, ignore=['state', 'dispatcher'], *args, **kwargs)

Save the model to file.

Large internal arrays may be stored into separate files, with fname as prefix.

separately can be used to define which arrays should be stored in separate files.

ignore parameter can be used to define which variables should be ignored, i.e. left out from the pickled lda model. By default the internal state is ignored as it uses its own serialisation not the one provided by LdaModel. The state and dispatcher will be added to any ignore parameter defined.

Note: do not save as a compressed file if you intend to load the file back with mmap.

Note: If you intend to use models across Python 2/3 versions there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The pickled Python dictionaries will not work across Python versions
  2. The save method does not automatically save all NumPy arrays using NumPy, only those ones that exceed sep_limit set in The main concern here is the alpha array if for instance using alpha=’auto’.

Please refer to the wiki recipes section ( for an example on how to work around these issues.