
class nltk.Prover9Command(goal=None, assumptions=None, timeout=60, prover=None)[source]

A ProverCommand specific to the Prover9 prover. It contains the a print_assumptions() method that is used to print the list of assumptions in multiple formats.


__init__([goal, assumptions, timeout, prover])
param goal:Input expression to prove
add_assumptions(new_assumptions) Add new assumptions to the assumption list.
assumptions() List the current assumptions.
decorate_proof(proof_string[, simplify]) :see BaseProverCommand.decorate_proof()
goal() Return the goal
print_assumptions([output_format]) Print the list of the current assumptions.
proof([simplify]) Return the proof string
prove([verbose]) Perform the actual proof.
retract_assumptions(retracted[, debug]) Retract assumptions from the assumption list.