6.11.1. statsmodels.sandbox.tsa

functions and classes time series analysis Status

work in progress arima.py

ARIMA : initial class, uses conditional least squares, needs merging with new class arma2ar arma2ma arma_acf arma_acovf arma_generate_sample arma_impulse_response deconvolve index2lpol lpol2index mcarma22 movstat.py

I had tested the next group against matlab, but where are the tests ? acf acovf ccf ccovf pacf_ols pacf_yw

These hat incorrect array size, were my first implementation, slow compared to cumsum version in la and cython version in pandas. These need checking, and merging/comparing with new class MovStats check_movorder expandarr movmean : movmoment : corrected cutoff movorder movvar Functions

movmean(x[, windowsize, lag]) moving window mean
movmoment(x, k[, windowsize, lag]) non-central moment
movorder(x[, order, windsize, lag]) moving order statistics
movvar(x[, windowsize, lag]) moving window variance