Source code for statsmodels.sandbox.distributions.copula


Which Archimedean is Best?
Extreme Value copulas formulas are based on Genest 2009


Genest, C., 2009. Rank-based inference for bivariate extreme-value
copulas. The Annals of Statistics, 37(5), pp.2990-3022.


import numpy as np
from scipy.special import expm1, log1p

[docs]def copula_bv_indep(u,v): '''independent bivariate copula ''' return u*v
[docs]def copula_bv_min(u,v): '''comonotonic bivariate copula ''' return np.minimum(u, v)
[docs]def copula_bv_max(u, v): '''countermonotonic bivariate copula ''' return np.maximum(u + v - 1, 0)
[docs]def copula_bv_clayton(u, v, theta): '''Clayton or Cook, Johnson bivariate copula ''' if not theta > 0: raise ValueError('theta needs to be strictly positive') return np.power(np.power(u, -theta) + np.power(v, -theta) - 1, -theta)
[docs]def copula_bv_frank(u, v, theta): '''Cook, Johnson bivariate copula ''' if not theta > 0: raise ValueError('theta needs to be strictly positive') cdfv = -np.log(1 + expm1(-theta*u) * expm1(-theta*v) / expm1(-theta))/theta cdfv = np.minimum(cdfv, 1) #necessary for example if theta=100 return cdfv
[docs]def copula_bv_gauss(u, v, rho): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def copula_bv_t(u, v, rho, df): raise NotImplementedError
#not used yet
[docs]class Transforms(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class TransfFrank(object):
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, theta): return - (np.log(-expm1(-theta*t)) - np.log(-expm1(-theta)))
#return - np.log(expm1(-theta*t) / expm1(-theta))
[docs] def inverse(self, phi, theta): return -np.log1p(np.exp(-phi) * expm1(-theta)) / theta
[docs]class TransfClayton(object): def _checkargs(theta): return theta > 0
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, theta): return np.power(t, -theta) - 1.
[docs] def inverse(self, phi, theta): return np.power(1 + phi, -theta)
[docs]class TransfGumbel(object): ''' requires theta >=1 ''' def _checkargs(theta): return theta >= 1
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, theta): return np.power(-np.log(t), theta)
[docs] def inverse(self, phi, theta): return np.exp(-np.power(phi, 1. / theta))
[docs]class TransfIndep(object):
[docs] def evaluate(self, t): return -np.log(t)
[docs] def inverse(self, phi): return np.exp(-phi)
[docs]def copula_bv_archimedean(u, v, transform, args=()): ''' ''' phi = transform.evaluate phi_inv = transform.inverse cdfv = phi_inv(phi(u, *args) + phi(v, *args), *args) return cdfv
[docs]def copula_mv_archimedean(u, transform, args=(), axis=-1): '''generic multivariate Archimedean copula ''' phi = transform.evaluate phi_inv = transform.inverse cdfv = phi_inv(phi(u, *args).sum(axis), *args) return cdfv
[docs]def copula_bv_ev(u, v, transform, args=()): '''generic bivariate extreme value copula ''' return np.exp(np.log(u * v) * (transform(np.log(v)/np.log(u*v), *args)))
[docs]def transform_tawn(t, a1, a2, theta): '''asymmetric logistic model of Tawn 1988 special case: a1=a2=1 : Gumbel restrictions: - theta in (0,1] - a1, a2 in [0,1] ''' def _check_args(a1, a2, theta): condth = (theta > 0) and (theta <= 1) conda1 = (a1 >= 0) and (a1 <= 1) conda2 = (a2 >= 0) and (a2 <= 1) return condth and conda1 and conda2 if not np.all(_check_args(a1, a2, theta)): raise ValueError('invalid args') transf = (1 - a1) * (1-t) transf += (1 - a2) * t transf += ((a1 * t)**(1./theta) + (a2 * (1-t))**(1./theta))**theta return transf
