# Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to the Prover9 Theorem Prover
# Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project
# Author: Dan Garrette <dhgarrette@gmail.com>
# Ewan Klein <ewan@inf.ed.ac.uk>
# URL: <http://nltk.org/>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
A theorem prover that makes use of the external 'Prover9' package.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import subprocess
import nltk
from nltk.sem.logic import Expression, ExistsExpression, AllExpression, \
NegatedExpression, AndExpression, IffExpression, OrExpression, \
EqualityExpression, ImpExpression
from nltk.inference.api import BaseProverCommand, Prover
# Following is not yet used. Return code for 2 actually realized as 512.
p9_return_codes = {
0: True,
1: "(FATAL)", #A fatal error occurred (user's syntax error).
2: False, # (SOS_EMPTY) Prover9 ran out of things to do
# (sos list exhausted).
3: "(MAX_MEGS)", # The max_megs (memory limit) parameter was exceeded.
4: "(MAX_SECONDS)", # The max_seconds parameter was exceeded.
5: "(MAX_GIVEN)", # The max_given parameter was exceeded.
6: "(MAX_KEPT)", # The max_kept parameter was exceeded.
7: "(ACTION)", # A Prover9 action terminated the search.
101: "(SIGSEGV)", # Prover9 crashed, most probably due to a bug.
class Prover9CommandParent(object):
A common base class used by both ``Prover9Command`` and ``MaceCommand``,
which is responsible for maintaining a goal and a set of assumptions,
and generating prover9-style input files from them.
def print_assumptions(self, output_format='nltk'):
Print the list of the current assumptions.
if output_format.lower() == 'nltk':
for a in self.assumptions():
elif output_format.lower() == 'prover9':
for a in convert_to_prover9(self.assumptions()):
raise NameError("Unrecognized value for 'output_format': %s" %
[docs]class Prover9Command(Prover9CommandParent, BaseProverCommand):
A ``ProverCommand`` specific to the ``Prover9`` prover. It contains
the a print_assumptions() method that is used to print the list
of assumptions in multiple formats.
[docs] def __init__(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, timeout=60, prover=None):
:param goal: Input expression to prove
:type goal: sem.Expression
:param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in
the proof.
:type assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
:param timeout: number of seconds before timeout; set to 0 for
no timeout.
:type timeout: int
:param prover: a prover. If not set, one will be created.
:type prover: Prover9
if not assumptions:
assumptions = []
if prover is not None:
assert isinstance(prover, Prover9)
prover = Prover9(timeout)
BaseProverCommand.__init__(self, prover, goal, assumptions)
[docs] def decorate_proof(self, proof_string, simplify=True):
:see BaseProverCommand.decorate_proof()
if simplify:
return self._prover._call_prooftrans(proof_string, ['striplabels'])[0].rstrip()
return proof_string.rstrip()
class Prover9Parent(object):
A common class extended by both ``Prover9`` and ``Mace <mace.Mace>``.
It contains the functionality required to convert NLTK-style
expressions into Prover9-style expressions.
_binary_location = None
def config_prover9(self, binary_location, verbose=False):
if binary_location is None:
self._binary_location = None
self._prover9_bin = None
name = 'prover9'
self._prover9_bin = nltk.internals.find_binary(
binary_names=[name, name + '.exe'],
self._binary_location = self._prover9_bin.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)
def prover9_input(self, goal, assumptions):
:return: The input string that should be provided to the
prover9 binary. This string is formed based on the goal,
assumptions, and timeout value of this object.
s = ''
if assumptions:
s += 'formulas(assumptions).\n'
for p9_assumption in convert_to_prover9(assumptions):
s += ' %s.\n' % p9_assumption
s += 'end_of_list.\n\n'
if goal:
s += 'formulas(goals).\n'
s += ' %s.\n' % convert_to_prover9(goal)
s += 'end_of_list.\n\n'
return s
def binary_locations(self):
A list of directories that should be searched for the prover9
executables. This list is used by ``config_prover9`` when searching
for the prover9 executables.
return ['/usr/local/bin/prover9',
def _find_binary(self, name, verbose=False):
binary_locations = self.binary_locations()
if self._binary_location is not None:
binary_locations += [self._binary_location]
return nltk.internals.find_binary(name,
binary_names=[name, name + '.exe'],
def _call(self, input_str, binary, args=[], verbose=False):
Call the binary with the given input.
:param input_str: A string whose contents are used as stdin.
:param binary: The location of the binary to call
:param args: A list of command-line arguments.
:return: A tuple (stdout, returncode)
:see: ``config_prover9``
if verbose:
print('Calling:', binary)
print('Args:', args)
print('Input:\n', input_str, '\n')
# Call prover9 via a subprocess
cmd = [binary] + args
input_str = input_str.encode("utf8")
except AttributeError:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(input=input_str)
if verbose:
print('Return code:', p.returncode)
if stdout: print('stdout:\n', stdout, '\n')
if stderr: print('stderr:\n', stderr, '\n')
return (stdout.decode("utf-8"), p.returncode)
def convert_to_prover9(input):
Convert a ``logic.Expression`` to Prover9 format.
if isinstance(input, list):
result = []
for s in input:
print('input %s cannot be converted to Prover9 input syntax' % input)
return result
return _convert_to_prover9(input.simplify())
print('input %s cannot be converted to Prover9 input syntax' % input)
def _convert_to_prover9(expression):
Convert ``logic.Expression`` to Prover9 formatted string.
