# Natural Language Toolkit: Corpus & Model Downloader
# Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project
# Author: Edward Loper <edloper@gmail.com>
# URL: <http://nltk.org/>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
The NLTK corpus and module downloader. This module defines several
interfaces which can be used to download corpora, models, and other
data packages that can be used with NLTK.
Downloading Packages
If called with no arguments, ``download()`` will display an interactive
interface which can be used to download and install new packages.
If Tkinter is available, then a graphical interface will be shown,
otherwise a simple text interface will be provided.
Individual packages can be downloaded by calling the ``download()``
function with a single argument, giving the package identifier for the
package that should be downloaded:
>>> download('treebank') # doctest: +SKIP
[nltk_data] Downloading package 'treebank'...
[nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/treebank.zip.
NLTK also provides a number of \"package collections\", consisting of
a group of related packages. To download all packages in a
colleciton, simply call ``download()`` with the collection's
>>> download('all-corpora') # doctest: +SKIP
[nltk_data] Downloading package 'abc'...
[nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/abc.zip.
[nltk_data] Downloading package 'alpino'...
[nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/alpino.zip.
[nltk_data] Downloading package 'words'...
[nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/words.zip.
Download Directory
By default, packages are installed in either a system-wide directory
(if Python has sufficient access to write to it); or in the current
user's home directory. However, the ``download_dir`` argument may be
used to specify a different installation target, if desired.
See ``Downloader.default_download_dir()`` for more a detailed
description of how the default download directory is chosen.
NLTK Download Server
Before downloading any packages, the corpus and module downloader
contacts the NLTK download server, to retrieve an index file
describing the available packages. By default, this index file is
loaded from ``https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nltk/nltk_data/gh-pages/index.xml``.
If necessary, it is possible to create a new ``Downloader`` object,
specifying a different URL for the package index file.
python nltk/downloader.py [-d DATADIR] [-q] [-f] [-k] PACKAGE_IDS
python -m nltk.downloader [-d DATADIR] [-q] [-f] [-k] PACKAGE_IDS
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals
0 1 2 3
[column ][column ]
Handling data files.. Some questions:
* Should the data files be kept zipped or unzipped? I say zipped.
* Should the data files be kept in svn at all? Advantages: history;
automatic version numbers; 'svn up' could be used rather than the
downloader to update the corpora. Disadvantages: they're big,
which makes working from svn a bit of a pain. And we're planning
to potentially make them much bigger. I don't think we want
people to have to download 400MB corpora just to use nltk from svn.
* Compromise: keep the data files in trunk/data rather than in
trunk/nltk. That way you can check them out in svn if you want
to; but you don't need to, and you can use the downloader instead.
* Also: keep models in mind. When we change the code, we'd
potentially like the models to get updated. This could require a
little thought.
* So.. let's assume we have a trunk/data directory, containing a bunch
of packages. The packages should be kept as zip files, because we
really shouldn't be editing them much (well -- we may edit models
more, but they tend to be binary-ish files anyway, where diffs
aren't that helpful). So we'll have trunk/data, with a bunch of
files like abc.zip and treebank.zip and propbank.zip. For each
package we could also have eg treebank.xml and propbank.xml,
describing the contents of the package (name, copyright, license,
etc). Collections would also have .xml files. Finally, we would
pull all these together to form a single index.xml file. Some
directory structure wouldn't hurt. So how about::
/trunk/data/ ....................... root of data svn
index.xml ........................ main index file
src/ ............................. python scripts
packages/ ........................ dir for packages
corpora/ ....................... zip & xml files for corpora
grammars/ ...................... zip & xml files for grammars
taggers/ ....................... zip & xml files for taggers
tokenizers/ .................... zip & xml files for tokenizers
collections/ ..................... xml files for collections
Where the root (/trunk/data) would contain a makefile; and src/
would contain a script to update the info.xml file. It could also
contain scripts to rebuild some of the various model files. The
script that builds index.xml should probably check that each zip
file expands entirely into a single subdir, whose name matches the
package's uid.
Changes I need to make:
- in index: change "size" to "filesize" or "compressed-size"
- in index: add "unzipped-size"
- when checking status: check both compressed & uncompressed size.
uncompressed size is important to make sure we detect a problem
if something got partially unzipped. define new status values
to differentiate stale vs corrupt vs corruptly-uncompressed??
(we shouldn't need to re-download the file if the zip file is ok
but it didn't get uncompressed fully.)
- add other fields to the index: author, license, copyright, contact,
the current grammars/ package would become a single new package (eg
toy-grammars or book-grammars).
xml file should have:
- authorship info
- license info
- copyright info
- contact info
- info about what type of data/annotation it contains?
- recommended corpus reader?
collections can contain other collections. they can also contain
multiple package types (corpora & models). Have a single 'basics'
package that includes everything we talk about in the book?
n.b.: there will have to be a fallback to the punkt tokenizer, in case
they didn't download that model.
default: unzip or not?
import time, os, zipfile, sys, textwrap, threading, itertools
from hashlib import md5
from tkinter import (Tk, Frame, Label, Entry, Button, Canvas, Menu, IntVar,
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
from nltk.draw.table import Table
from nltk.draw.util import ShowText
TclError = ValueError
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import nltk
from nltk import compat
#urllib2 = nltk.internals.import_from_stdlib('urllib2')
# Directory entry objects (from the data server's index file)
class Package(object):
A directory entry for a downloadable package. These entries are
extracted from the XML index file that is downloaded by
``Downloader``. Each package consists of a single file; but if
that file is a zip file, then it can be automatically decompressed
when the package is installed.
def __init__(self, id, url, name=None, subdir='',
size=None, unzipped_size=None,
checksum=None, svn_revision=None,
copyright='Unknown', contact='Unknown',
license='Unknown', author='Unknown',
self.id = id
"""A unique identifier for this package."""
self.name = name or id
"""A string name for this package."""
self.subdir = subdir
"""The subdirectory where this package should be installed.
E.g., ``'corpora'`` or ``'taggers'``."""
self.url = url
"""A URL that can be used to download this package's file."""
self.size = int(size)
"""The filesize (in bytes) of the package file."""
self.unzipped_size = int(unzipped_size)
"""The total filesize of the files contained in the package's
self.checksum = checksum
"""The MD-5 checksum of the package file."""
self.svn_revision = svn_revision
"""A subversion revision number for this package."""
self.copyright = copyright
"""Copyright holder for this package."""
self.contact = contact
"""Name & email of the person who should be contacted with
questions about this package."""
self.license = license
"""License information for this package."""
self.author = author
"""Author of this package."""
ext = os.path.splitext(url.split('/')[-1])[1]
self.filename = os.path.join(subdir, id+ext)
"""The filename that should be used for this package's file. It
is formed by joining ``self.subdir`` with ``self.id``, and
using the same extension as ``url``."""
self.unzip = bool(int(unzip)) # '0' or '1'
"""A flag indicating whether this corpus should be unzipped by
# Include any other attributes provided by the XML file.
def fromxml(xml):
if isinstance(xml, compat.string_types):
xml = ElementTree.parse(xml)
for key in xml.attrib:
xml.attrib[key] = compat.text_type(xml.attrib[key])
return Package(**xml.attrib)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.id < other.id
def __repr__(self):
return '<Package %s>' % self.id
class Collection(object):
A directory entry for a collection of downloadable packages.
These entries are extracted from the XML index file that is
downloaded by ``Downloader``.
def __init__(self, id, children, name=None, **kw):
self.id = id
"""A unique identifier for this collection."""
self.name = name or id
"""A string name for this collection."""
self.children = children
"""A list of the ``Collections`` or ``Packages`` directly
contained by this collection."""
self.packages = None
"""A list of ``Packages`` contained by this collection or any
collections it recursively contains."""
