6.7.4. statsmodels.sandbox.regression.gmm

Generalized Method of Moments, GMM, and Two-Stage Least Squares for instrumental variables IV2SLS Issues

  • number of parameters, nparams, and starting values for parameters Where to put them? start was initially taken from global scope (bug)

  • When optimal weighting matrix cannot be calculated numerically In DistQuantilesGMM, we only have one row of moment conditions, not a moment condition for each observation, calculation for cov of moments breaks down. iter=1 works (weights is identity matrix) -> need method to do one iteration with an identity matrix or an

    analytical weighting matrix given as parameter.

    -> add result statistics for this case, e.g. cov_params, I have it in the

    standalone function (and in calc_covparams which is a copy of it), but not tested yet.

    DONE fitonce in DistQuantilesGMM, params are the same as in direct call to fitgmm

    move it to GMM class (once it’s clearer for which cases I need this.)

  • GMM doesn’t know anything about the underlying model, e.g. y = X beta + u or panel data model. It would be good if we can reuse methods from regressions, e.g. predict, fitted values, calculating the error term, and some result statistics. What’s the best way to do this, multiple inheritance, outsourcing the functions, mixins or delegation (a model creates a GMM instance just for estimation). Unclear

  • dof in Hausman - based on rank - differs between IV2SLS method and function used with GMM or (IV2SLS) - with GMM, covariance matrix difference has negative eigenvalues in iv example, ???

  • jtest/jval - I’m not sure about the normalization (multiply or divide by nobs) in jtest.

    need a test case. Scaling of jval is irrelevant for estimation. jval in jtest looks to large in example, but I have no idea about the size

  • bse for fitonce look too large (no time for checking now)

    formula for calc_cov_params for the case without optimal weighting matrix is wrong. I don’t have an estimate for omega in that case. And I’m confusing between weights and omega, which are not the same in this case.

Author: josef-pktd License: BSD (3-clause) Functions

approx_fprime(x, f[, epsilon, args, kwargs, ...]) Gradient of function, or Jacobian if function f returns 1d array
approx_hess(x, f[, epsilon, args, kwargs]) Calculate Hessian with finite difference derivative approximation
maxabs(x) just a shortcut to np.abs(x).max()
spec_hausman(params_e, params_i, ...[, dof]) Hausmans specification test Classes

DistQuantilesGMM(endog, exog, instrument, **kwds) Estimate distribution parameters by GMM based on matching quantiles
GMM(endog, exog, instrument[, k_moms, ...]) Class for estimation by Generalized Method of Moments
GMMResults(*args, **kwds) just a storage class right now
IV2SLS(endog, exog[, instrument]) Class for instrumental variables estimation using Two-Stage Least-Squares
IVGMM(endog, exog, instrument[, k_moms, ...]) Basic class for instrumental variables estimation using GMM
IVGMMResults(*args, **kwds)
IVRegressionResults(model, params[, ...]) Results class for for an OLS model.
LikelihoodModel(endog[, exog]) Likelihood model is a subclass of Model.
LikelihoodModelResults(model, params[, ...]) Class to contain results from likelihood models
LinearIVGMM(endog, exog, instrument[, ...]) class for linear instrumental variables models estimated with GMM
Model(endog[, exog]) A (predictive) statistical model.
NonlinearIVGMM(endog, exog, instrument, ...) Class for non-linear instrumental variables estimation wusing GMM
OLS(endog[, exog, missing, hasconst]) A simple ordinary least squares model.
RegressionResults(model, params[, ...]) This class summarizes the fit of a linear regression model.
resettable_cache alias of ResettableCache