#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 Radim Rehurek <me@radimrehurek.com>
# This code is distributed under the terms and conditions
# from the MIT License (MIT).
Utilities for streaming from several file-like data storages: S3 / HDFS / standard
filesystem / compressed files..., using a single, Pythonic API.
The streaming makes heavy use of generators and pipes, to avoid loading
full file contents into memory, allowing work with arbitrarily large files.
The main methods are:
* `smart_open()`, which opens the given file for reading/writing
* `s3_iter_bucket()`, which goes over all keys in an S3 bucket in parallel
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import requests
import io
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
import httplib
elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
import http.client as httplib
from boto.compat import BytesIO, urlsplit, six
import boto.s3.key
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Multiprocessing is unavailable in App Engine (and possibly other sandboxes).
# The only method currently relying on it is s3_iter_bucket, which is instructed
# whether to use it by the MULTIPROCESSING flag.
import multiprocessing.pool
except ImportError:
logger.warning("multiprocessing could not be imported and won't be used")
from itertools import imap
from . import gzipstreamfile
S3_MIN_PART_SIZE = 50 * 1024**2 # minimum part size for S3 multipart uploads
WEBHDFS_MIN_PART_SIZE = 50 * 1024**2 # minimum part size for HDFS multipart uploads
[docs]def smart_open(uri, mode="rb", **kw):
Open the given S3 / HDFS / filesystem file pointed to by `uri` for reading or writing.
The only supported modes for now are 'rb' (read, default) and 'wb' (replace & write).
The reads/writes are memory efficient (streamed) and therefore suitable for
arbitrarily large files.
The `uri` can be either:
1. a URI for the local filesystem (compressed ``.gz`` or ``.bz2`` files handled automatically):
`./lines.txt`, `/home/joe/lines.txt.gz`, `file:///home/joe/lines.txt.bz2`
2. a URI for HDFS: `hdfs:///some/path/lines.txt`
3. a URI for Amazon's S3 (can also supply credentials inside the URI):
`s3://my_bucket/lines.txt`, `s3://my_aws_key_id:key_secret@my_bucket/lines.txt`
4. an instance of the boto.s3.key.Key class.
>>> # stream lines from S3; you can use context managers too:
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('s3://mybucket/mykey.txt') as fin:
... for line in fin:
... print line
>>> # you can also use a boto.s3.key.Key instance directly:
>>> key = boto.connect_s3().get_bucket("my_bucket").get_key("my_key")
>>> with smart_open.smart_open(key) as fin:
... for line in fin:
... print line
>>> # stream line-by-line from an HDFS file
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('hdfs:///user/hadoop/my_file.txt'):
... print line
>>> # stream content *into* S3:
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('s3://mybucket/mykey.txt', 'wb') as fout:
... for line in ['first line', 'second line', 'third line']:
... fout.write(line + '\n')
>>> # stream from/to (compressed) local files:
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/my_file.txt'):
... print line
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/my_file.txt.gz'):
... print line
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/my_file.txt.gz', 'wb') as fout:
... fout.write("hello world!\n")
>>> with smart_open.smart_open('/home/radim/another.txt.bz2', 'wb') as fout:
... fout.write("good bye!\n")
>>> # stream from/to (compressed) local files with Expand ~ and ~user constructions:
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('~/my_file.txt'):
... print line
>>> for line in smart_open.smart_open('my_file.txt'):
... print line
# validate mode parameter
if not isinstance(mode, six.string_types):
raise TypeError('mode should be a string')
if isinstance(uri, six.string_types):
# this method just routes the request to classes handling the specific storage
# schemes, depending on the URI protocol in `uri`
parsed_uri = ParseUri(uri)
if parsed_uri.scheme in ("file", ):
# local files -- both read & write supported
# compression, if any, is determined by the filename extension (.gz, .bz2)
return file_smart_open(parsed_uri.uri_path, mode)
elif parsed_uri.scheme in ("s3", "s3n"):
