
Provides a class that holds runtime and parsing time options.

  1. 2010 by the Jinja Team.

BSD, see LICENSE for more details.


concat S.join(iterable) -> unicode
consume(iterable) Consumes an iterable without doing anything with it.
copy_cache(cache) Create an empty copy of the given cache.
create_cache(size) Return the cache class for the given size.
generate(node, environment, name, filename) Generate the python source for a node tree.
get_lexer(environment) Return a lexer which is probably cached.
get_spontaneous_environment(*args) Return a new spontaneous environment.
import_string(import_name[, silent]) Imports an object based on a string.
internalcode(f) Marks the function as internally used
load_extensions(environment, extensions) Load the extensions from the list and bind it to the environment.
new_context(environment, template_name, blocks) Internal helper to for context creation.
optimize(node, environment) The context hint can be used to perform an static optimization based on the context given.
reduce((function, sequence[, initial]) -> value) Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence, from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.
reraise(tp, value[, tb])


CodeGenerator(environment, name, filename[, ...])
Context(environment, parent, name, blocks) The template context holds the variables of a template.
Environment([block_start_string, ...]) The core component of Jinja is the Environment.
EvalContext(environment[, template_name]) Holds evaluation time information.
LRUCache(capacity) A simple LRU Cache implementation.
Markup Marks a string as being safe for inclusion in HTML/XML output without needing to be escaped.
Parser(environment, source[, name, ...]) This is the central parsing class Jinja2 uses.
Template The central template object.
TemplateExpression(template, undefined_to_none) The jinja2.Environment.compile_expression() method returns an instance of this object.
TemplateModule(template, context) Represents an imported template.
TemplateStream(gen) A template stream works pretty much like an ordinary python generator but it can buffer multiple items to reduce the number of total iterations.
TokenStream(generator, name, filename) A token stream is an iterable that yields Tokens.
Undefined([hint, obj, name, exc]) The default undefined type.
ifilter ifilter(function or None, sequence) –> ifilter object
imap imap(func, *iterables) –> imap object
text_type alias of unicode


TemplateNotFound(name[, message]) Raised if a template does not exist.
TemplateRuntimeError([message]) A generic runtime error in the template engine.
TemplateSyntaxError(message, lineno[, name, ...]) Raised to tell the user that there is a problem with the template.
TemplatesNotFound([names, message]) Like TemplateNotFound but raised if multiple templates are selected.