Source code for statsmodels.sandbox.regression.predstd

'''Additional functions

prediction standard errors and confidence intervals

A: josef pktd

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

[docs]def atleast_2dcol(x): ''' convert array_like to 2d from 1d or 0d not tested because not used ''' x = np.asarray(x) if (x.ndim == 1): x = x[:, None] elif (x.ndim == 0): x = np.atleast_2d(x) elif (x.ndim > 0): raise ValueError('too many dimensions') return x
[docs]def wls_prediction_std(res, exog=None, weights=None, alpha=0.05): '''calculate standard deviation and confidence interval for prediction applies to WLS and OLS, not to general GLS, that is independently but not identically distributed observations Parameters ---------- res : regression result instance results of WLS or OLS regression required attributes see notes exog : array_like (optional) exogenous variables for points to predict weights : scalar or array_like (optional) weights as defined for WLS (inverse of variance of observation) alpha : float (default: alpha = 0.05) confidence level for two-sided hypothesis Returns ------- predstd : array_like, 1d standard error of prediction same length as rows of exog interval_l, interval_u : array_like lower und upper confidence bounds Notes ----- The result instance needs to have at least the following res.model.predict() : predicted values or res.fittedvalues : values used in estimation res.cov_params() : covariance matrix of parameter estimates If exog is 1d, then it is interpreted as one observation, i.e. a row vector. testing status: not compared with other packages References ---------- Greene p.111 for OLS, extended to WLS by analogy ''' # work around current bug: # fit doesn't attach results to model, predict broken #res.model.results covb = res.cov_params() if exog is None: exog = res.model.exog predicted = res.fittedvalues if weights is None: weights = res.model.weights else: exog = np.atleast_2d(exog) if covb.shape[1] != exog.shape[1]: raise ValueError('wrong shape of exog') predicted = res.model.predict(res.params, exog) if weights is None: weights = 1. else: weights = np.asarray(weights) if weights.size > 1 and len(weights) != exog.shape[0]: raise ValueError('weights and exog do not have matching shape') # full covariance: #predvar = res3.mse_resid + np.diag(,,X2.T))) # predication variance only predvar = res.mse_resid/weights + (exog *, exog.T).T).sum(1) predstd = np.sqrt(predvar) tppf = stats.t.isf(alpha/2., res.df_resid) interval_u = predicted + tppf * predstd interval_l = predicted - tppf * predstd return predstd, interval_l, interval_u