# Get an S3 host. It is required for sigv4 operations.
host = kw.pop('host', None)
if not host:
host = boto.config.get('s3', 'host', 's3.amazonaws.com')
# For credential order of precedence see
# http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html#credentials
s3_connection = boto.connect_s3(
profile_name=kw.pop('profile_name', None))
bucket = s3_connection.get_bucket(parsed_uri.bucket_id)
if mode in ('r', 'rb'):
key = bucket.get_key(parsed_uri.key_id)
if key is None:
raise KeyError(parsed_uri.key_id)
return S3OpenRead(key)
elif mode in ('w', 'wb'):
key = bucket.get_key(parsed_uri.key_id, validate=False)
if key is None:
raise KeyError(parsed_uri.key_id)
return S3OpenWrite(key, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError("file mode %s not supported for %r scheme", mode, parsed_uri.scheme)
elif parsed_uri.scheme in ("hdfs", ):
if mode in ('r', 'rb'):
return HdfsOpenRead(parsed_uri, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError("file mode %s not supported for %r scheme", mode, parsed_uri.scheme)
elif parsed_uri.scheme in ("webhdfs", ):
if mode in ('r', 'rb'):
return WebHdfsOpenRead(parsed_uri, **kw)
elif mode in ('w', 'wb'):
return WebHdfsOpenWrite(parsed_uri, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError("file mode %s not supported for %r scheme", mode, parsed_uri.scheme)
raise NotImplementedError("scheme %r is not supported", parsed_uri.scheme)
elif isinstance(uri, boto.s3.key.Key):
# handle case where we are given an S3 key directly
if mode in ('r', 'rb'):
return S3OpenRead(uri)
elif mode in ('w', 'wb'):
return S3OpenWrite(uri, **kw)
elif hasattr(uri, 'read'):
# simply pass-through if already a file-like
return uri
raise TypeError('don\'t know how to handle uri %s' % repr(uri))
class ParseUri(object):
Parse the given URI.
Supported URI schemes are "file", "s3", "s3n" and "hdfs".
Valid URI examples::
* s3://my_bucket/my_key
* s3://my_key:my_secret@my_bucket/my_key
* hdfs:///path/file
* hdfs://path/file
* webhdfs://host:port/path/file
* ./local/path/file
* ~/local/path/file
* local/path/file
* ./local/path/file.gz
* file:///home/user/file
* file:///home/user/file.bz2
def __init__(self, uri, default_scheme="file"):
Assume `default_scheme` if no scheme given in `uri`.
if os.name == 'nt':
# urlsplit doesn't work on Windows -- it parses the drive as the scheme...
if '://' not in uri:
# no protocol given => assume a local file
uri = 'file://' + uri
parsed_uri = urlsplit(uri)
self.scheme = parsed_uri.scheme if parsed_uri.scheme else default_scheme
if self.scheme == "hdfs":
self.uri_path = parsed_uri.netloc + parsed_uri.path
self.uri_path = "/" + self.uri_path.lstrip("/")
if not self.uri_path:
raise RuntimeError("invalid HDFS URI: %s" % uri)
elif self.scheme == "webhdfs":
self.uri_path = parsed_uri.netloc + "/webhdfs/v1" + parsed_uri.path
if parsed_uri.query:
self.uri_path += "?" + parsed_uri.query
if not self.uri_path:
raise RuntimeError("invalid WebHDFS URI: %s" % uri)
elif self.scheme in ("s3", "s3n"):
self.bucket_id = (parsed_uri.netloc + parsed_uri.path).split('@')
self.key_id = None
if len(self.bucket_id) == 1:
# URI without credentials: s3://bucket/object
self.bucket_id, self.key_id = self.bucket_id[0].split('/', 1)
# "None" credentials are interpreted as "look for credentials in other locations" by boto
self.access_id, self.access_secret = None, None
elif len(self.bucket_id) == 2 and len(self.bucket_id[0].split(':')) == 2:
# URI in full format: s3://key:secret@bucket/object
# access key id: [A-Z0-9]{20}
# secret access key: [A-Za-z0-9/+=]{40}
acc, self.bucket_id = self.bucket_id
self.access_id, self.access_secret = acc.split(':')
self.bucket_id, self.key_id = self.bucket_id.split('/', 1)
