
class statsmodels.sandbox.nonparametric.kdecovclass.gaussian_kde_set_covariance(dataset, covariance)[source]

from Anne Archibald in mailinglist: http://www.nabble.com/Width-of-the-gaussian-in-stats.kde.gaussian_kde—td19558924.html#a19558924

__init__(dataset, covariance)[source] Methods

__init__(dataset, covariance)
covariance_factor() Computes the coefficient (kde.factor) that multiplies the data covariance matrix to obtain the kernel covariance matrix.
evaluate(points) Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.
integrate_box(low_bounds, high_bounds[, maxpts]) Computes the integral of a pdf over a rectangular interval.
integrate_box_1d(low, high) Computes the integral of a 1D pdf between two bounds.
integrate_gaussian(mean, cov) Multiply estimated density by a multivariate Gaussian and integrate over the whole space.
integrate_kde(other) Computes the integral of the product of this kernel density estimate with another.
logpdf(x) Evaluate the log of the estimated pdf on a provided set of points.
pdf(x) Evaluate the estimated pdf on a provided set of points.
resample([size]) Randomly sample a dataset from the estimated pdf.
scotts_factor() Computes the coefficient (kde.factor) that multiplies the data covariance matrix to obtain the kernel covariance matrix.
set_bandwidth([bw_method]) Compute the estimator bandwidth with given method.