(expandUnary=True, childChar=u'|', parentChar=u'^', unaryChar=u'+')¶ This method modifies the tree in three ways:
- Transforms a tree in Chomsky Normal Form back to its original structure (branching greater than two)
- Removes any parent annotation (if it exists)
- (optional) expands unary subtrees (if previously collapsed with collapseUnary(...) )
Parameters: - expandUnary (bool) – Flag to expand unary or not (default = True)
- childChar (str) – A string separating the head node from its children in an artificial node (default = “|”)
- parentChar (str) – A sting separating the node label from its parent annotation (default = “^”)
- unaryChar (str) – A string joining two non-terminals in a unary production (default = “+”)