# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Test for autolag of adfuller, unitroot_adf
Created on Wed May 30 21:39:46 2012
Author: Josef Perktold
from statsmodels.compat.python import iteritems
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal
import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as tsast
from statsmodels.datasets import macrodata
[docs]def test_adf_autolag():
#see issue #246
#this is mostly a unit test
d2 = macrodata.load().data
for k_trend, tr in enumerate(['nc', 'c', 'ct', 'ctt']):
#[None:'nc', 0:'c', 1:'ct', 2:'ctt']
x = np.log(d2['realgdp'])
xd = np.diff(x)
#check exog
adf3 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=None, autolag='aic',
regression=tr, store=True, regresults=True)
st2 = adf3[-1]
assert_equal(len(st2.autolag_results), 15 + 1) #+1 for lagged level
for l, res in sorted(iteritems(st2.autolag_results))[:5]:
lag = l-k_trend
#assert correct design matrices in _autolag
assert_equal(res.model.exog[-10:,k_trend], x[-11:-1])
assert_equal(res.model.exog[-1,k_trend+1:], xd[-lag:-1][::-1])
#min-ic lag of dfgls in Stata is also 2, or 9 for maic with notrend
assert_equal(st2.usedlag, 2)
#same result with lag fixed at usedlag of autolag
adf2 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=2, autolag=None, regression=tr)
assert_almost_equal(adf3[:2], adf2[:2], decimal=12)
tr = 'c'
#check maxlag with autolag
adf3 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=5, autolag='aic',
regression=tr, store=True, regresults=True)
assert_equal(len(adf3[-1].autolag_results), 5 + 1)
adf3 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=0, autolag='aic',
regression=tr, store=True, regresults=True)
assert_equal(len(adf3[-1].autolag_results), 0 + 1)