(*system)[source]¶ Linear Time Invariant system base class.
Parameters: *system : arguments
The lti class can be instantiated with either 2, 3 or 4 arguments. The following gives the number of arguments and the corresponding subclass that is created:
- 2: TransferFunction: (numerator, denominator)
- 3: ZerosPolesGain: (zeros, poles, gain)
- 4: StateSpace: (A, B, C, D)
Each argument can be an array or a sequence.
lti instances do not exist directly. Instead, lti creates an instance of one of its subclasses: StateSpace, TransferFunction or ZerosPolesGain.
Changing the value of properties that are not directly part of the current system representation (such as the zeros of a StateSpace system) is very inefficient and may lead to numerical inaccuracies.
(*system)[source]¶ Initialize the lti baseclass.
The heavy lifting is done by the subclasses.
(*system)Initialize the lti baseclass. bode
([w, n])Calculate Bode magnitude and phase data of a continuous-time system. freqresp
([w, n])Calculate the frequency response of a continuous-time system. impulse
([X0, T, N])Return the impulse response of a continuous-time system. output
(U, T[, X0])Return the response of a continuous-time system to input U. step
([X0, T, N])Return the step response of a continuous-time system. Attributes
State matrix of the StateSpace system. B
Input matrix of the StateSpace system. C
Output matrix of the StateSpace system. D
Feedthrough matrix of the StateSpace system. den
Denominator of the TransferFunction system. gain
Gain of the ZerosPolesGain system. num
Numerator of the TransferFunction system. poles
Poles of the ZerosPolesGain system. zeros
Zeros of the ZerosPolesGain system.