
class statsmodels.sandbox.panel.mixed.OneWayMixed(units)[source]

Model for EM implementation of (repeated measures) mixed effects model.

‘Maximum Likelihood Computations with Repeated Measures: Application of the EM Algorithm’

Nan Laird; Nicholas Lange; Daniel Stram

Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 82, No. 397. (Mar., 1987), pp. 97-105.


units : list of units

the data for the individual units should be attached to the units

response, fixed and random : formula expression, called as argument to Formula

*available results and alias*

(subject to renaming, and coversion to cached attributes)

params() -> self.a : coefficient for fixed effects or exog

cov_params() -> self.Sinv : covariance estimate of fixed effects/exog

bse() : standard deviation of params

cov_random -> self.D : estimate of random effects covariance

params_random_units -> [self.units[...].b] : random coefficient for each unit



self.m : number of units

self.p : k_vars_fixed

self.q : k_vars_random

self.N : nobs (total)


Fit returns a result instance, but not all results that use the inherited methods have been checked.

Parameters need to change: drop formula and we require a naming convention for the units (currently Y,X,Z). - endog, exog_fe, endog_re ?

logL does not include constant, e.g. sqrt(pi) llf is for MLE not for REML

convergence criteria for iteration Currently convergence in the iterative solver is reached if either the loglikelihood or the fixed effects parameter don’t change above tolerance.

In some examples, the fixed effects parameters converged to 1e-5 within 150 iterations while the log likelihood did not converge within 2000 iterations. This might be the case if the fixed effects parameters are well estimated, but there are still changes in the random effects. If params_rtol and params_atol are set at a higher level, then the random effects might not be estimated to a very high precision.

The above was with a misspecified model, without a constant. With a correctly specified model convergence is fast, within a few iterations (6 in example).

__init__(units)[source] Methods

cont([ML, rtol, params_rtol, params_atol]) convergence check for iterative estimation
cov_fixed() Approximate covariance of estimates of fixed effects.
cov_params() estimated covariance for coefficients for exogeneous variables or fixed effects
cov_random() Estimate random effects covariance D.
deviance([ML]) deviance defined as 2 times the negative loglikelihood
fit([maxiter, ML, rtol, params_rtol, ...])
logL([ML]) Return log-likelihood, REML by default. Attributes

bse standard errors of estimated coefficients for exogeneous variables (fixed)
params estimated coefficients for exogeneous variables or fixed effects
params_random_units random coefficients for each unit