
statsmodels.tsa.kalmanf.kalmanfilter.kalmanfilter(F, A, H, Q, R, y, X, xi10, ntrain, history=False)[source]

Returns the negative log-likelihood of y conditional on the information set

Assumes that the initial state and all innovations are multivariate Gaussian.


F : array-like

The (r x r) array holding the transition matrix for the hidden state.

A : array-like

The (nobs x k) array relating the predetermined variables to the observed data.

H : array-like

The (nobs x r) array relating the hidden state vector to the observed data.

Q : array-like

(r x r) variance/covariance matrix on the error term in the hidden state transition.

R : array-like

(nobs x nobs) variance/covariance of the noise in the observation equation.

y : array-like

The (nobs x 1) array holding the observed data.

X : array-like

The (nobs x k) array holding the predetermined variables data.

xi10 : array-like

Is the (r x 1) initial prior on the initial state vector.

ntrain : int

The number of training periods for the filter. This is the number of observations that do not affect the likelihood.



The negative of the log likelihood

history or priors, history of posterior

If history is True.


No input checking is done.