
gensim.utils.smart_open(uri, mode='rb', **kw)[source]

Open the given S3 / HDFS / filesystem file pointed to by uri for reading or writing.

The only supported modes for now are ‘rb’ (read, default) and ‘wb’ (replace & write).

The reads/writes are memory efficient (streamed) and therefore suitable for arbitrarily large files.

The uri can be either:

  1. a URI for the local filesystem (compressed .gz or .bz2 files handled automatically): ./lines.txt, /home/joe/lines.txt.gz, file:///home/joe/lines.txt.bz2
  2. a URI for HDFS: hdfs:///some/path/lines.txt
  3. a URI for Amazon’s S3 (can also supply credentials inside the URI): s3://my_bucket/lines.txt, s3://my_aws_key_id:key_secret@my_bucket/lines.txt
  4. an instance of the boto.s3.key.Key class.


>>> # stream lines from S3; you can use context managers too:
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('s3://mybucket/mykey.txt') as fin:
...     for line in fin:
...         print line

>>> # you can also use a boto.s3.key.Key instance directly:
>>> key = boto.connect_s3().get_bucket("my_bucket").get_key("my_key")
>>> with smart_open.smart_open(key) as fin:
...     for line in fin:
...         print line

>>> # stream line-by-line from an HDFS file
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('hdfs:///user/hadoop/my_file.txt'):
...    print line

>>> # stream content *into* S3:
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('s3://mybucket/mykey.txt', 'wb') as fout:
...     for line in ['first line', 'second line', 'third line']:
...          fout.write(line + '


>>> # stream from/to (compressed) local files:
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/my_file.txt'):
...    print line
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/my_file.txt.gz'):
...    print line
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/my_file.txt.gz', 'wb') as fout:
...    fout.write("hello world!
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/another.txt.bz2', 'wb') as fout:
...    fout.write("good bye!
>>> # stream from/to (compressed) local files with Expand ~ and ~user constructions:
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('~/my_file.txt'):
...    print line
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('my_file.txt'):
...    print line