# more than 1 '@' means invalid uri
# Bucket names must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters long.
# Bucket names must be a series of one or more labels.
# Adjacent labels are separated by a single period (.).
# Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
# Each label must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number.
raise RuntimeError("invalid S3 URI: %s" % uri)
elif self.scheme == 'file':
self.uri_path = parsed_uri.netloc + parsed_uri.path
# '~/tmp' may be expanded to '/Users/username/tmp'
self.uri_path = os.path.expanduser(self.uri_path)
if not self.uri_path:
raise RuntimeError("invalid file URI: %s" % uri)
raise NotImplementedError("unknown URI scheme %r in %r" % (self.scheme, uri))
def is_gzip(name):
"""Return True if the name indicates that the file is compressed with
return name.endswith(".gz")
class S3ReadStreamInner(object):
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
self.unused_buffer = b''
self.closed = False
self.finished = False
def read_until_eof(self):
# This method is here because boto.s3.Key.read() reads the entire
# file, which isn't expected behavior.
# https://github.com/boto/boto/issues/3311
buf = b""
while not self.finished:
raw = self.stream.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
if len(raw) > 0:
buf += raw
self.finished = True
return buf
def read_from_buffer(self, size):
"""Remove at most size bytes from our buffer and return them."""
part = self.unused_buffer[:size]
self.unused_buffer = self.unused_buffer[size:]
return part
def read(self, size=None):
if not size or size < 0:
return self.read_from_buffer(
len(self.unused_buffer)) + self.read_until_eof()
# Use unused data first
if len(self.unused_buffer) >= size:
return self.read_from_buffer(size)
# If the stream is finished and no unused raw data, return what we have
if self.stream.closed or self.finished:
self.finished = True
return self.read_from_buffer(size)
# Consume new data in chunks and return it.
while len(self.unused_buffer) < size:
raw = self.stream.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
if len(raw):
self.unused_buffer += raw
self.finished = True
return self.read_from_buffer(size)
def readinto(self, b):
# Read up to len(b) bytes into bytearray b
# Sadly not as efficient as lower level
data = self.read(len(b))
if not data:
return None
b[:len(data)] = data
return len(data)
def readable(self):
# io.BufferedReader needs us to appear readable
return True
def _checkReadable(self, msg=None):
# This is required to satisfy io.BufferedReader on Python 2.6.
# Another way to achieve this is to inherit from io.IOBase, but that
# leads to other problems.
return True
class S3ReadStream(io.BufferedReader):
def __init__(self, key):
self.stream = S3ReadStreamInner(key)
super(S3ReadStream, self).__init__(self.stream)
def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Patch read to return '' instead of raise Value Error
# TODO: what actually raises ValueError in the following code?
# io.BufferedReader behaves differently to a built-in file object.
# If the object is in non-blocking mode and no bytes are available,
# the former will return None. The latter returns an empty string.
# We want to behave like a built-in file object here.
result = super(S3ReadStream, self).read(*args, **kwargs)
if result is None:
return ""
return result
except ValueError:
return ''
def readline(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Patch readline to return '' instead of raise Value Error
# TODO: what actually raises ValueError in the following code?
result = super(S3ReadStream, self).readline(*args, **kwargs)
return result
except ValueError:
return ''
class S3OpenRead(object):
Implement streamed reader from S3, as an iterable & context manager.
