Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from import CacheWriteWarning
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
from statsmodels.compat.python import get_function_name
import warnings

__all__ = ['resettable_cache','cache_readonly', 'cache_writable']

[docs]class ResettableCache(dict): """ Dictionary whose elements mey depend one from another. If entry `B` depends on entry `A`, changing the values of entry `A` will reset the value of entry `B` to a default (None); deleteing entry `A` will delete entry `B`. The connections between entries are stored in a `_resetdict` private attribute. Parameters ---------- reset : dictionary, optional An optional dictionary, associated a sequence of entries to any key of the object. items : var, optional An optional dictionary used to initialize the dictionary Examples -------- >>> reset = dict(a=('b',), b=('c',)) >>> cache = resettable_cache(a=0, b=1, c=2, reset=reset) >>> assert_equal(cache, dict(a=0, b=1, c=2)) >>> print("Try resetting a") >>> cache['a'] = 1 >>> assert_equal(cache, dict(a=1, b=None, c=None)) >>> cache['c'] = 2 >>> assert_equal(cache, dict(a=1, b=None, c=2)) >>> cache['b'] = 0 >>> assert_equal(cache, dict(a=1, b=0, c=None)) >>> print("Try deleting b") >>> del(cache['a']) >>> assert_equal(cache, {}) """
[docs] def __init__(self, reset=None, **items): self._resetdict = reset or {} dict.__init__(self, **items)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) #if hasattr needed for unpickling with protocol=2 if hasattr(self, '_resetdict'): for mustreset in self._resetdict.get(key, []): self[mustreset] = None def __delitem__(self, key): dict.__delitem__(self, key) for mustreset in self._resetdict.get(key, []): del(self[mustreset])
# def __getstate__(self): # print('pickling wrapper', self.__dict__) # return self.__dict__ # # def __setstate__(self, dict_): # print('unpickling wrapper', dict_) # self.__dict__.update(dict_) resettable_cache = ResettableCache
[docs]class CachedAttribute(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, func, cachename=None, resetlist=None): self.fget = func = func.__name__ self.cachename = cachename or '_cache' self.resetlist = resetlist or ()
def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self.fget # Get the cache or set a default one if needed _cachename = self.cachename _cache = getattr(obj, _cachename, None) if _cache is None: setattr(obj, _cachename, resettable_cache()) _cache = getattr(obj, _cachename) # Get the name of the attribute to set and cache name = _cachedval = _cache.get(name, None) # print("[_cachedval=%s]" % _cachedval) if _cachedval is None: # Call the "fget" function _cachedval = self.fget(obj) # Set the attribute in obj # print("Setting %s in cache to %s" % (name, _cachedval)) try: _cache[name] = _cachedval except KeyError: setattr(_cache, name, _cachedval) # Update the reset list if needed (and possible) resetlist = self.resetlist if resetlist is not (): try: _cache._resetdict[name] = self.resetlist except AttributeError: pass # else: # print("Reading %s from cache (%s)" % (name, _cachedval)) return _cachedval def __set__(self, obj, value): errmsg = "The attribute '%s' cannot be overwritten" % warnings.warn(errmsg, CacheWriteWarning)
[docs]class CachedWritableAttribute(CachedAttribute): # def __set__(self, obj, value): _cache = getattr(obj, self.cachename) name = try: _cache[name] = value except KeyError: setattr(_cache, name, value)
class _cache_readonly(object): """ Decorator for CachedAttribute """ def __init__(self, cachename=None, resetlist=None): self.func = None self.cachename = cachename self.resetlist = resetlist or None def __call__(self, func): return CachedAttribute(func, cachename=self.cachename, resetlist=self.resetlist) cache_readonly = _cache_readonly()
[docs]class cache_writable(_cache_readonly): """ Decorator for CachedWritableAttribute """ def __call__(self, func): return CachedWritableAttribute(func, cachename=self.cachename, resetlist=self.resetlist)
#this has been copied from nitime a long time ago #TODO: ceck whether class has change in nitime
[docs]class OneTimeProperty(object): """A descriptor to make special properties that become normal attributes. This is meant to be used mostly by the auto_attr decorator in this module. Author: Fernando Perez, copied from nitime """
[docs] def __init__(self,func): """Create a OneTimeProperty instance. Parameters ---------- func : method The method that will be called the first time to compute a value. Afterwards, the method's name will be a standard attribute holding the value of this computation. """ self.getter = func = get_function_name(func)
def __get__(self,obj,type=None): """This will be called on attribute access on the class or instance. """ if obj is None: # Being called on the class, return the original function. This way, # introspection works on the class. #return func #print('class access') return self.getter val = self.getter(obj) #print("** auto_attr - loading '%s'" % # dbg) setattr(obj,, val) return val
try: from import nottest except ImportError: # make a dummy decorator so people that don't have nose installed # don't get an error def nottest(fn): return fn if __name__ == "__main__": ### Tests resettable_cache ---------------------------------------------------- reset = dict(a=('b',), b=('c',)) cache = resettable_cache(a=0, b=1, c=2, reset=reset) assert_equal(cache, dict(a=0, b=1, c=2)) # print("Try resetting a") cache['a'] = 1 assert_equal(cache, dict(a=1, b=None, c=None)) cache['c'] = 2 assert_equal(cache, dict(a=1, b=None, c=2)) cache['b'] = 0 assert_equal(cache, dict(a=1, b=0, c=None)) # print("Try deleting b") del(cache['a']) assert_equal(cache, {}) ### --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Example(object): # def __init__(self): self._cache = resettable_cache() self.a = 0 # @cache_readonly def b(self): return 1 @cache_writable(resetlist='d') def c(self): return 2 @cache_writable(resetlist=('e', 'f')) def d(self): return self.c + 1 # @cache_readonly def e(self): return 4 @cache_readonly def f(self): return self.e + 1 ex = Example() print("(attrs : %s)" % str(ex.__dict__)) print("(cached : %s)" % str(ex._cache)) print("Try a :", ex.a) print("Try accessing/setting a readonly attribute") assert_equal(ex.__dict__, dict(a=0, _cache={})) print("Try b #1:", ex.b) b = ex.b assert_equal(b, 1) assert_equal(ex.__dict__, dict(a=0, _cache=dict(b=1,))) # assert_equal(ex.__dict__, dict(a=0, b=1, _cache=dict(b=1))) ex.b = -1 print("Try dict", ex.__dict__) assert_equal(ex._cache, dict(b=1,)) # print("Try accessing/resetting a cachewritable attribute") c = ex.c assert_equal(c, 2) assert_equal(ex._cache, dict(b=1, c=2)) d = ex.d assert_equal(d, 3) assert_equal(ex._cache, dict(b=1, c=2, d=3)) ex.c = 0 assert_equal(ex._cache, dict(b=1, c=0, d=None, e=None, f=None)) d = ex.d assert_equal(ex._cache, dict(b=1, c=0, d=1, e=None, f=None)) ex.d = 5 assert_equal(ex._cache, dict(b=1, c=0, d=5, e=None, f=None))