# Include any other attributes provided by the XML file.
def fromxml(xml):
if isinstance(xml, compat.string_types):
xml = ElementTree.parse(xml)
for key in xml.attrib:
xml.attrib[key] = compat.text_type(xml.attrib[key])
children = [child.get('ref') for child in xml.findall('item')]
return Collection(children=children, **xml.attrib)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.id < other.id
def __repr__(self):
return '<Collection %s>' % self.id
# Message Passing Objects
class DownloaderMessage(object):
"""A status message object, used by ``incr_download`` to
communicate its progress."""
class StartCollectionMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has started working on a collection of packages."""
def __init__(self, collection): self.collection = collection
class FinishCollectionMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has finished working on a collection of packages."""
def __init__(self, collection): self.collection = collection
class StartPackageMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has started working on a package."""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class FinishPackageMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has finished working on a package."""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class StartDownloadMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has started downloading a package."""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class FinishDownloadMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has finished downloading a package."""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class StartUnzipMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has started unzipping a package."""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class FinishUnzipMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server has finished unzipping a package."""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class UpToDateMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""The package download file is already up-to-date"""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class StaleMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""The package download file is out-of-date or corrupt"""
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
class ErrorMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Data server encountered an error"""
def __init__(self, package, message):
self.package = package
if isinstance(message, Exception):
self.message = str(message)
self.message = message
class ProgressMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Indicates how much progress the data server has made"""
def __init__(self, progress): self.progress = progress
class SelectDownloadDirMessage(DownloaderMessage):
"""Indicates what download directory the data server is using"""
def __init__(self, download_dir): self.download_dir = download_dir
# NLTK Data Server
class Downloader(object):
A class used to access the NLTK data server, which can be used to
download corpora and other data packages.
# Configuration
INDEX_TIMEOUT = 60*60 # 1 hour
"""The amount of time after which the cached copy of the data
server index will be considered 'stale,' and will be
DEFAULT_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nltk/nltk_data/gh-pages/index.xml'
"""The default URL for the NLTK data server's index. An
alternative URL can be specified when creating a new
``Downloader`` object."""
# Status Constants
INSTALLED = 'installed'
"""A status string indicating that a package or collection is
installed and up-to-date."""
NOT_INSTALLED = 'not installed'
"""A status string indicating that a package or collection is
not installed."""
STALE = 'out of date'
"""A status string indicating that a package or collection is
corrupt or out-of-date."""
PARTIAL = 'partial'
"""A status string indicating that a collection is partially
installed (i.e., only some of its packages are installed.)"""
# Cosntructor
def __init__(self, server_index_url=None, download_dir=None):
self._url = server_index_url or self.DEFAULT_URL
"""The URL for the data server's index file."""
self._collections = {}
"""Dictionary from collection identifier to ``Collection``"""
self._packages = {}
"""Dictionary from package identifier to ``Package``"""
self._download_dir = download_dir
"""The default directory to which packages will be downloaded."""
self._index = None
"""The XML index file downloaded from the data server"""
self._index_timestamp = None
"""Time at which ``self._index`` was downloaded. If it is more
than ``INDEX_TIMEOUT`` seconds old, it will be re-downloaded."""
self._status_cache = {}
"""Dictionary from package/collection identifier to status
string (``INSTALLED``, ``NOT_INSTALLED``, ``STALE``, or
``PARTIAL``). Cache is used for packages only, not
self._errors = None
"""Flag for telling if all packages got successfully downloaded or not."""
# decide where we're going to save things to.
if self._download_dir is None:
self._download_dir = self.default_download_dir()
# Information
def list(self, download_dir=None, show_packages=True,
show_collections=True, header=True, more_prompt=False,
lines = 0 # for more_prompt
if download_dir is None:
download_dir = self._download_dir
print('Using default data directory (%s)' % download_dir)
if header:
print(' Data server index for <%s>' % self._url)
lines += 3 # for more_prompt
stale = partial = False
categories = []
if show_packages: categories.append('packages')
if show_collections: categories.append('collections')
for category in categories:
print('%s:' % category.capitalize())
lines += 1 # for more_prompt
for info in sorted(getattr(self, category)(), key=str):
status = self.status(info, download_dir)
if status == self.INSTALLED and skip_installed: continue
if status == self.STALE: stale = True
if status == self.PARTIAL: partial = True
prefix = {self.INSTALLED:'*', self.STALE:'-',
self.PARTIAL:'P', self.NOT_INSTALLED: ' '}[status]
name = textwrap.fill('-'*27 + (info.name or info.id),
75, subsequent_indent=27*' ')[27:]
print(' [%s] %s %s' % (prefix, info.id.ljust(20, '.'), name))
lines += len(name.split('\n')) # for more_prompt
if more_prompt and lines > 20:
user_input = compat.raw_input("Hit Enter to continue: ")
if (user_input.lower() in ('x', 'q')): return
lines = 0
msg = '([*] marks installed packages'
if stale: msg += '; [-] marks out-of-date or corrupt packages'
if partial: msg += '; [P] marks partially installed collections'
print(textwrap.fill(msg+')', subsequent_indent=' ', width=76))
def packages(self):
return self._packages.values()
def corpora(self):
return [pkg for (id,pkg) in self._packages.items()
if pkg.subdir == 'corpora']
def models(self):
return [pkg for (id,pkg) in self._packages.items()
if pkg.subdir != 'corpora']
def collections(self):
return self._collections.values()
# Downloading
def _info_or_id(self, info_or_id):
if isinstance(info_or_id, compat.string_types):
return self.info(info_or_id)
return info_or_id
# [xx] When during downloading is it 'safe' to abort? Only unsafe
# time is *during* an unzip -- we don't want to leave a
# partially-unzipped corpus in place because we wouldn't notice
# it. But if we had the exact total size of the unzipped corpus,
# then that would be fine. Then we could abort anytime we want!
# So this is really what we should do. That way the threaded
# downloader in the gui can just kill the download thread anytime
# it wants.
def incr_download(self, info_or_id, download_dir=None, force=False):
# If they didn't specify a download_dir, then use the default one.
if download_dir is None:
download_dir = self._download_dir
yield SelectDownloadDirMessage(download_dir)
# If they gave us a list of ids, then download each one.
if isinstance(info_or_id, (list,tuple)):
for msg in self._download_list(info_or_id, download_dir, force):
yield msg
# Look up the requested collection or package.
try: info = self._info_or_id(info_or_id)
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
yield ErrorMessage(None, 'Error loading %s: %s' %
(info_or_id, e))
# Handle collections.
if isinstance(info, Collection):
yield StartCollectionMessage(info)
for msg in self.incr_download(info.children, download_dir, force):
yield msg
yield FinishCollectionMessage(info)
# Handle Packages (delegate to a helper function).
for msg in self._download_package(info, download_dir, force):
yield msg
def _num_packages(self, item):
if isinstance(item, Package): return 1
else: return len(item.packages)
def _download_list(self, items, download_dir, force):
# Look up the requested items.
for i in range(len(items)):
try: items[i] = self._info_or_id(items[i])
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
yield ErrorMessage(items[i], e)
