5.4. statsmodels.sandbox.formula

Provides the basic classes needed to specify statistical models.

: dictionary
mapping from names to data, used to associate data to a formula or term

5.4.1. Functions

interactions(terms[, order]) Output all pairwise interactions of given order of a sequence of terms.
isnested(A, B[, namespace]) Is factor B nested within factor A or vice versa: a very crude test which depends on the namespace.
iterkeys(obj, **kwargs)
itervalues(obj, **kwargs)

5.4.2. Classes

Factor(termname, keys[, ordinal]) A categorical factor.
Formula(termlist[, namespace]) A formula object for manipulating design matrices in regression models, essentially consisting of a list of term instances.
Quantitative(name[, func, termname, transform]) A subclass of term that can be used to apply point transformations of another term, i.e.
Term(name[, func, termname]) This class is very simple: it is just a named term in a model formula.