Source code for statsmodels.tsa.tests.test_arima_process

from statsmodels.compat.python import range
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_almost_equal,

from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import (arma_generate_sample, arma_acovf,
                        arma_acf, arma_impulse_response, lpol_fiar, lpol_fima)
from statsmodels.sandbox.tsa.fftarma import ArmaFft

from .results.results_process import armarep  #benchmarkdata

arlist = [[1.],
          [1, -0.9],  #ma representation will need many terms to get high precision
          [1,  0.9],
          [1, -0.9, 0.3]]

malist = [[1.],
          [1,  0.9],
          [1, -0.9],
          [1,  0.9, -0.3]]

[docs]def test_arma_acovf(): # Check for specific AR(1) N = 20; phi = 0.9; sigma = 1; # rep 1: from module function rep1 = arma_acovf([1, -phi], [1], N); # rep 2: manually rep2 = [1.*sigma*phi**i/(1-phi**2) for i in range(N)]; assert_almost_equal(rep1, rep2, 7); # 7 is max precision here
[docs]def test_arma_acf(): # Check for specific AR(1) N = 20; phi = 0.9; sigma = 1; # rep 1: from module function rep1 = arma_acf([1, -phi], [1], N); # rep 2: manually acovf = np.array([1.*sigma*phi**i/(1-phi**2) for i in range(N)]) rep2 = acovf / (1./(1-phi**2)); assert_almost_equal(rep1, rep2, 8); # 8 is max precision here
def _manual_arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, eta): T = len(eta); ar = ar[::-1]; ma = ma[::-1]; p,q = len(ar), len(ma); rep2 = [0]*max(p,q); # initialize with zeroes for t in range(T): yt = eta[t]; if p: yt +=[-p:], ar); if q: # left pad shocks with zeros yt +=[0]*(q-t) + list(eta[max(0,t-q):t]), ma); rep2.append(yt); return np.array(rep2[max(p,q):]);
[docs]def test_arma_generate_sample(): # Test that this generates a true ARMA process # (amounts to just a test that scipy.signal.lfilter does what we want) T = 100; dists = [np.random.randn] for dist in dists: np.random.seed(1234); eta = dist(T); for ar in arlist: for ma in malist: # rep1: from module function np.random.seed(1234); rep1 = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, T, distrvs=dist); # rep2: "manually" create the ARMA process ar_params = -1*np.array(ar[1:]); ma_params = np.array(ma[1:]); rep2 = _manual_arma_generate_sample(ar_params, ma_params, eta) assert_array_almost_equal(rep1, rep2, 13);
[docs]def test_fi(): #test identity of ma and ar representation of fi lag polynomial n = 100 mafromar = arma_impulse_response(lpol_fiar(0.4, n=n), [1], n) assert_array_almost_equal(mafromar, lpol_fima(0.4, n=n), 13)
[docs]def test_arma_impulse_response(): arrep = arma_impulse_response(,, nobs=21)[1:] marep = arma_impulse_response(,, nobs=21)[1:] assert_array_almost_equal(armarep.marep.ravel(), marep, 14) #difference in sign convention to matlab for AR term assert_array_almost_equal(-armarep.arrep.ravel(), arrep, 14)
[docs]def test_spectrum(): nfreq = 20 w = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nfreq, endpoint=False) for ar in arlist: for ma in malist: arma = ArmaFft(ar, ma, 20) spdr, wr = arma.spdroots(w) spdp, wp = arma.spdpoly(w, 200) spdd, wd = arma.spddirect(nfreq*2) assert_equal(w, wr) assert_equal(w, wp) assert_almost_equal(w, wd[:nfreq], decimal=14) assert_almost_equal(spdr, spdp, decimal=7, err_msg='spdr spdp not equal for %s, %s' % (ar, ma)) assert_almost_equal(spdr, spdd[:nfreq], decimal=7, err_msg='spdr spdd not equal for %s, %s' % (ar, ma))
[docs]def test_armafft(): #test other methods nfreq = 20 w = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nfreq, endpoint=False) for ar in arlist: for ma in malist: arma = ArmaFft(ar, ma, 20) ac1 = arma.invpowerspd(1024)[:10] ac2 = arma.acovf(10)[:10] assert_almost_equal(ac1, ac2, decimal=7, err_msg='acovf not equal for %s, %s' % (ar, ma))
if __name__ == '__main__': test_arma_acovf() test_arma_acf() test_arma_generate_sample() test_fi() test_arma_impulse_response() test_spectrum() test_armafft()