Source code for gensim.summarization.summarizer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 -

import logging
from gensim.summarization.pagerank_weighted import pagerank_weighted as _pagerank
from gensim.summarization.textcleaner import clean_text_by_sentences as _clean_text_by_sentences
from gensim.summarization.commons import build_graph as _build_graph
from gensim.summarization.commons import remove_unreachable_nodes as _remove_unreachable_nodes
from gensim.summarization.bm25 import get_bm25_weights as _bm25_weights
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from math import log10 as _log10
from six.moves import xrange



logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _set_graph_edge_weights(graph):
    documents = graph.nodes()
    weights = _bm25_weights(documents)

    for i in xrange(len(documents)):
        for j in xrange(len(documents)):
            if i == j or weights[i][j] < WEIGHT_THRESHOLD:

            sentence_1 = documents[i]
            sentence_2 = documents[j]

            edge_1 = (sentence_1, sentence_2)
            edge_2 = (sentence_2, sentence_1)

            if not graph.has_edge(edge_1):
                graph.add_edge(edge_1, weights[i][j])
            if not graph.has_edge(edge_2):
                graph.add_edge(edge_2, weights[j][i])

    # Handles the case in which all similarities are zero.
    # The resultant summary will consist of random sentences.
    if all(graph.edge_weight(edge) == 0 for edge in graph.edges()):

def _create_valid_graph(graph):
    nodes = graph.nodes()

    for i in xrange(len(nodes)):
        for j in xrange(len(nodes)):
            if i == j:

            edge = (nodes[i], nodes[j])

            if graph.has_edge(edge):

            graph.add_edge(edge, 1)

def _get_doc_length(doc):
    return sum([item[1] for item in doc])

def _get_similarity(doc1, doc2, vec1, vec2):
    numerator =[0][0]
    length_1 = _get_doc_length(doc1)
    length_2 = _get_doc_length(doc2)

    denominator = _log10(length_1) + _log10(length_2) if length_1 > 0 and length_2 > 0 else 0

    return numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0

def _build_corpus(sentences):
    split_tokens = [sentence.token.split() for sentence in sentences]
    dictionary = Dictionary(split_tokens)
    return [dictionary.doc2bow(token) for token in split_tokens]

def _get_important_sentences(sentences, corpus, important_docs):
    hashable_corpus = _build_hasheable_corpus(corpus)
    sentences_by_corpus = dict(zip(hashable_corpus, sentences))
    return [sentences_by_corpus[tuple(important_doc)] for important_doc in important_docs]

def _get_sentences_with_word_count(sentences, word_count):
    """ Given a list of sentences, returns a list of sentences with a
    total word count similar to the word count provided."""
    length = 0
    selected_sentences = []

    # Loops until the word count is reached.
    for sentence in sentences:
        words_in_sentence = len(sentence.text.split())

        # Checks if the inclusion of the sentence gives a better approximation
        # to the word parameter.
        if abs(word_count - length - words_in_sentence) > abs(word_count - length):
            return selected_sentences

        length += words_in_sentence

    return selected_sentences

def _extract_important_sentences(sentences, corpus, important_docs, word_count):
    important_sentences = _get_important_sentences(sentences, corpus, important_docs)

    # If no "word_count" option is provided, the number of sentences is
    # reduced by the provided ratio. Else, the ratio is ignored.
    return important_sentences if word_count is None else _get_sentences_with_word_count(important_sentences, word_count)

def _format_results(extracted_sentences, split):
    if split:
        return [sentence.text for sentence in extracted_sentences]
    return "\n".join([sentence.text for sentence in extracted_sentences])

def _build_hasheable_corpus(corpus):
    return [tuple(doc) for doc in corpus]

[docs]def summarize_corpus(corpus, ratio=0.2): """ Returns a list of the most important documents of a corpus using a variation of the TextRank algorithm. The input must have at least INPUT_MIN_LENGTH (%d) documents for the summary to make sense. The length of the output can be specified using the ratio parameter, which determines how many documents will be chosen for the summary (defaults at 20%% of the number of documents of the corpus). The most important documents are returned as a list sorted by the document score, highest first. """ % INPUT_MIN_LENGTH hashable_corpus = _build_hasheable_corpus(corpus) # If the corpus is empty, the function ends. if len(corpus) == 0: logger.warning("Input corpus is empty.") return # Warns the user if there are too few documents. if len(corpus) < INPUT_MIN_LENGTH: logger.warning("Input corpus is expected to have at least " + str(INPUT_MIN_LENGTH) + " documents.") graph = _build_graph(hashable_corpus) _set_graph_edge_weights(graph) _remove_unreachable_nodes(graph) pagerank_scores = _pagerank(graph) hashable_corpus.sort(key=lambda doc: pagerank_scores.get(doc, 0), reverse=True) return [list(doc) for doc in hashable_corpus[:int(len(corpus) * ratio)]]
[docs]def summarize(text, ratio=0.2, word_count=None, split=False): """ Returns a summarized version of the given text using a variation of the TextRank algorithm. The input must be longer than INPUT_MIN_LENGTH sentences for the summary to make sense and must be given as a string. The output summary will consist of the most representative sentences and will also be returned as a string, divided by newlines. If the split parameter is set to True, a list of sentences will be returned. The length of the output can be specified using the ratio and word_count parameters: ratio should be a number between 0 and 1 that determines the percentage of the number of sentences of the original text to be chosen for the summary (defaults at 0.2). word_count determines how many words will the output contain. If both parameters are provided, the ratio will be ignored. """ # Gets a list of processed sentences. sentences = _clean_text_by_sentences(text) # If no sentence could be identified, the function ends. if len(sentences) == 0: logger.warning("Input text is empty.") return # Warns if the text is too short. if len(sentences) < INPUT_MIN_LENGTH: logger.warning("Input text is expected to have at least " + str(INPUT_MIN_LENGTH) + " sentences.") corpus = _build_corpus(sentences) most_important_docs = summarize_corpus(corpus, ratio=ratio if word_count is None else 1) # Extracts the most important sentences with the selected criterion. extracted_sentences = _extract_important_sentences(sentences, corpus, most_important_docs, word_count) # Sorts the extracted sentences by apparition order in the original text. extracted_sentences.sort(key=lambda s: s.index) return _format_results(extracted_sentences, split)