(Z, warning=False, throw=False, name=None)[source]¶ Checks the validity of a linkage matrix.
A linkage matrix is valid if it is a two dimensional array (type double) with \(n\) rows and 4 columns. The first two columns must contain indices between 0 and \(2n-1\). For a given row
, the following two expressions have to hold:\[0 \leq \mathtt{Z[i,0]} \leq i+n-1 0 \leq Z[i,1] \leq i+n-1\]I.e. a cluster cannot join another cluster unless the cluster being joined has been generated.
Parameters: Z : array_like
Linkage matrix.
warning : bool, optional
When True, issues a Python warning if the linkage matrix passed is invalid.
throw : bool, optional
When True, throws a Python exception if the linkage matrix passed is invalid.
name : str, optional
This string refers to the variable name of the invalid linkage matrix.
Returns: b : bool
True if the inconsistency matrix is valid.