
statsmodels.sandbox.multilinear.multigroup(pvals, groups, exact=True, keep_all=True, alpha=0.05)[source]

Test if the given groups are different from the total partition.

Given a boolean array test if each group has a proportion of positives different than the complexive proportion. The test can be done as an exact Fisher test or approximated as a Chi squared test for more speed.


pvals: pandas series of boolean

the significativity of the variables under analysis

groups: dict of list

the name of each category of variables under exam. each one is a list of the variables included

exact: boolean, optional

If True (default) use the fisher exact test, otherwise use the chi squared test for contingencies tables. For high number of elements in the array the fisher test can be significantly slower than the chi squared.

keep_all: boolean, optional

if False it will drop those groups where the fraction of positive is below the expected result. If True (default)

it will keep all the significant results.

alpha: float, optional

the significativity level for the pvalue correction on the whole set of groups (not inside the groups themselves).


result_df: pandas dataframe

for each group returns:

pvals - the fisher p value of the test adj_pvals - the adjusted pvals increase - the log of the odd ratio between the

internal significant ratio versus the external one

_in_sign - significative elements inside the group _in_non - non significative elements inside the group _out_sign - significative elements outside the group _out_non - non significative elements outside the group


This test allow to see if a category of variables is generally better suited to be described for the model. For example to see if a predictor gives more information on demographic or economical parameters, by creating two groups containing the endogenous variables of each category.

This function is conceived for medical dataset with a lot of variables that can be easily grouped into functional groups. This is because The significativity of a group require a rather large number of composing elements.


A toy example on a real dataset, the Guerry dataset from R >>> url = “http://vincentarelbundock.github.com/” >>> url = url + “Rdatasets/csv/HistData/Guerry.csv” >>> df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=’dept’)

evaluate the relationship between the variuos paramenters whith the Wealth >>> pvals = multiOLS(‘Wealth’, df)[‘adj_pvals’, ‘_f_test’]

define the groups >>> groups = {} >>> groups[‘crime’] = [‘Crime_prop’, ‘Infanticide’, ... ‘Crime_parents’, ‘Desertion’, ‘Crime_pers’] >>> groups[‘religion’] = [‘Donation_clergy’, ‘Clergy’, ‘Donations’] >>> groups[‘wealth’] = [‘Commerce’, ‘Lottery’, ‘Instruction’, ‘Literacy’]

do the analysis of the significativity >>> multigroup(pvals < 0.05, groups)