7.9. Models for Survival and Duration Analysis¶
7.9.1. Examples¶
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
data = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("flchain", "survival").data
del data["chapter"]
data = data.dropna()
data["lam"] = data["lambda"]
data["female"] = (data["sex"] == "F").astype(int)
data["year"] = data["sample.yr"] - min(data["sample.yr"])
status = data["death"].values
mod = smf.phreg("futime ~ 0 + age + female + creatinine + "
"np.sqrt(kappa) + np.sqrt(lam) + year + mgus",
data, status=status, ties="efron")
rslt = mod.fit()
Detailed examples can be found here:
There are some notebook examples on the Wiki: Wiki notebooks for PHReg and Survival Analysis References¶
References for Cox proportional hazards regression model:
T Therneau (1996). Extending the Cox model. Technical report.
G Rodriguez (2005). Non-parametric estimation in survival models.
B Gillespie (2006). Checking the assumptions in the Cox proportional
hazards model.
7.9.2. Module Reference¶
The model class is:
PHReg (endog, exog[, status, entry, strata, ...]) |
Fit the Cox proportional hazards regression model for right censored data. |
The result class is:
PHRegResults (model, params, cov_params[, ...]) |
Class to contain results of fitting a Cox proportional hazards survival model. |