ECDF (values) |
Return the ECDF of an array as a step function. |
clean0 (matrix) |
Erase columns of zeros: can save some time in pseudoinverse. |
fullrank (X[, r]) |
Return a matrix whose column span is the same as X. |
mad (a[, c, axis]) |
Median Absolute Deviation: |
monotone_fn_inverter (fn, x[, vectorized]) |
Given a monotone function x (no checking is done to verify monotonicity) and a set of x values, return an linearly interpolated approximation to its inverse from its values on x. |
rank (X[, cond]) |
Return the rank of a matrix X based on its generalized inverse, not the SVD. |
recipr (X) |
Return the reciprocal of an array, setting all entries less than or equal to 0 to 0. |
recipr0 (X) |
Return the reciprocal of an array, setting all entries equal to 0 as 0. |