)[::-1]
return evals[sortind], evecs[:,sortind]
[docs] def mhalf(self):
evals, evecs = self.meigh
return np.dot(np.diag(evals**0.5), evecs.T)
#return np.dot(evecs, np.dot(np.diag(evals**0.5), evecs.T))
#return np.dot(evecs, 1./np.sqrt(evals) * evecs.T))
[docs] def minvhalf(self):
evals, evecs = self.meigh
return np.dot(evecs, 1./np.sqrt(evals) * evecs.T)
[docs]class SvdArray(PlainMatrixArray):
'''Class that defines linalg operation on an array
svd version, where svd is taken on original data array, if
or when it matters
no spectral cutoff in first version
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, sym=None):
super(SvdArray, self).__init__(data=data, sym=sym)
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self.x, full_matrices=1)
self.u, self.s, self.v = u, s, v
self.sdiag = linalg.diagsvd(s, *x.shape)
self.sinvdiag = linalg.diagsvd(1./s, *x.shape)
def _sdiagpow(self, p):
return linalg.diagsvd(np.power(self.s, p), *x.shape)
[docs] def minv(self):
sinvv = np.dot(self.sinvdiag, self.v)
return np.dot(sinvv.T, sinvv)
[docs] def meigh(self):
evecs = self.v.T
evals = self.s**2
return evals, evecs
[docs] def mdet(self):
return self.meigh[0].prod()
[docs] def mlogdet(self):
return np.log(self.meigh[0]).sum()
[docs] def mhalf(self):
return np.dot(np.diag(self.s), self.v)
[docs] def xxthalf(self):
return np.dot(self.u, self.sdiag)
[docs] def xxtinvhalf(self):
return np.dot(self.u, self.sinvdiag)
[docs]class CholArray(PlainMatrixArray):
'''Class that defines linalg operation on an array
cholesky version, where svd is taken on original data array, if
or when it matters
plan: use cholesky factor and cholesky solve
nothing implemented yet
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, sym=None):
super(SvdArray, self).__init__(data=data, sym=sym)
[docs] def yt_minv_y(self, y):
doesn't use stored cholesky yet
return np.dot(x,linalg.cho_solve(linalg.cho_factor(self.m),x))
#same as
#lower = False #if cholesky(sigma) is used, default is upper
#np.dot(x,linalg.cho_solve((self.cholsigma, lower),x))
[docs]def testcompare(m1, m2):
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_approx_equal
decimal = 12
assert_almost_equal(m1.minv, m2.minv, decimal=decimal)
#matrix half and invhalf
#fix sign in test, should this be standardized
s1 = np.sign(m1.mhalf.sum(1))[:,None]
s2 = np.sign(m2.mhalf.sum(1))[:,None]
scorr = s1/s2
assert_almost_equal(m1.mhalf, m2.mhalf * scorr, decimal=decimal)
assert_almost_equal(m1.minvhalf, m2.minvhalf, decimal=decimal)
#eigenvalues, eigenvectors
evals1, evecs1 = m1.meigh
evals2, evecs2 = m2.meigh
assert_almost_equal(evals1, evals2, decimal=decimal)
#normalization can be different: evecs in columns
s1 = np.sign(evecs1.sum(0))
s2 = np.sign(evecs2.sum(0))
scorr = s1/s2
assert_almost_equal(evecs1, evecs2 * scorr, decimal=decimal)
assert_approx_equal(m1.mdet, m2.mdet, significant=13)
assert_approx_equal(m1.mlogdet, m2.mlogdet, significant=13)
####### helper function for interactive work
[docs]def tiny2zero(x, eps = 1e-15):
'''replace abs values smaller than eps by zero, makes copy
mask = np.abs(x.copy()) < eps
x[mask] = 0
return x
[docs]def maxabs(x):
return np.max(np.abs(x))
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = 5
y = np.arange(n)
x = np.random.randn(100,n)
autocov = 2*0.8**np.arange(n) +0.01 * np.random.randn(n)
sigma = linalg.toeplitz(autocov)
mat = PlainMatrixArray(sym=sigma)
mih = mat.minvhalf
print(tiny2zero(mih)) #for nicer printing
mat2 = PlainMatrixArray(data=x)
print(maxabs(mat2.yt_minv_y(np.dot(x.T, x)) - mat2.m))
mat3 = SvdArray(data=x)
testcompare(mat2, mat3)
m = np.dot(x.T, x)
u,s,v = np.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=1)
Sig = linalg.diagsvd(s,*x.shape)
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(u, np.dot(Sig, v)) - x))
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(u.T, u) - np.eye(100)))
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(v.T, v) - np.eye(5)))
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(Sig.T, Sig) - np.diag(s**2)))
>>> evals,evecs = linalg.eigh(np.dot(x.T, x))
>>> evals[::-1]
array([ 123.36404464, 112.17036442, 102.04198468, 76.60832278,
>>> s**2
array([ 123.36404464, 112.17036442, 102.04198468, 76.60832278,
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(v.T, np.dot(np.diag(s**2), v)) - m))
>>> us = np.dot(u, Sig)
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(us, us.T) - np.dot(x, x.T)))
>>> sv = np.dot(Sig, v)
>>> np.max(np.abs(np.dot(sv.T, sv) - np.dot(x.T, x)))