
statsmodels.stats.correlation_tools.corr_thresholded(data, minabs=None, max_elt=10000000.0)[source]

Construct a sparse matrix containing the thresholded row-wise correlation matrix from a data array.


data : array_like

The data from which the row-wise thresholded correlation matrix is to be computed.

minabs : non-negative real

The threshold value; correlation coefficients smaller in magnitude than minabs are set to zero. If None, defaults to 1 / sqrt(n), see Notes for more information.


cormat : sparse.coo_matrix

The thresholded correlation matrix, in COO format.


This is an alternative to C = np.corrcoef(data); C *= (np.abs(C) >= absmin), suitable for very tall data matrices.

If the data are jointly Gaussian, the marginal sampling distributions of the elements of the sample correlation matrix are approximately Gaussian with standard deviation 1 / sqrt(n). The default value of minabs is thus equal to 1 standard error, which will set to zero approximately 68% of the estimated correlation coefficients for which the population value is zero.

No intermediate matrix with more than max_elt values will be constructed. However memory use could still be high if a large number of correlation values exceed minabs in magnitude.

The thresholded matrix is returned in COO format, which can easily be converted to other sparse formats.


Here X is a tall data matrix (e.g. with 100,000 rows and 50 columns). The row-wise correlation matrix of X is calculated and stored in sparse form, with all entries smaller than 0.3 treated as 0.

>>> cmat = corr_thresholded(X, 0.3)