# Download each item, re-scaling their progress.
num_packages = sum(self._num_packages(item) for item in items)
progress = 0
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if isinstance(item, Package):
delta = 1./num_packages
delta = len(item.packages)/num_packages
for msg in self.incr_download(item, download_dir, force):
if isinstance(msg, ProgressMessage):
yield ProgressMessage(progress + msg.progress*delta)
yield msg
progress += 100*delta
def _download_package(self, info, download_dir, force):
yield StartPackageMessage(info)
yield ProgressMessage(0)
# Do we already have the current version?
status = self.status(info, download_dir)
if not force and status == self.INSTALLED:
yield UpToDateMessage(info)
yield ProgressMessage(100)
yield FinishPackageMessage(info)
# Remove the package from our status cache
self._status_cache.pop(info.id, None)
# Check for (and remove) any old/stale version.
filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, info.filename)
if os.path.exists(filepath):
if status == self.STALE:
yield StaleMessage(info)
# Ensure the download_dir exists
if not os.path.exists(download_dir):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(download_dir, info.subdir)):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(download_dir, info.subdir))
# Download the file. This will raise an IOError if the url
# is not found.
yield StartDownloadMessage(info)
yield ProgressMessage(5)
infile = compat.urlopen(info.url)
with open(filepath, 'wb') as outfile:
#print info.size
num_blocks = max(1, info.size/(1024*16))
for block in itertools.count():
s = infile.read(1024*16) # 16k blocks.
if not s: break
if block % 2 == 0: # how often?
yield ProgressMessage(min(80, 5+75*(block/num_blocks)))
except IOError as e:
yield ErrorMessage(info, 'Error downloading %r from <%s>:'
'\n %s' % (info.id, info.url, e))
yield FinishDownloadMessage(info)
yield ProgressMessage(80)
# If it's a zipfile, uncompress it.
if info.filename.endswith('.zip'):
zipdir = os.path.join(download_dir, info.subdir)
# Unzip if we're unzipping by default; *or* if it's already
# been unzipped (presumably a previous version).
if info.unzip or os.path.exists(os.path.join(zipdir, info.id)):
yield StartUnzipMessage(info)
for msg in _unzip_iter(filepath, zipdir, verbose=False):
# Somewhat of a hack, but we need a proper package reference
msg.package = info
yield msg
yield FinishUnzipMessage(info)
yield FinishPackageMessage(info)
def download(self, info_or_id=None, download_dir=None, quiet=False,
force=False, prefix='[nltk_data] ', halt_on_error=True,
# If no info or id is given, then use the interactive shell.
if info_or_id is None:
# [xx] hmm -- changing self._download_dir here seems like
# the wrong thing to do. Maybe the _interactive_download
# function should make a new copy of self to use?
if download_dir is not None: self._download_dir = download_dir
return True
# Define a helper function for displaying output:
def show(s, prefix2=''):
print(textwrap.fill(s, initial_indent=prefix+prefix2,
subsequent_indent=prefix+prefix2+' '*4))
for msg in self.incr_download(info_or_id, download_dir, force):
# Error messages
if isinstance(msg, ErrorMessage):
if raise_on_error:
raise ValueError(msg.message)
if halt_on_error:
return False
self._errors = True
if not quiet:
print("Error installing package. Retry? [n/y/e]")
choice = compat.raw_input().strip()
if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
if not self.download(msg.package.id, download_dir,
quiet, force, prefix,
halt_on_error, raise_on_error):
return False
elif choice in ['e', 'E']:
return False
# All other messages
if not quiet:
# Collection downloading messages:
if isinstance(msg, StartCollectionMessage):
show('Downloading collection %r' % msg.collection.id)
prefix += ' | '
elif isinstance(msg, FinishCollectionMessage):
prefix = prefix[:-4]
if self._errors:
show('Downloaded collection %r with errors' %
show('Done downloading collection %s' %
# Package downloading messages:
elif isinstance(msg, StartPackageMessage):
show('Downloading package %s to %s...' %
(msg.package.id, download_dir))
elif isinstance(msg, UpToDateMessage):
show('Package %s is already up-to-date!' %
msg.package.id, ' ')
#elif isinstance(msg, StaleMessage):
# show('Package %s is out-of-date or corrupt' %
# msg.package.id, ' ')
elif isinstance(msg, StartUnzipMessage):
show('Unzipping %s.' % msg.package.filename, ' ')
# Data directory message:
elif isinstance(msg, SelectDownloadDirMessage):
download_dir = msg.download_dir
return True
def is_stale(self, info_or_id, download_dir=None):
return self.status(info_or_id, download_dir) == self.STALE
def is_installed(self, info_or_id, download_dir=None):
return self.status(info_or_id, download_dir) == self.INSTALLED
def clear_status_cache(self, id=None):
if id is None:
self._status_cache.pop(id, None)
def status(self, info_or_id, download_dir=None):
Return a constant describing the status of the given package
or collection. Status can be one of ``INSTALLED``,
if download_dir is None: download_dir = self._download_dir
info = self._info_or_id(info_or_id)
# Handle collections:
if isinstance(info, Collection):
pkg_status = [self.status(pkg.id) for pkg in info.packages]
if self.STALE in pkg_status:
return self.STALE
elif self.PARTIAL in pkg_status:
return self.PARTIAL
elif (self.INSTALLED in pkg_status and
self.NOT_INSTALLED in pkg_status):
return self.PARTIAL
elif self.NOT_INSTALLED in pkg_status:
return self.NOT_INSTALLED
return self.INSTALLED
# Handle packages:
filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, info.filename)
if download_dir != self._download_dir:
status = self._pkg_status(info, filepath)
if info.id not in self._status_cache:
self._status_cache[info.id] = self._pkg_status(info,
return self._status_cache[info.id]
def _pkg_status(self, info, filepath):
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
return self.NOT_INSTALLED
# Check if the file has the correct size.
try: filestat = os.stat(filepath)
except OSError: return self.NOT_INSTALLED
if filestat.st_size != int(info.size):
return self.STALE
# Check if the file's checksum matches
if md5_hexdigest(filepath) != info.checksum:
return self.STALE
# If it's a zipfile, and it's been at least partially
# unzipped, then check if it's been fully unzipped.
if filepath.endswith('.zip'):
unzipdir = filepath[:-4]
if not os.path.exists(unzipdir):
return self.INSTALLED # but not unzipped -- ok!
if not os.path.isdir(unzipdir):
return self.STALE
unzipped_size = sum(os.stat(os.path.join(d, f)).st_size
for d, _, files in os.walk(unzipdir)
for f in files)
if unzipped_size != info.unzipped_size:
return self.STALE
# Otherwise, everything looks good.
return self.INSTALLED
def update(self, quiet=False, prefix='[nltk_data] '):
Re-download any packages whose status is STALE.
for pkg in self.packages():
if self.status(pkg) == self.STALE:
self.download(pkg, quiet=quiet, prefix=prefix)
# Index
def _update_index(self, url=None):
"""A helper function that ensures that self._index is
up-to-date. If the index is older than self.INDEX_TIMEOUT,
then download it again."""
