
Werkzeug is the Swiss Army knife of Python web development.

It provides useful classes and functions for any WSGI application to make the life of a python web developer much easier. All of the provided classes are independent from each other so you can mix it with any other library.


append_slash_redirect(environ[, code]) Redirects to the same URL but with a slash appended.
bind_arguments(func, args, kwargs) Bind the arguments provided into a dict.
check_password_hash(pwhash, password) check a password against a given salted and hashed password value.
cookie_date([expires]) Formats the time to ensure compatibility with Netscape’s cookie standard.
create_environ(*args, **kwargs) Create a new WSGI environ dict based on the values passed.
dump_cookie(key[, value, max_age, expires, ...]) Creates a new Set-Cookie header without the Set-Cookie prefix The parameters are the same as in the cookie Morsel object in the Python standard library but it accepts unicode data, too.
dump_header(iterable[, allow_token]) Dump an HTTP header again.
dump_options_header(header, options) The reverse function to parse_options_header().
escape(s[, quote]) Replace special characters “&”, “<”, “>” and (”) to HTML-safe sequences.
extract_path_info(environ_or_baseurl, ...[, ...]) Extracts the path info from the given URL (or WSGI environment) and path.
find_modules(import_path[, ...]) Finds all the modules below a package.
format_string(string, context) String-template format a string:
generate_etag(data) Generate an etag for some data.
generate_password_hash(password[, method, ...]) Hash a password with the given method and salt with with a string of the given length.
get_current_url(environ[, root_only, ...]) A handy helper function that recreates the full URL as IRI for the current request or parts of it.
get_host(environ[, trusted_hosts]) Return the real host for the given WSGI environment.
http_date([timestamp]) Formats the time to match the RFC1123 date format.
import_string(import_name[, silent]) Imports an object based on a string.
iri_to_uri(iri[, charset, errors, ...]) Converts any unicode based IRI to an acceptable ASCII URI.
is_entity_header(header) Check if a header is an entity header.
is_hop_by_hop_header(header) Check if a header is an HTTP/1.1 “Hop-by-Hop” header.
is_resource_modified(environ[, etag, data, ...]) Convenience method for conditional requests.
make_line_iter(stream[, limit, buffer_size, ...]) Safely iterates line-based over an input stream.
parse_accept_header(value[, cls]) Parses an HTTP Accept-* header.
parse_authorization_header(value) Parse an HTTP basic/digest authorization header transmitted by the web browser.
parse_cache_control_header(value[, ...]) Parse a cache control header.
parse_cookie(header[, charset, errors, cls]) Parse a cookie.
parse_date(value) Parse one of the following date formats into a datetime object:
parse_dict_header(value[, cls]) Parse lists of key, value pairs as described by RFC 2068 Section 2 and
parse_etags(value) Parse an etag header.
parse_form_data(environ[, stream_factory, ...]) Parse the form data in the environ and return it as tuple in the form (stream, form, files).
parse_list_header(value) Parse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2.
parse_options_header(value[, multiple]) Parse a Content-Type like header into a tuple with the content
parse_set_header(value[, on_update]) Parse a set-like header and return a
parse_www_authenticate_header(value[, on_update]) Parse an HTTP WWW-Authenticate header into a WWWAuthenticate object.
peek_path_info(environ[, charset, errors]) Returns the next segment on the PATH_INFO or None if there is none.
pop_path_info(environ[, charset, errors]) Removes and returns the next segment of PATH_INFO, pushing it onto SCRIPT_NAME.
quote_etag(etag[, weak]) Quote an etag.
quote_header_value(value[, extra_chars, ...]) Quote a header value if necessary.
redirect(location[, code, Response]) Returns a response object (a WSGI application) that, if called, redirects the client to the target location.
release_local(local) Releases the contents of the local for the current context.
remove_entity_headers(headers[, allowed]) Remove all entity headers from a list or Headers object.
remove_hop_by_hop_headers(headers) Remove all HTTP/1.1 “Hop-by-Hop” headers from a list or Headers object.
responder(f) Marks a function as responder.
run_simple(hostname, port, application[, ...]) Start a WSGI application.
run_wsgi_app(app, environ[, buffered]) Return a tuple in the form (app_iter, status, headers) of the application output.
secure_filename(filename) Pass it a filename and it will return a secure version of it.
test_app(environ, start_response) Simple test application that dumps the environment.
unescape(s) The reverse function of escape.
unquote_etag(etag) Unquote a single etag:
unquote_header_value(value[, is_filename]) Unquotes a header value.
uri_to_iri(uri[, charset, errors]) Converts a URI in a given charset to a IRI.
url_decode(s[, charset, decode_keys, ...]) Parse a querystring and return it as MultiDict.
url_encode(obj[, charset, encode_keys, ...]) URL encode a dict/MultiDict.
url_fix(s[, charset]) Sometimes you get an URL by a user that just isn’t a real URL because it contains unsafe characters like ‘ ‘ and so on.
url_quote(string[, charset, errors, safe, ...]) URL encode a single string with a given encoding.
url_quote_plus(string[, charset, errors, safe]) URL encode a single string with the given encoding and convert whitespace to “+”.
url_unquote(string[, charset, errors, unsafe]) URL decode a single string with a given encoding.
url_unquote_plus(s[, charset, errors]) URL decode a single string with the given charset and decode “+” to whitespace.
validate_arguments(func, args, kwargs[, ...]) Checks if the function accepts the arguments and keyword arguments.
wrap_file(environ, file[, buffer_size]) Wraps a file.