if isinstance(expression, ExistsExpression):
return 'exists ' + str(expression.variable) + ' ' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.term)
elif isinstance(expression, AllExpression):
return 'all ' + str(expression.variable) + ' ' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.term)
elif isinstance(expression, NegatedExpression):
return '-(' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.term) + ')'
elif isinstance(expression, AndExpression):
return '(' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.first) + ' & ' + \
_convert_to_prover9(expression.second) + ')'
elif isinstance(expression, OrExpression):
return '(' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.first) + ' | ' + \
_convert_to_prover9(expression.second) + ')'
elif isinstance(expression, ImpExpression):
return '(' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.first) + ' -> ' + \
_convert_to_prover9(expression.second) + ')'
elif isinstance(expression, IffExpression):
return '(' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.first) + ' <-> ' + \
_convert_to_prover9(expression.second) + ')'
elif isinstance(expression, EqualityExpression):
return '(' + _convert_to_prover9(expression.first) + ' = ' + \
_convert_to_prover9(expression.second) + ')'
return str(expression)
[docs]class Prover9(Prover9Parent, Prover):
_prover9_bin = None
_prooftrans_bin = None
[docs] def __init__(self, timeout=60):
self._timeout = timeout
"""The timeout value for prover9. If a proof can not be found
in this amount of time, then prover9 will return false.
(Use 0 for no timeout.)"""
def _prove(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
Use Prover9 to prove a theorem.
:return: A pair whose first element is a boolean indicating if the
proof was successful (i.e. returns value of 0) and whose second element
is the output of the prover.
if not assumptions:
assumptions = []
stdout, returncode = self._call_prover9(self.prover9_input(goal, assumptions),
return (returncode == 0, stdout)
def _call_prover9(self, input_str, args=[], verbose=False):
Call the ``prover9`` binary with the given input.
:param input_str: A string whose contents are used as stdin.
:param args: A list of command-line arguments.
:return: A tuple (stdout, returncode)
:see: ``config_prover9``
if self._prover9_bin is None:
self._prover9_bin = self._find_binary('prover9', verbose)
updated_input_str = ''
if self._timeout > 0:
updated_input_str += 'assign(max_seconds, %d).\n\n' % self._timeout
updated_input_str += input_str
stdout, returncode = self._call(updated_input_str, self._prover9_bin, args, verbose)
if returncode not in [0,2]:
errormsgprefix = '%%ERROR:'
if errormsgprefix in stdout:
msgstart = stdout.index(errormsgprefix)
errormsg = stdout[msgstart:].strip()
errormsg = None
if returncode in [3,4,5,6]:
raise Prover9LimitExceededException(returncode, errormsg)
raise Prover9FatalException(returncode, errormsg)
return stdout, returncode
def _call_prooftrans(self, input_str, args=[], verbose=False):
Call the ``prooftrans`` binary with the given input.
:param input_str: A string whose contents are used as stdin.
:param args: A list of command-line arguments.
:return: A tuple (stdout, returncode)
:see: ``config_prover9``
if self._prooftrans_bin is None:
self._prooftrans_bin = self._find_binary('prooftrans', verbose)
return self._call(input_str, self._prooftrans_bin, args, verbose)
class Prover9Exception(Exception):
def __init__(self, returncode, message):
msg = p9_return_codes[returncode]
if message:
msg += '\n%s' % message
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class Prover9FatalException(Prover9Exception):
class Prover9LimitExceededException(Prover9Exception):
#{ Tests and Demos
def test_config():
a = Expression.fromstring('(walk(j) & sing(j))')
g = Expression.fromstring('walk(j)')
p = Prover9Command(g, assumptions=[a])
p._executable_path = None
def test_convert_to_prover9(expr):
Test that parsing works OK.
for t in expr:
e = Expression.fromstring(t)
def test_prove(arguments):
Try some proofs and exhibit the results.
for (goal, assumptions) in arguments:
g = Expression.fromstring(goal)
alist = [Expression.fromstring(a) for a in assumptions]
p = Prover9Command(g, assumptions=alist).prove()
for a in alist:
print(' %s' % a)
print('|- %s: %s\n' % (g, p))
arguments = [
('(man(x) <-> (not (not man(x))))', []),
('(not (man(x) & (not man(x))))', []),
('(man(x) | (not man(x)))', []),
('(man(x) & (not man(x)))', []),
('(man(x) -> man(x))', []),
('(not (man(x) & (not man(x))))', []),
('(man(x) | (not man(x)))', []),
('(man(x) -> man(x))', []),
('(man(x) <-> man(x))', []),
('(not (man(x) <-> (not man(x))))', []),
('mortal(Socrates)', ['all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))', 'man(Socrates)']),
('((all x.(man(x) -> walks(x)) & man(Socrates)) -> some y.walks(y))', []),
('(all x.man(x) -> all x.man(x))', []),
('some x.all y.sees(x,y)', []),
('some e3.(walk(e3) & subj(e3, mary))',
['some e1.(see(e1) & subj(e1, john) & some e2.(pred(e1, e2) & walk(e2) & subj(e2, mary)))']),
('some x e1.(see(e1) & subj(e1, x) & some e2.(pred(e1, e2) & walk(e2) & subj(e2, mary)))',
['some e1.(see(e1) & subj(e1, john) & some e2.(pred(e1, e2) & walk(e2) & subj(e2, mary)))'])
expressions = [r'some x y.sees(x,y)',
r'some x.(man(x) & walks(x))',
r'\x.(man(x) & walks(x))',
r'\x y.sees(x,y)',
r'\x.big(x, \y.mouse(y))',
r'(walks(x) & (runs(x) & (threes(x) & fours(x))))',
r'(walks(x) -> runs(x))',
r'some x.(PRO(x) & sees(John, x))',
r'some x.(man(x) & (not walks(x)))',
r'all x.(man(x) -> walks(x))']
def spacer(num=45):
print('-' * num)
def demo():
print("Testing configuration")
print("Testing conversion to Prover9 format")
print("Testing proofs")
if __name__ == '__main__':