# Check if the index is aleady up-to-date. If so, do nothing.
if not (self._index is None or url is not None or
time.time()-self._index_timestamp > self.INDEX_TIMEOUT):
# If a URL was specified, then update our URL.
self._url = url or self._url
# Download the index file.
self._index = nltk.internals.ElementWrapper(
self._index_timestamp = time.time()
# Build a dictionary of packages.
packages = [Package.fromxml(p) for p in
self._packages = dict((p.id, p) for p in packages)
# Build a dictionary of collections.
collections = [Collection.fromxml(c) for c in
self._collections = dict((c.id, c) for c in collections)
# Replace identifiers with actual children in collection.children.
for collection in self._collections.values():
for i, child_id in enumerate(collection.children):
if child_id in self._packages:
collection.children[i] = self._packages[child_id]
elif child_id in self._collections:
collection.children[i] = self._collections[child_id]
print('removing collection member with no package: {}'.format(child_id))
del collection.children[i]
# Fill in collection.packages for each collection.
for collection in self._collections.values():
packages = {}
queue = [collection]
for child in queue:
if isinstance(child, Collection):
packages[child.id] = child
collection.packages = packages.values()
# Flush the status cache
def index(self):
Return the XML index describing the packages available from
the data server. If necessary, this index will be downloaded
from the data server.
return self._index
def info(self, id):
"""Return the ``Package`` or ``Collection`` record for the
given item."""
if id in self._packages: return self._packages[id]
if id in self._collections: return self._collections[id]
raise ValueError('Package %r not found in index' % id)
def xmlinfo(self, id):
"""Return the XML info record for the given item"""
for package in self._index.findall('packages/package'):
if package.get('id') == id:
return package
for collection in self._index.findall('collections/collection'):
if collection.get('id') == id:
return collection
raise ValueError('Package %r not found in index' % id)
# URL & Data Directory
def _get_url(self):
"""The URL for the data server's index file."""
return self._url
def _set_url(self, url):
Set a new URL for the data server. If we're unable to contact
the given url, then the original url is kept.
original_url = self._url
self._url = original_url
url = property(_get_url, _set_url)
def default_download_dir(self):
Return the directory to which packages will be downloaded by
default. This value can be overridden using the constructor,
or on a case-by-case basis using the ``download_dir`` argument when
calling ``download()``.
On Windows, the default download directory is
``PYTHONHOME/lib/nltk``, where *PYTHONHOME* is the
directory containing Python, e.g. ``C:\\Python25``.
On all other platforms, the default directory is the first of
the following which exists or which can be created with write
permission: ``/usr/share/nltk_data``, ``/usr/local/share/nltk_data``,
``/usr/lib/nltk_data``, ``/usr/local/lib/nltk_data``, ``~/nltk_data``.
# Check if we are on GAE where we cannot write into filesystem.
if 'APPENGINE_RUNTIME' in os.environ:
# Check if we have sufficient permissions to install in a
# variety of system-wide locations.
for nltkdir in nltk.data.path:
if (os.path.exists(nltkdir) and
return nltkdir
# On Windows, use %APPDATA%
if sys.platform == 'win32' and 'APPDATA' in os.environ:
homedir = os.environ['APPDATA']
# Otherwise, install in the user's home directory.
homedir = os.path.expanduser('~/')
if homedir == '~/':
raise ValueError("Could not find a default download directory")
# append "nltk_data" to the home directory
return os.path.join(homedir, 'nltk_data')
def _get_download_dir(self):
The default directory to which packages will be downloaded.
This defaults to the value returned by ``default_download_dir()``.
To override this default on a case-by-case basis, use the
``download_dir`` argument when calling ``download()``.
return self._download_dir
def _set_download_dir(self, download_dir):
self._download_dir = download_dir
# Clear the status cache.
download_dir = property(_get_download_dir, _set_download_dir)
# Interactive Shell
def _interactive_download(self):
# Try the GUI first; if that doesn't work, try the simple
# interactive shell.
except TclError:
class DownloaderShell(object):
def __init__(self, dataserver):
self._ds = dataserver
def _simple_interactive_menu(self, *options):
spc = (68 - sum(len(o) for o in options))//(len(options)-1)*' '
print(' ' + spc.join(options))
#w = 76/len(options)
#fmt = ' ' + ('%-'+str(w)+'s')*(len(options)-1) + '%s'
#print fmt % options
def run(self):
print('NLTK Downloader')
while True:
'd) Download', 'l) List', ' u) Update', 'c) Config', 'h) Help', 'q) Quit')
user_input = compat.raw_input('Downloader> ').strip()
if not user_input: print(); continue
command = user_input.lower().split()[0]
args = user_input.split()[1:]
if command == 'l':
self._ds.list(self._ds.download_dir, header=False,
elif command == 'h':
elif command == 'c':
elif command in ('q', 'x'):
elif command == 'd':
elif command == 'u':
print('Command %r unrecognized' % user_input)
except compat.HTTPError as e:
print('Error reading from server: %s'%e)
except compat.URLError as e:
print('Error connecting to server: %s'%e.reason)
# try checking if user_input is a package name, &
# downloading it?
def _simple_interactive_download(self, args):
if args:
for arg in args:
try: self._ds.download(arg, prefix=' ')
except (IOError, ValueError) as e: print(e)
while True:
print('Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)?')
user_input = compat.raw_input(' Identifier> ')
if user_input.lower()=='l':
self._ds.list(self._ds.download_dir, header=False,
more_prompt=True, skip_installed=True)
elif user_input.lower() in ('x', 'q', ''):
elif user_input:
for id in user_input.split():
try: self._ds.download(id, prefix=' ')
except (IOError, ValueError) as e: print(e)
def _simple_interactive_update(self):
while True:
stale_packages = []
stale = partial = False
for info in sorted(getattr(self._ds, 'packages')(), key=str):
if self._ds.status(info) == self._ds.STALE:
stale_packages.append((info.id, info.name))
if stale_packages:
print('Will update following packages (o=ok; x=cancel)')
for pid, pname in stale_packages:
name = textwrap.fill('-'*27 + (pname),
75, subsequent_indent=27*' ')[27:]
print(' [ ] %s %s' % (pid.ljust(20, '.'), name))
user_input = compat.raw_input(' Identifier> ')
if user_input.lower()=='o':
for pid, pname in stale_packages:
try: self._ds.download(pid, prefix=' ')
except (IOError, ValueError) as e: print(e)
elif user_input.lower() in ('x', 'q', ''):
print('Nothing to update.')
def _simple_interactive_help(self):
print(' d) Download a package or collection u) Update out of date packages')
print(' l) List packages & collections h) Help')
print(' c) View & Modify Configuration q) Quit')
def _show_config(self):
print('Data Server:')
print(' - URL: <%s>' % self._ds.url)
print((' - %d Package Collections Available' %
print((' - %d Individual Packages Available' %
print('Local Machine:')
print(' - Data directory: %s' % self._ds.download_dir)
def _simple_interactive_config(self):
while True:
's) Show Config', 'u) Set Server URL',
'd) Set Data Dir', 'm) Main Menu')
user_input = compat.raw_input('Config> ').strip().lower()
if user_input == 's':
elif user_input == 'd':
new_dl_dir = compat.raw_input(' New Directory> ').strip()
if new_dl_dir in ('', 'x', 'q', 'X', 'Q'):
print(' Cancelled!')
elif os.path.isdir(new_dl_dir):
self._ds.download_dir = new_dl_dir
print(('Directory %r not found! Create it first.' %
elif user_input == 'u':
new_url = compat.raw_input(' New URL> ').strip()
if new_url in ('', 'x', 'q', 'X', 'Q'):
print(' Cancelled!')
if not new_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
new_url = 'http://'+new_url
try: self._ds.url = new_url
except Exception as e:
print('Error reading <%r>:\n %s' % (new_url, e))
elif user_input == 'm':
class DownloaderGUI(object):
Graphical interface for downloading packages from the NLTK data
# Column Configuration
COLUMNS = ['', 'Identifier', 'Name', 'Size', 'Status',
'Unzipped Size',
'Copyright', 'Contact', 'License', 'Author',
'Subdir', 'Checksum']
"""A list of the names of columns. This controls the order in
which the columns will appear. If this is edited, then
``_package_to_columns()`` may need to be edited to match."""