Aborter([mapping, extra]) When passed a dict of code -> exception items it can be used as callable that raises exceptions.
Accept([values]) An Accept object is just a list subclass for lists of (value, quality) tuples.
AcceptMixin A mixin for classes with an environ attribute to get all the HTTP accept headers as Accept objects (or subclasses thereof).
Authorization(auth_type[, data]) Represents an Authorization header sent by the client.
AuthorizationMixin Adds an authorization property that represents the parsed value of the Authorization header as Authorization object.
BaseRequest(environ[, populate_request, shallow]) Very basic request object.
BaseResponse([response, status, headers, ...]) Base response class.
CallbackDict([initial, on_update]) A dict that calls a function passed every time something is changed.
CharsetAccept([values]) Like Accept but with normalization for charsets.
Client(application[, response_wrapper, ...]) This class allows to send requests to a wrapped application.
ClosingIterator(iterable[, callbacks]) The WSGI specification requires that all middlewares and gateways respect the close callback of an iterator.
CombinedMultiDict([dicts]) A read only MultiDict that you can pass multiple MultiDict
CommonRequestDescriptorsMixin A mixin for BaseRequest subclasses.
CommonResponseDescriptorsMixin A mixin for BaseResponse subclasses.
DebuggedApplication(app[, evalex, ...]) Enables debugging support for a given application:
DispatcherMiddleware(app[, mounts]) Allows one to mount middlewares or applications in a WSGI application.
ETagRequestMixin Add entity tag and cache descriptors to a request object or object with a WSGI environment available as environ.
ETagResponseMixin Adds extra functionality to a response object for etag and cache handling.
ETags([strong_etags, weak_etags, star_tag]) A set that can be used to check if one etag is present in a collection of etags.
EnvironBuilder([path, base_url, ...]) This class can be used to conveniently create a WSGI environment for testing purposes.
EnvironHeaders(environ) Read only version of the headers from a WSGI environment.
FileMultiDict([mapping]) A special MultiDict that has convenience methods to add files to it.
FileStorage([stream, filename, name, ...]) The FileStorage class is a thin wrapper over incoming files.
FileWrapper(file[, buffer_size]) This class can be used to convert a file-like object into an iterable.
HTMLBuilder(dialect) Helper object for HTML generation.
HeaderSet([headers, on_update]) Similar to the ETags class this implements a set-like structure.
Headers([defaults]) An object that stores some headers.
Href([base, charset, sort, key]) Implements a callable that constructs URLs with the given base.
ImmutableDict An immutable dict.
ImmutableList An immutable list.
ImmutableMultiDict([mapping]) An immutable MultiDict.
ImmutableOrderedMultiDict([mapping]) An immutable OrderedMultiDict.
ImmutableTypeConversionDict Works like a TypeConversionDict but does not support modifications.
LanguageAccept([values]) Like Accept but with normalization for languages.
LimitedStream(stream, limit) Wraps a stream so that it doesn’t read more than n bytes.
LocalManager([locals, ident_func]) Local objects cannot manage themselves.
LocalProxy(local[, name]) Acts as a proxy for a werkzeug local.
LocalStack() This class works similar to a Local but keeps a stack of objects instead.
MIMEAccept([values]) Like Accept but with special methods and behavior for mimetypes.
MultiDict([mapping]) A MultiDict is a dictionary subclass customized to deal with multiple values for the same key which is for example used by the parsing functions in the wrappers.
OrderedMultiDict([mapping]) Works like a regular MultiDict but preserves the order of the fields.
Request(environ[, populate_request, shallow]) Full featured request object implementing the following mixins:
RequestCacheControl([values, on_update]) A cache control for requests.
Response([response, status, headers, ...]) Full featured response object implementing the following mixins:
ResponseCacheControl([values, on_update]) A cache control for responses.
ResponseStreamMixin Mixin for BaseRequest subclasses.
SharedDataMiddleware(app, exports[, ...]) A WSGI middleware that provides static content for development environments or simple server setups.
TypeConversionDict Works like a regular dict but the get() method can perform type conversions.
UserAgent(environ_or_string) Represents a user agent.
UserAgentMixin Adds a user_agent attribute to the request object which contains the parsed user agent of the browser that triggered the request as a UserAgent object.
WWWAuthenticate([auth_type, values, on_update]) Provides simple access to WWW-Authenticate headers.
WWWAuthenticateMixin Adds a www_authenticate property to a response object.
cached_property(func[, name, doc]) A decorator that converts a function into a lazy property.
environ_property(name[, default, load_func, ...]) Maps request attributes to environment variables.
header_property(name[, default, load_func, ...]) Like environ_property but for headers.


ArgumentValidationError([missing, extra, ...]) Raised if validate_arguments() fails to validate