
class nltk.CFG(start, productions, calculate_leftcorners=True)[source]

A context-free grammar. A grammar consists of a start state and a set of productions. The set of terminals and nonterminals is implicitly specified by the productions.

If you need efficient key-based access to productions, you can use a subclass to implement it.


__init__(start, productions[, ...]) Create a new context-free grammar, from the given start state and set of ``Production``s.
check_coverage(tokens) Check whether the grammar rules cover the given list of tokens.
fromstring(input[, encoding]) Return the CFG corresponding to the input string(s).
is_binarised() Return True if all productions are at most binary.
is_chomsky_normal_form() Return True if the grammar is of Chomsky Normal Form, i.e.
is_flexible_chomsky_normal_form() Return True if all productions are of the forms A -> B C, A -> B, or A -> “s”.
is_leftcorner(cat, left) True if left is a leftcorner of cat, where left can be a terminal or a nonterminal.
is_lexical() Return True if all productions are lexicalised.
is_nonempty() Return True if there are no empty productions.
is_nonlexical() Return True if all lexical rules are “preterminals”, that is, unary rules which can be separated in a preprocessing step.
leftcorner_parents(cat) Return the set of all nonterminals for which the given category is a left corner.
leftcorners(cat) Return the set of all nonterminals that the given nonterminal can start with, including itself.
max_len() Return the right-hand side length of the longest grammar production.
min_len() Return the right-hand side length of the shortest grammar production.
productions([lhs, rhs, empty]) Return the grammar productions, filtered by the left-hand side or the first item in the right-hand side.
start() Return the start symbol of the grammar