COLUMN_WEIGHTS = {'': 0, 'Name': 5, 'Size': 0, 'Status': 0}
"""A dictionary specifying how columns should be resized when the
table is resized. Columns with weight 0 will not be resized at
all; and columns with high weight will be resized more.
Default weight (for columns not explicitly listed) is 1."""
COLUMN_WIDTHS = {'':1, 'Identifier':20, 'Name':45,
'Size': 10, 'Unzipped Size': 10,
'Status': 12}
"""A dictionary specifying how wide each column should be, in
characters. The default width (for columns not explicitly
listed) is specified by ``DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH``."""
"""The default width for columns that are not explicitly listed
in ``COLUMN_WIDTHS``."""
INITIAL_COLUMNS = ['', 'Identifier', 'Name', 'Size', 'Status']
"""The set of columns that should be displayed by default."""
# Perform a few import-time sanity checks to make sure that the
# column configuration variables are defined consistently:
for c in COLUMN_WEIGHTS: assert c in COLUMNS
for c in COLUMN_WIDTHS: assert c in COLUMNS
for c in INITIAL_COLUMNS: assert c in COLUMNS
# Color Configuration
_BACKDROP_COLOR = ('#000', '#ccc')
_ROW_COLOR = {Downloader.INSTALLED: ('#afa', '#080'),
Downloader.PARTIAL: ('#ffa', '#880'),
Downloader.STALE: ('#faa', '#800'),
Downloader.NOT_INSTALLED: ('#fff', '#888')}
_MARK_COLOR = ('#000', '#ccc')
#_FRONT_TAB_COLOR = ('#ccf', '#008')
#_BACK_TAB_COLOR = ('#88a', '#448')
_FRONT_TAB_COLOR = ('#fff', '#45c')
_BACK_TAB_COLOR = ('#aaa', '#67a')
_PROGRESS_COLOR = ('#f00', '#aaa')
_TAB_FONT = 'helvetica -16 bold'
# Constructor
def __init__(self, dataserver, use_threads=True):
self._ds = dataserver
self._use_threads = use_threads
# For the threaded downloader:
self._download_lock = threading.Lock()
self._download_msg_queue = []
self._download_abort_queue = []
self._downloading = False
# For tkinter after callbacks:
self._afterid = {}
# A message log.
self._log_messages = []
self._log_indent = 0
self._log('NLTK Downloader Started!')
# Create the main window.
top = self.top = Tk()
top.title('NLTK Downloader')
# Set up some bindings now, in case anything goes wrong.
top.bind('<Control-q>', self.destroy)
top.bind('<Control-x>', self.destroy)
self._destroyed = False
self._column_vars = {}
# Initialize the GUI.
except compat.HTTPError as e:
showerror('Error reading from server', e)
except compat.URLError as e:
showerror('Error connecting to server', e.reason)
# Make sure we get notified when we're destroyed, so we can
# cancel any download in progress.
self._table.bind('<Destroy>', self._destroy)
def _log(self, msg):
self._log_messages.append('%s %s%s' % (time.ctime(),
' | '*self._log_indent, msg))
# Internals
def _init_widgets(self):
# Create the top-level frame structures
f1 = Frame(self.top, relief='raised', border=2, padx=8, pady=0)
f1.pack(sid='top', expand=True, fill='both')
f1.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
f1.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
Frame(f1, height=8).grid(column=0, row=0) # spacer
tabframe = Frame(f1)
tabframe.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='news')
tableframe = Frame(f1)
tableframe.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='news')
buttonframe = Frame(f1)
buttonframe.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky='news')
Frame(f1, height=8).grid(column=0, row=4) # spacer
infoframe = Frame(f1)
infoframe.grid(column=0, row=5, sticky='news')
Frame(f1, height=8).grid(column=0, row=6) # spacer
progressframe = Frame(self.top, padx=3, pady=3,
progressframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
self.top['border'] = 0
self.top['highlightthickness'] = 0
# Create the tabs
self._tab_names = ['Collections', 'Corpora',
'Models', 'All Packages',]
self._tabs = {}
for i, tab in enumerate(self._tab_names):
label = Label(tabframe, text=tab, font=self._TAB_FONT)
label.pack(side='left', padx=((i+1)%2)*10)
label.bind('<Button-1>', self._select_tab)
self._tabs[tab.lower()] = label
# Create the table.
column_weights = [self.COLUMN_WEIGHTS.get(column, 1)
for column in self.COLUMNS]
self._table = Table(tableframe, self.COLUMNS,
highlightthickness=0, listbox_height=16,
self._table.columnconfig(0, foreground=self._MARK_COLOR[0]) # marked
for i, column in enumerate(self.COLUMNS):
width = self.COLUMN_WIDTHS.get(column, self.DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH)
self._table.columnconfig(i, width=width)
self._table.pack(expand=True, fill='both')
self._table.bind('<space>', self._table_mark)
self._table.bind('<Return>', self._download)
self._table.bind('<Left>', self._prev_tab)
self._table.bind('<Right>', self._next_tab)
self._table.bind('<Control-a>', self._mark_all)
# Create entry boxes for URL & download_dir
infoframe.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
info = [('url', 'Server Index:', self._set_url),
('download_dir','Download Directory:',self._set_download_dir)]
self._info = {}
for (i, (key, label, callback)) in enumerate(info):
Label(infoframe, text=label).grid(column=0, row=i, sticky='e')
entry = Entry(infoframe, font='courier', relief='groove',
self._info[key] = (entry, callback)
entry.bind('<Return>', self._info_save)
entry.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e,key=key: self._info_edit(key))
entry.grid(column=1, row=i, sticky='ew')
# If the user edits url or download_dir, and then clicks outside
# the entry box, then save their results.
self.top.bind('<Button-1>', self._info_save)
# Create Download & Refresh buttons.
self._download_button = Button(
buttonframe, text='Download', command=self._download, width=8)
self._refresh_button = Button(
buttonframe, text='Refresh', command=self._refresh, width=8)
# Create Progress bar
self._progresslabel = Label(progressframe, text='',
self._progressbar = Canvas(progressframe, width=200, height=16,
relief='sunken', border=1)
def _init_menu(self):
menubar = Menu(self.top)
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
filemenu.add_command(label='Download', underline=0,
command=self._download, accelerator='Return')
filemenu.add_command(label='Change Server Index', underline=7,
command=lambda: self._info_edit('url'))
filemenu.add_command(label='Change Download Directory', underline=0,
command=lambda: self._info_edit('download_dir'))
filemenu.add_command(label='Show Log', underline=5,
filemenu.add_command(label='Exit', underline=1,
command=self.destroy, accelerator='Ctrl-x')
menubar.add_cascade(label='File', underline=0, menu=filemenu)
# Create a menu to control which columns of the table are
# shown. n.b.: we never hide the first two columns (mark and
# identifier).
viewmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
for column in self._table.column_names[2:]:
var = IntVar(self.top)
assert column not in self._column_vars
self._column_vars[column] = var
if column in self.INITIAL_COLUMNS: var.set(1)
viewmenu.add_checkbutton(label=column, underline=0, variable=var,
menubar.add_cascade(label='View', underline=0, menu=viewmenu)
# Create a sort menu
# [xx] this should be selectbuttons; and it should include
# reversed sorts as options.
sortmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
for column in self._table.column_names[1:]:
sortmenu.add_command(label='Sort by %s' % column,
command=(lambda c=column:
self._table.sort_by(c, 'ascending')))
#sortmenu.add_command(label='Descending Sort:')
for column in self._table.column_names[1:]:
sortmenu.add_command(label='Reverse sort by %s' % column,
command=(lambda c=column:
self._table.sort_by(c, 'descending')))
menubar.add_cascade(label='Sort', underline=0, menu=sortmenu)
helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
helpmenu.add_command(label='About', underline=0,
helpmenu.add_command(label='Instructions', underline=0,
command=self.help, accelerator='F1')
menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', underline=0, menu=helpmenu)
self.top.bind('<F1>', self.help)
def _select_columns(self):
for (column, var) in self._column_vars.items():
if var.get():
def _refresh(self):
except compat.HTTPError as e:
showerror('Error reading from server', e)
except compat.URLError as e:
showerror('Error connecting to server', e.reason)
def _info_edit(self, info_key):
self._info_save() # just in case.