Supports reading from gzip-compressed files. Identifies such files by
their extension.
def __init__(self, read_key):
if not hasattr(read_key, "bucket") and not hasattr(read_key, "name") and not hasattr(read_key, "read") \
and not hasattr(read_key, "close"):
raise TypeError("can only process S3 keys")
self.read_key = read_key
def _open_reader(self):
if is_gzip(self.read_key.name):
self.reader = gzipstreamfile.GzipStreamFile(self.read_key)
self.reader = S3ReadStream(self.read_key)
def __iter__(self):
for line in self.reader:
yield line
def readline(self):
return self.reader.readline()
def read(self, size=None):
Read a specified number of bytes from the key.
return self.reader.read(size)
def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
Seek to the specified position.
Only seeking to the beginning (offset=0) supported for now.
if whence != 0 or offset != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("seek other than offset=0 not implemented yet")
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def __str__(self):
return "%s<key: %s>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.read_key
class HdfsOpenRead(object):
Implement streamed reader from HDFS, as an iterable & context manager.
def __init__(self, parsed_uri):
if parsed_uri.scheme not in ("hdfs"):
raise TypeError("can only process HDFS files")
self.parsed_uri = parsed_uri
def __iter__(self):
hdfs = subprocess.Popen(["hdfs", "dfs", "-cat", self.parsed_uri.uri_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return hdfs.stdout
def read(self, size=None):
raise NotImplementedError("read() not implemented yet")
def seek(self, offset, whence=None):
raise NotImplementedError("seek() not implemented yet")
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
class WebHdfsOpenRead(object):
Implement streamed reader from WebHDFS, as an iterable & context manager.
NOTE: it does not support kerberos authentication yet
def __init__(self, parsed_uri):
if parsed_uri.scheme not in ("webhdfs"):
raise TypeError("can only process WebHDFS files")
self.parsed_uri = parsed_uri
self.offset = 0
def __iter__(self):
payload = {"op": "OPEN"}
response = requests.get("http://" + self.parsed_uri.uri_path, params=payload, stream=True)
return response.iter_lines()
def read(self, size=None):
Read the specific number of bytes from the file
Note read() and line iteration (`for line in self: ...`) each have their
own file position, so they are independent. Doing a `read` will not affect
the line iteration, and vice versa.
if not size or size < 0:
payload = {"op": "OPEN", "offset": self.offset}
self.offset = 0
payload = {"op": "OPEN", "offset": self.offset, "length": size}
self.offset = self.offset + size
response = requests.get("http://" + self.parsed_uri.uri_path, params=payload, stream=True)
return response.content
def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
Seek to the specified position.
Only seeking to the beginning (offset=0) supported for now.
if whence == 0 and offset == 0:
self.offset = 0
elif whence == 0:
self.offset = offset
raise NotImplementedError("operations with whence not implemented yet")
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def make_closing(base, **attrs):
Add support for `with Base(attrs) as fout:` to the base class if it's missing.
The base class' `close()` method will be called on context exit, to always close the file properly.
This is needed for gzip.GzipFile, bz2.BZ2File etc in older Pythons (<=2.6), which otherwise
raise "AttributeError: GzipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__'".
if not hasattr(base, '__enter__'):
attrs['__enter__'] = lambda self: self
if not hasattr(base, '__exit__'):
attrs['__exit__'] = lambda self, type, value, traceback: self.close()
return type('Closing' + base.__name__, (base, object), attrs)
def file_smart_open(fname, mode='rb'):
Stream from/to local filesystem, transparently (de)compressing gzip and bz2
files if necessary.
_, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
if ext == '.bz2':
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
if PY2:
from bz2file import BZ2File
from bz2 import BZ2File
return make_closing(BZ2File)(fname, mode)
if ext == '.gz':
from gzip import GzipFile
return make_closing(GzipFile)(fname, mode)
return open(fname, mode)
class S3OpenWrite(object):
Context manager for writing into S3 files.
def __init__(self, outkey, min_part_size=S3_MIN_PART_SIZE, **kw):
Streamed input is uploaded in chunks, as soon as `min_part_size` bytes are
accumulated (50MB by default). The minimum chunk size allowed by AWS S3
is 5MB.
if not hasattr(outkey, "bucket") and not hasattr(outkey, "name"):
raise TypeError("can only process S3 keys")
if is_gzip(outkey.name):
raise NotImplementedError("streaming write to S3 gzip not supported")
self.outkey = outkey
self.min_part_size = min_part_size
if min_part_size < 5 * 1024 ** 2:
logger.warning("S3 requires minimum part size >= 5MB; multipart upload may fail")
# initialize mulitpart upload
self.mp = self.outkey.bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(self.outkey, **kw)
# initialize stats
self.lines = []
self.total_size = 0
self.chunk_bytes = 0
self.parts = 0
def __str__(self):
return "%s<key: %s, min_part_size: %s>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.outkey, self.min_part_size,
def write(self, b):
Write the given bytes (binary string) into the S3 file from constructor.
Note there's buffering happening under the covers, so this may not actually
do any HTTP transfer right away.
if isinstance(b, six.text_type):
# not part of API: also accept unicode => encode it as utf8
b = b.encode('utf8')
if not isinstance(b, six.binary_type):
raise TypeError("input must be a binary string")
self.chunk_bytes += len(b)
self.total_size += len(b)
if self.chunk_bytes >= self.min_part_size:
buff = b"".join(self.lines)
logger.info("uploading part #%i, %i bytes (total %.3fGB)" % (self.parts, len(buff), self.total_size / 1024.0 ** 3))
self.mp.upload_part_from_file(BytesIO(buff), part_num=self.parts + 1)
logger.debug("upload of part #%i finished" % self.parts)
self.parts += 1
self.lines, self.chunk_bytes = [], 0
def seek(self, offset, whence=None):
raise NotImplementedError("seek() not implemented yet")
def close(self):
buff = b"".join(self.lines)
if buff:
logger.info("uploading last part #%i, %i bytes (total %.3fGB)" % (self.parts, len(buff), self.total_size / 1024.0 ** 3))
self.mp.upload_part_from_file(BytesIO(buff), part_num=self.parts + 1)
logger.debug("upload of last part #%i finished" % self.parts)
if self.total_size:
# AWS complains with "The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema"
# when the input is completely empty => abort the upload, no file created
logger.info("empty input, ignoring multipart upload")
self.outkey.bucket.cancel_multipart_upload(self.mp.key_name, self.mp.id)
# So, instead, create an empty file like this
logger.info("setting an empty value for the key")
def __enter__(self):
return self
def _termination_error(self):
logger.exception("encountered error while terminating multipart upload; attempting cancel")
self.outkey.bucket.cancel_multipart_upload(self.mp.key_name, self.mp.id)
logger.info("cancel completed")
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if type is not None:
return False
class WebHdfsOpenWrite(object):
Context manager for writing into webhdfs files
def __init__(self, parsed_uri, min_part_size=WEBHDFS_MIN_PART_SIZE):
if parsed_uri.scheme not in ("webhdfs"):
raise TypeError("can only process WebHDFS files")
self.parsed_uri = parsed_uri
self.closed = False
self.min_part_size = min_part_size
# creating empty file first
payload = {"op": "CREATE", "overwrite": True}
init_response = requests.put("http://" + self.parsed_uri.uri_path, params=payload, allow_redirects=False)
if not init_response.status_code == httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT:
raise WebHdfsException(str(init_response.status_code) + "\n" + init_response.content)
uri = init_response.headers['location']
response = requests.put(uri, data="", headers={'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'})
if not response.status_code == httplib.CREATED:
raise WebHdfsException(str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.content)
self.lines = []
self.parts = 0
self.chunk_bytes = 0
self.total_size = 0
def upload(self, data):
payload = {"op": "APPEND"}
init_response = requests.post("http://" + self.parsed_uri.uri_path, params=payload, allow_redirects=False)
if not init_response.status_code == httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT:
raise WebHdfsException(str(init_response.status_code) + "\n" + init_response.content)
uri = init_response.headers['location']
response = requests.post(uri, data=data, headers={'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'})
if not response.status_code == httplib.OK:
raise WebHdfsException(str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.content)
def write(self, b):
Write the given bytes (binary string) into the WebHDFS file from constructor.
