Source code for statsmodels.sandbox.contrast_old

import copy

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import pinv
from statsmodels.sandbox import utils_old as utils

[docs]class ContrastResults(object): """ Results from looking at a particular contrast of coefficients in a parametric model. The class does nothing, it is a container for the results from T and F contrasts. """
[docs] def __init__(self, t=None, F=None, sd=None, effect=None, df_denom=None, df_num=None): if F is not None: self.F = F self.df_denom = df_denom self.df_num = df_num else: self.t = t = sd self.effect = effect self.df_denom = df_denom
def __array__(self): if hasattr(self, "F"): return self.F else: return self.t def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'F'): return '<F contrast: F=%s, df_denom=%d, df_num=%d>' % \ (repr(self.F), self.df_denom, self.df_num) else: return '<T contrast: effect=%s, sd=%s, t=%s, df_denom=%d>' % \ (repr(self.effect), repr(, repr(self.t), self.df_denom)
[docs]class Contrast(object): """ This class is used to construct contrast matrices in regression models. They are specified by a (term, formula) pair. The term, T, is a linear combination of columns of the design matrix D=formula(). The matrix attribute is a contrast matrix C so that colspan(dot(D, C)) = colspan(dot(D, dot(pinv(D), T))) where pinv(D) is the generalized inverse of D. Further, the matrix Tnew = dot(C, D) is full rank. The rank attribute is the rank of dot(D, dot(pinv(D), T)) In a regression model, the contrast tests that E(dot(Tnew, Y)) = 0 for each column of Tnew. """
[docs] def __init__(self, term, formula, name=''): self.term = term self.formula = formula if name is '': = str(term) else: = name
def __str__(self): return '<contrast:%s>' % \ repr({'term':str(self.term), 'formula':str(self.formula)})
[docs] def compute_matrix(self, *args, **kw): """ Construct a contrast matrix C so that colspan(dot(D, C)) = colspan(dot(D, dot(pinv(D), T))) where pinv(D) is the generalized inverse of D=self.D=self.formula(). If the design, self.D is already set, then evaldesign can be set to False. """ t = copy.copy(self.term) t.namespace = self.formula.namespace T = np.transpose(np.array(t(*args, **kw))) if T.ndim == 1: T.shape = (T.shape[0], 1) self.T = utils.clean0(T) self.D =*args, **kw) self._matrix = contrastfromcols(self.T, self.D) try: self.rank = self.matrix.shape[1] except: self.rank = 1
def _get_matrix(self): """ This will fail if the formula needs arguments to construct the design. """ if not hasattr(self, "_matrix"): self.compute_matrix() return self._matrix matrix = property(_get_matrix)
[docs]def contrastfromcols(L, D, pseudo=None): """ From an n x p design matrix D and a matrix L, tries to determine a p x q contrast matrix C which determines a contrast of full rank, i.e. the n x q matrix dot(transpose(C), pinv(D)) is full rank. L must satisfy either L.shape[0] == n or L.shape[1] == p. If L.shape[0] == n, then L is thought of as representing columns in the column space of D. If L.shape[1] == p, then L is thought of as what is known as a contrast matrix. In this case, this function returns an estimable contrast corresponding to the dot(D, L.T) Note that this always produces a meaningful contrast, not always with the intended properties because q is always non-zero unless L is identically 0. That is, it produces a contrast that spans the column space of L (after projection onto the column space of D). """ L = np.asarray(L) D = np.asarray(D) n, p = D.shape if L.shape[0] != n and L.shape[1] != p: raise ValueError('shape of L and D mismatched') if pseudo is None: pseudo = pinv(D) if L.shape[0] == n: C =, L).T else: C = L C =,, C.T)).T Lp =, C.T) if len(Lp.shape) == 1: Lp.shape = (n, 1) if utils.rank(Lp) != Lp.shape[1]: Lp = utils.fullrank(Lp) C =, Lp).T return np.squeeze(C)