(entry, callback) = self._info[info_key]
entry['state'] = 'normal'
entry['relief'] = 'sunken'
def _info_save(self, e=None):
focus = self._table
for entry, callback in self._info.values():
if entry['state'] == 'disabled': continue
if e is not None and e.widget is entry and e.keysym != 'Return':
focus = entry
entry['state'] = 'disabled'
entry['relief'] = 'groove'
def _table_reprfunc(self, row, col, val):
if self._table.column_names[col].endswith('Size'):
if isinstance(val, compat.string_types): return ' %s' % val
elif val < 1024**2: return ' %.1f KB' % (val/1024.**1)
elif val < 1024**3: return ' %.1f MB' % (val/1024.**2)
else: return ' %.1f GB' % (val/1024.**3)
if col in (0, ''): return str(val)
else: return ' %s' % val
def _set_url(self, url):
if url == self._ds.url: return
self._ds.url = url
except IOError as e:
showerror('Error Setting Server Index', str(e))
def _set_download_dir(self, download_dir):
if self._ds.download_dir == download_dir: return
# check if the dir exists, and if not, ask if we should create it?
# Clear our status cache, & re-check what's installed
self._ds.download_dir = download_dir
except compat.HTTPError as e:
showerror('Error reading from server', e)
except compat.URLError as e:
showerror('Error connecting to server', e.reason)
def _show_info(self):
print('showing info', self._ds.url)
for entry,cb in self._info.values():
entry['state'] = 'normal'
entry.delete(0, 'end')
self._info['url'][0].insert(0, self._ds.url)
self._info['download_dir'][0].insert(0, self._ds.download_dir)
for entry,cb in self._info.values():
entry['state'] = 'disabled'
def _prev_tab(self, *e):
for i, tab in enumerate(self._tab_names):
if tab.lower() == self._tab and i > 0:
self._tab = self._tab_names[i-1].lower()
return self._fill_table()
except compat.HTTPError as e:
showerror('Error reading from server', e)
except compat.URLError as e:
showerror('Error connecting to server', e.reason)
def _next_tab(self, *e):
for i, tab in enumerate(self._tab_names):
if tab.lower() == self._tab and i < (len(self._tabs)-1):
self._tab = self._tab_names[i+1].lower()
return self._fill_table()
except compat.HTTPError as e:
showerror('Error reading from server', e)
except compat.URLError as e:
showerror('Error connecting to server', e.reason)
def _select_tab(self, event):
self._tab = event.widget['text'].lower()
except compat.HTTPError as e:
showerror('Error reading from server', e)
except compat.URLError as e:
showerror('Error connecting to server', e.reason)
_tab = 'collections'
#_tab = 'corpora'
_rows = None
def _fill_table(self):
selected_row = self._table.selected_row()
if self._tab == 'all packages':
items = self._ds.packages()
elif self._tab == 'corpora':
items = self._ds.corpora()
elif self._tab == 'models':
items = self._ds.models()
elif self._tab == 'collections':
items = self._ds.collections()
assert 0, 'bad tab value %r' % self._tab
rows = [self._package_to_columns(item) for item in items]
# Highlight the active tab.
for tab, label in self._tabs.items():
if tab == self._tab:
self._table.sort_by('Identifier', order='ascending')
# This is a hack, because the scrollbar isn't updating its
# position right -- I'm not sure what the underlying cause is
# though. (This is on OS X w/ python 2.5) The length of
# delay that's necessary seems to depend on how fast the
# comptuer is. :-/
self.top.after(150, self._table._scrollbar.set,
self.top.after(300, self._table._scrollbar.set,
def _update_table_status(self):
for row_num in range(len(self._table)):
status = self._ds.status(self._table[row_num, 'Identifier'])
self._table[row_num, 'Status'] = status
def _download(self, *e):
# If we're using threads, then delegate to the threaded
# downloader instead.
if self._use_threads:
return self._download_threaded(*e)
marked = [self._table[row, 'Identifier']
for row in range(len(self._table))
if self._table[row, 0] != '']
selection = self._table.selected_row()
if not marked and selection is not None:
marked = [self._table[selection, 'Identifier']]
download_iter = self._ds.incr_download(marked, self._ds.download_dir)
self._log_indent = 0
self._download_cb(download_iter, marked)
def _download_cb(self, download_iter, ids):
try: msg = next(download_iter)
except StopIteration:
afterid = self.top.after(10, self._show_progress, 0)
self._afterid['_download_cb'] = afterid
def show(s):
self._progresslabel['text'] = s
if isinstance(msg, ProgressMessage):
elif isinstance(msg, ErrorMessage):
if msg.package is not None:
return # halt progress.
elif isinstance(msg, StartCollectionMessage):
show('Downloading collection %s' % msg.collection.id)
self._log_indent += 1
elif isinstance(msg, StartPackageMessage):
show('Downloading package %s' % msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, UpToDateMessage):
show('Package %s is up-to-date!' % msg.package.id)
#elif isinstance(msg, StaleMessage):
# show('Package %s is out-of-date or corrupt' % msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishDownloadMessage):
show('Finished downloading %r.' % msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, StartUnzipMessage):
show('Unzipping %s' % msg.package.filename)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishCollectionMessage):
self._log_indent -= 1
show('Finished downloading collection %r.' % msg.collection.id)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishPackageMessage):
afterid = self.top.after(self._DL_DELAY, self._download_cb,
download_iter, ids)
self._afterid['_download_cb'] = afterid
def _select(self, id):
for row in range(len(self._table)):
if self._table[row, 'Identifier'] == id:
def _color_table(self):
# Color rows according to status.
for row in range(len(self._table)):
bg, sbg = self._ROW_COLOR[self._table[row, 'Status']]
fg, sfg = ('black', 'white')
self._table.rowconfig(row, foreground=fg, selectforeground=sfg,
background=bg, selectbackground=sbg)
# Color the marked column
self._table.itemconfigure(row, 0,
def _clear_mark(self, id):
for row in range(len(self._table)):
if self._table[row, 'Identifier'] == id:
self._table[row, 0] = ''
def _mark_all(self, *e):
for row in range(len(self._table)):
self._table[row,0] = 'X'
def _table_mark(self, *e):
selection = self._table.selected_row()
if selection >= 0:
if self._table[selection][0] != '':
self._table[selection,0] = ''
self._table[selection,0] = 'X'
def _show_log(self):
text = '\n'.join(self._log_messages)
ShowText(self.top, 'NLTK Downloader Log', text)
def _package_to_columns(self, pkg):
Given a package, return a list of values describing that
package, one for each column in ``self.COLUMNS``.
row = []
for column_index, column_name in enumerate(self.COLUMNS):
if column_index == 0: # Mark:
elif column_name == 'Identifier':
elif column_name == 'Status':
attr = column_name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
row.append(getattr(pkg, attr, 'n/a'))
return row
# External Interface
def destroy(self, *e):
if self._destroyed: return
self._destroyed = True
def _destroy(self, *e):
if self.top is not None:
for afterid in self._afterid.values():
# Abort any download in progress.
if self._downloading and self._use_threads:
# Make sure the garbage collector destroys these now;
# otherwise, they may get destroyed when we're not in the main
# thread, which would make Tkinter unhappy.
def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.top.mainloop(*args, **kwargs)
HELP = textwrap.dedent("""\
This tool can be used to download a variety of corpora and models
that can be used with NLTK. Each corpus or model is distributed
in a single zip file, known as a \"package file.\" You can
download packages individually, or you can download pre-defined
collections of packages.