if self.closed:
raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
if isinstance(b, six.text_type):
# not part of API: also accept unicode => encode it as utf8
b = b.encode('utf8')
if not isinstance(b, six.binary_type):
raise TypeError("input must be a binary string")
self.chunk_bytes += len(b)
self.total_size += len(b)
if self.chunk_bytes >= self.min_part_size:
buff = b"".join(self.lines)
logger.info("uploading part #%i, %i bytes (total %.3fGB)" % (self.parts, len(buff), self.total_size / 1024.0 ** 3))
logger.debug("upload of part #%i finished" % self.parts)
self.parts += 1
self.lines, self.chunk_bytes = [], 0
def seek(self, offset, whence=None):
raise NotImplementedError("seek() not implemented yet")
def close(self):
buff = b"".join(self.lines)
if buff:
logger.info("uploading last part #%i, %i bytes (total %.3fGB)" % (self.parts, len(buff), self.total_size / 1024.0 ** 3))
logger.debug("upload of last part #%i finished" % self.parts)
self.closed = True
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def s3_iter_bucket_process_key(key):
Conceptually part of `s3_iter_bucket`, but must remain top-level method because
of pickling visibility.
return key, key.get_contents_as_string()
def s3_iter_bucket(bucket, prefix='', accept_key=lambda key: True, key_limit=None, workers=16):
Iterate and download all S3 files under `bucket/prefix`, yielding out
`(key, key content)` 2-tuples (generator).
`accept_key` is a function that accepts a key name (unicode string) and
returns True/False, signalling whether the given key should be downloaded out or
not (default: accept all keys).
If `key_limit` is given, stop after yielding out that many results.
The keys are processed in parallel, using `workers` processes (default: 16),
to speed up downloads greatly. If multiprocessing is not available, thus
MULTIPROCESSING is False, this parameter will be ignored.
>>> mybucket = boto.connect_s3().get_bucket('mybucket')
>>> # get all JSON files under "mybucket/foo/"
>>> for key, content in s3_iter_bucket(mybucket, prefix='foo/', accept_key=lambda key: key.endswith('.json')):
... print key, len(content)
>>> # limit to 10k files, using 32 parallel workers (default is 16)
>>> for key, content in s3_iter_bucket(mybucket, key_limit=10000, workers=32):
... print key, len(content)
total_size, key_no = 0, -1
keys = (key for key in bucket.list(prefix=prefix) if accept_key(key.name))
logger.info("iterating over keys from %s with %i workers" % (bucket, workers))
pool = multiprocessing.pool.Pool(processes=workers)
iterator = pool.imap_unordered(s3_iter_bucket_process_key, keys)
logger.info("iterating over keys from %s without multiprocessing" % bucket)
iterator = imap(s3_iter_bucket_process_key, keys)
for key_no, (key, content) in enumerate(iterator):
if key_no % 1000 == 0:
logger.info("yielding key #%i: %s, size %i (total %.1fMB)" %
(key_no, key, len(content), total_size / 1024.0 ** 2))
yield key, content
total_size += len(content)
if key_limit is not None and key_no + 1 >= key_limit:
# we were asked to output only a limited number of keys => we're done
logger.info("processed %i keys, total size %i" % (key_no + 1, total_size))
class WebHdfsException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg=str()):
self.msg = msg
super(WebHdfsException, self).__init__(self.msg)