[docs]def transform_joe(t, a1, a2, theta): '''asymmetric negative logistic model of Joe 1990 special case: a1=a2=1 : symmetric negative logistic of Galambos 1978 restrictions: - theta in (0,inf) - a1, a2 in (0,1] ''' def _check_args(a1, a2, theta): condth = (theta > 0) conda1 = (a1 > 0) and (a1 <= 1) conda2 = (a2 > 0) and (a2 <= 1) return condth and conda1 and conda2 if not np.all(_check_args(a1, a2, theta)): raise ValueError('invalid args') transf = 1 - ((a1 * (1-t))**(-1./theta) + (a2 * t)**(-1./theta))**(-theta) return transf
[docs]def transform_tawn2(t, theta, k): '''asymmetric mixed model of Tawn 1988 special case: k=0, theta in [0,1] : symmetric mixed model of Tiago de Oliveira 1980 restrictions: - theta > 0 - theta + 3*k > 0 - theta + k <= 1 - theta + 2*k <= 1 ''' def _check_args(theta, k): condth = (theta >= 0) cond1 = (theta + 3*k > 0) and (theta + k <= 1) and (theta + 2*k <= 1) return condth and cond1 if not np.all(_check_args(theta, k)): raise ValueError('invalid args') transf = 1 - (theta + k) * t + theta * t*t + k * t**3 return transf
[docs]def transform_bilogistic(t, beta, delta): '''bilogistic model of Coles and Tawn 1994, Joe, Smith and Weissman 1992 restrictions: - (beta, delta) in (0,1)^2 or - (beta, delta) in (-inf,0)^2 not vectorized because of numerical integration ''' def _check_args(beta, delta): cond1 = (beta > 0) and (beta <= 1) and (delta > 0) and (delta <= 1) cond2 = (beta < 0) and (delta < 0) return cond1 | cond2 if not np.all(_check_args(beta, delta)): raise ValueError('invalid args') def _integrant(w): term1 = (1 - beta) * np.power(w, -beta) * (1-t) term2 = (1 - delta) * np.power(1-w, -delta) * t np.maximum(term1, term2) from scipy.integrate import quad transf = quad(_integrant, 0, 1) return transf
[docs]def transform_hr(t, lamda): '''model of Huesler Reiss 1989 special case: a1=a2=1 : symmetric negative logistic of Galambos 1978 restrictions: - lambda in (0,inf) ''' def _check_args(lamda): cond = (lamda > 0) return cond if not np.all(_check_args(lamda)): raise ValueError('invalid args') term = np.log((1. - t) / t) * 0.5 / lamda from scipy.stats import norm #use special if I want to avoid stats import transf = (1 - t) * norm._cdf(lamda + term) + t * norm._cdf(lamda - term) return transf
[docs]def transform_tev(t, rho, x): '''t-EV model of Demarta and McNeil 2005 restrictions: - rho in (-1,1) - x > 0 ''' def _check_args(rho, x): cond1 = (x > 0) cond2 = (rho > 0) and (rho < 1) return cond1 and cond2 if not np.all(_check_args(rho, x)): raise ValueError('invalid args') from scipy.stats import t as stats_t #use special if I want to avoid stats import z = np.sqrt(1. + x) * (np.power(t/(1.-t), 1./x) - rho) z /= np.sqrt(1 - rho*rho) transf = (1 - t) * stats_t._cdf(z, x+1) + t * stats_t._cdf(z, x+1) return transf
#define dictionary of copulas by names and aliases copulanames = {'indep' : copula_bv_indep, 'i' : copula_bv_indep, 'min' : copula_bv_min, 'max' : copula_bv_max, 'clayton' : copula_bv_clayton, 'cookjohnson' : copula_bv_clayton, 'cj' : copula_bv_clayton, 'frank' : copula_bv_frank, 'gauss' : copula_bv_gauss, 'normal' : copula_bv_gauss, 't' : copula_bv_frank}
[docs]class CopulaBivariate(object): '''bivariate copula class Instantiation needs the arguments, cop_args, that are required for copula '''
[docs] def __init__(self, marginalcdfs, copula, copargs=()): if copula in copulanames: self.copula = copulanames[copula] else: #see if we can call it as a copula function try: tmp = copula(0.5, 0.5, *copargs) except: #blanket since we throw again raise ValueError('copula needs to be a copula name or callable') self.copula = copula #no checking done on marginals self.marginalcdfs = marginalcdfs self.copargs = copargs
[docs] def cdf(self, xy, args=None): '''xx needs to be iterable, instead of x,y for extension to multivariate ''' x, y = xy if args is None: args = self.copargs return self.copula(self.marginalcdfs[0](x), self.marginalcdfs[1](y), *args)