When you download a package, it will be saved to the \"download
directory.\" A default download directory is chosen when you run
the downloader; but you may also select a different download
directory. On Windows, the default download directory is
The NLTK downloader can be used to download a variety of corpora,
models, and other data packages.
Keyboard shortcuts::
[return]\t Download
[up]\t Select previous package
[down]\t Select next package
[left]\t Select previous tab
[right]\t Select next tab
def help(self, *e):
# The default font's not very legible; try using 'fixed' instead.
ShowText(self.top, 'Help: NLTK Dowloader',
self.HELP.strip(), width=75, font='fixed')
ShowText(self.top, 'Help: NLTK Downloader',
self.HELP.strip(), width=75)
def about(self, *e):
ABOUT = ("NLTK Downloader\n"+
"Written by Edward Loper")
TITLE = 'About: NLTK Downloader'
from tkMessageBox import Message
Message(message=ABOUT, title=TITLE).show()
except ImportError:
from tkinter.messagebox import Message
Message(message=ABOUT, title=TITLE).show()
except ImportError:
ShowText(self.top, TITLE, ABOUT)
# Progress Bar
_gradient_width = 5
def _init_progressbar(self):
c = self._progressbar
width, height = int(c['width']), int(c['height'])
for i in range(0, (int(c['width'])*2)//self._gradient_width):
c.create_line(i*self._gradient_width+20, -20,
i*self._gradient_width-height-20, height+20,
fill='#%02x0000' % (80 + abs(i%6-3)*12))
c.itemconfig('gradient', state='hidden')
# This is used to display progress
c.addtag_withtag('redbox', c.create_rectangle(
0, 0, 0, 0, fill=self._PROGRESS_COLOR[0]))
def _show_progress(self, percent):
c = self._progressbar
if percent is None:
c.coords('redbox', 0, 0, 0, 0)
c.itemconfig('gradient', state='hidden')
width, height = int(c['width']), int(c['height'])
x = percent * int(width) // 100 + 1
c.coords('redbox', 0, 0, x, height+1)
def _progress_alive(self):
c = self._progressbar
if not self._downloading:
c.itemconfig('gradient', state='hidden')
c.itemconfig('gradient', state='normal')
x1, y1, x2, y2 = c.bbox('gradient')
if x1 <= -100:
c.move('gradient', (self._gradient_width*6)-4, 0)
c.move('gradient', -4, 0)
afterid = self.top.after(200, self._progress_alive)
self._afterid['_progress_alive'] = afterid
# Threaded downloader
def _download_threaded(self, *e):
# If the user tries to start a new download while we're already
# downloading something, then abort the current download instead.
if self._downloading:
# Change the 'download' button to an 'abort' button.
self._download_button['text'] = 'Cancel'
marked = [self._table[row, 'Identifier']
for row in range(len(self._table))
if self._table[row, 0] != '']
selection = self._table.selected_row()
if not marked and selection is not None:
marked = [self._table[selection, 'Identifier']]
# Create a new data server object for the download operation,
# just in case the user modifies our data server during the
# download (e.g., clicking 'refresh' or editing the index url).
ds = Downloader(self._ds.url, self._ds.download_dir)
# Start downloading in a separate thread.
assert self._download_msg_queue == []
assert self._download_abort_queue == []
self._DownloadThread(ds, marked, self._download_lock,
# Monitor the download message queue & display its progress.
self._log_indent = 0
self._downloading = True
# Display an indication that we're still alive and well by
# cycling the progress bar.
def _abort_download(self):
if self._downloading:
class _DownloadThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, data_server, items, lock, message_queue, abort):
self.data_server = data_server
self.items = items
self.lock = lock
self.message_queue = message_queue
self.abort = abort
def run (self):
for msg in self.data_server.incr_download(self.items):
# Check if we've been told to kill ourselves:
if self.abort:
def _monitor_message_queue(self):
def show(s):
self._progresslabel['text'] = s
# Try to acquire the lock; if it's busy, then just try again later.
if not self._download_lock.acquire():
for msg in self._download_msg_queue:
# Done downloading?
if msg == 'finished' or msg == 'aborted':
self._downloading = False
self._download_button['text'] = 'Download'
del self._download_msg_queue[:]
del self._download_abort_queue[:]
if msg == 'aborted':
show('Download aborted!')
afterid = self.top.after(100, self._show_progress, None)
self._afterid['_monitor_message_queue'] = afterid
# All other messages
elif isinstance(msg, ProgressMessage):
elif isinstance(msg, ErrorMessage):
if msg.package is not None:
self._downloading = False
return # halt progress.
elif isinstance(msg, StartCollectionMessage):
show('Downloading collection %r' % msg.collection.id)
self._log_indent += 1
elif isinstance(msg, StartPackageMessage):
show('Downloading package %r' % msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, UpToDateMessage):
show('Package %s is up-to-date!' % msg.package.id)
#elif isinstance(msg, StaleMessage):
# show('Package %s is out-of-date or corrupt; updating it' %
# msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishDownloadMessage):
show('Finished downloading %r.' % msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, StartUnzipMessage):
show('Unzipping %s' % msg.package.filename)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishUnzipMessage):
show('Finished installing %s' % msg.package.id)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishCollectionMessage):
self._log_indent -= 1
show('Finished downloading collection %r.' % msg.collection.id)
elif isinstance(msg, FinishPackageMessage):
# Let the user know when we're aborting a download (but
# waiting for a good point to abort it, so we don't end up
# with a partially unzipped package or anything like that).
if self._download_abort_queue:
self._progresslabel['text'] = 'Aborting download...'
# Clear the message queue and then release the lock
del self._download_msg_queue[:]
# Check the queue again after MONITOR_QUEUE_DELAY msec.
afterid = self.top.after(self._MONITOR_QUEUE_DELAY,
self._afterid['_monitor_message_queue'] = afterid
# Helper Functions
# [xx] It may make sense to move these to nltk.internals.
def md5_hexdigest(file):
Calculate and return the MD5 checksum for a given file.
``file`` may either be a filename or an open stream.
if isinstance(file, compat.string_types):
with open(file, 'rb') as infile:
return _md5_hexdigest(infile)
return _md5_hexdigest(file)
def _md5_hexdigest(fp):
md5_digest = md5()
while True:
block = fp.read(1024*16) # 16k blocks
if not block: break
return md5_digest.hexdigest()
# change this to periodically yield progress messages?
# [xx] get rid of topdir parameter -- we should be checking
# this when we build the index, anyway.
def unzip(filename, root, verbose=True):
Extract the contents of the zip file ``filename`` into the
directory ``root``.
for message in _unzip_iter(filename, root, verbose):
if isinstance(message, ErrorMessage):
raise Exception(message)
def _unzip_iter(filename, root, verbose=True):
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write('Unzipping %s' % os.path.split(filename)[1])
try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
except zipfile.error as e:
yield ErrorMessage(filename, 'Error with downloaded zip file')
except Exception as e:
yield ErrorMessage(filename, e)
# Get lists of directories & files
namelist = zf.namelist()
dirlist = set()
for x in namelist:
if x.endswith('/'):
dirlist.add(x.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/')
filelist = [x for x in namelist if not x.endswith('/')]
# Create the target directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(root):
# Create the directory structure
for dirname in sorted(dirlist):
pieces = dirname[:-1].split('/')
for i in range(len(pieces)):
dirpath = os.path.join(root, *pieces[:i+1])
if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
# Extract files.
for i, filename in enumerate(filelist):
filepath = os.path.join(root, *filename.split('/'))
with open(filepath, 'wb') as outfile:
contents = zf.read(filename)
except Exception as e:
yield ErrorMessage(filename, e)
if verbose and (i*10/len(filelist) > (i-1)*10/len(filelist)):
if verbose:
# Index Builder
# This may move to a different file sometime.
import subprocess, zipfile
def build_index(root, base_url):
Create a new data.xml index file, by combining the xml description
files for various packages and collections. ``root`` should be the
path to a directory containing the package xml and zip files; and
the collection xml files. The ``root`` directory is expected to
have the following subdirectories::
packages/ .................. subdirectory for packages
corpora/ ................. zip & xml files for corpora
grammars/ ................ zip & xml files for grammars
taggers/ ................. zip & xml files for taggers
tokenizers/ .............. zip & xml files for tokenizers
collections/ ............... xml files for collections
For each package, there should be two files: ``package.zip``
(where *package* is the package name)
which contains the package itself as a compressed zip file; and
``package.xml``, which is an xml description of the package. The
zipfile ``package.zip`` should expand to a single subdirectory
named ``package/``. The base filename ``package`` must match
the identifier given in the package's xml file.
For each collection, there should be a single file ``collection.zip``
describing the collection, where *collection* is the name of the collection.
All identifiers (for both packages and collections) must be unique.
# Find all packages.
packages = []
for pkg_xml, zf, subdir in _find_packages(os.path.join(root, 'packages')):
zipstat = os.stat(zf.filename)
url = '%s/%s/%s' % (base_url, subdir, os.path.split(zf.filename)[1])
unzipped_size = sum(zf_info.file_size for zf_info in zf.infolist())
# Fill in several fields of the package xml with calculated values.
pkg_xml.set('unzipped_size', '%s' % unzipped_size)
pkg_xml.set('size', '%s' % zipstat.st_size)
pkg_xml.set('checksum', '%s' % md5_hexdigest(zf.filename))
pkg_xml.set('subdir', subdir)
#pkg_xml.set('svn_revision', _svn_revision(zf.filename))
if not pkg_xml.get('url'):
pkg_xml.set('url', url)
# Record the package.
# Find all collections
collections = list(_find_collections(os.path.join(root, 'collections')))
# Check that all UIDs are unique
uids = set()
for item in packages+collections:
if item.get('id') in uids:
raise ValueError('Duplicate UID: %s' % item.get('id'))
# Put it all together
top_elt = ElementTree.Element('nltk_data')
for package in packages: top_elt[0].append(package)
for collection in collections: top_elt[1].append(collection)
return top_elt
def _indent_xml(xml, prefix=''):
Helper for ``build_index()``: Given an XML ``ElementTree``, modify it
(and its descendents) ``text`` and ``tail`` attributes to generate
an indented tree, where each nested element is indented by 2
spaces with respect to its parent.
if len(xml) > 0:
xml.text = (xml.text or '').strip() + '\n' + prefix + ' '
for child in xml:
_indent_xml(child, prefix+' ')
for child in xml[:-1]:
child.tail = (child.tail or '').strip() + '\n' + prefix + ' '
xml[-1].tail = (xml[-1].tail or '').strip() + '\n' + prefix
def _check_package(pkg_xml, zipfilename, zf):
Helper for ``build_index()``: Perform some checks to make sure that
the given package is consistent.
# The filename must patch the id given in the XML file.
uid = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(zipfilename)[1])[0]
if pkg_xml.get('id') != uid:
raise ValueError('package identifier mismatch (%s vs %s)' %
(pkg_xml.get('id'), uid))
# Zip file must expand to a subdir whose name matches uid.
if sum( (name!=uid and not name.startswith(uid+'/'))
for name in zf.namelist() ):
raise ValueError('Zipfile %s.zip does not expand to a single '
'subdirectory %s/' % (uid, uid))
# update for git?
def _svn_revision(filename):
Helper for ``build_index()``: Calculate the subversion revision
number for a given file (by using ``subprocess`` to run ``svn``).
p = subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'status', '-v', filename],
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0 or stderr or not stdout:
raise ValueError('Error determining svn_revision for %s: %s' %
(os.path.split(filename)[1], textwrap.fill(stderr)))
return stdout.split()[2]
def _find_collections(root):
Helper for ``build_index()``: Yield a list of ElementTree.Element
objects, each holding the xml for a single package collection.
packages = []
for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(root):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith('.xml'):
xmlfile = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
yield ElementTree.parse(xmlfile).getroot()
def _find_packages(root):
Helper for ``build_index()``: Yield a list of tuples
``(pkg_xml, zf, subdir)``, where:
- ``pkg_xml`` is an ``ElementTree.Element`` holding the xml for a
- ``zf`` is a ``zipfile.ZipFile`` for the package's contents.
- ``subdir`` is the subdirectory (relative to ``root``) where
the package was found (e.g. 'corpora' or 'grammars').
from nltk.corpus.reader.util import _path_from
# Find all packages.
packages = []
for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(root):
relpath = '/'.join(_path_from(root, dirname))
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith('.xml'):
xmlfilename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
zipfilename = xmlfilename[:-4]+'.zip'
try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError('Error reading file %r!\n%s' %
(zipfilename, e))
try: pkg_xml = ElementTree.parse(xmlfilename).getroot()
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError('Error reading file %r!\n%s' %
(xmlfilename, e))
# Check that the UID matches the filename
uid = os.path.split(xmlfilename[:-4])[1]
if pkg_xml.get('id') != uid:
raise ValueError('package identifier mismatch (%s '
'vs %s)' % (pkg_xml.get('id'), uid))
# Check that the zipfile expands to a subdir whose
# name matches the uid.
if sum( (name!=uid and not name.startswith(uid+'/'))
for name in zf.namelist() ):
raise ValueError('Zipfile %s.zip does not expand to a '
'single subdirectory %s/' % (uid, uid))
yield pkg_xml, zf, relpath
# Don't recurse into svn subdirectories:
try: subdirs.remove('.svn')
except ValueError: pass
# Main:
# There should be a command-line interface
# Aliases
_downloader = Downloader()
download = _downloader.download
[docs]def download_shell():
[docs]def download_gui():
def update():
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="dir",
help="download package to directory DIR", metavar="DIR")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true",
default=False, help="work quietly")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true",
default=False, help="download even if already installed")
parser.add_option("-e", "--exit-on-error", dest="halt_on_error", action="store_true",
default=False, help="exit if an error occurs")
parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="server_index_url",
default=None, help="download server index url")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
downloader = Downloader(server_index_url = options.server_index_url)
if args:
for pkg_id in args:
rv = downloader.download(info_or_id=pkg_id, download_dir=options.dir,
quiet=options.quiet, force=options.force,
if rv==False and options.halt_on_error:
quiet=options.quiet, force=options.force,